The Patriot Post® · Liberals Like That Illegals Clean Toilets So They Don't Have To

By John Washington ·

I am not sure if you have heard about this show on television called “The View,” which is going down hill. Mainly because it is horrible. It is a show where five people, usually four liberals and one conservative, sit at a table and discuss current events and politics. According to those on the show, if you sit at this table and are liberal, your opinion is correct and any conservative view is not. This show should be called “The Liberal View” because, let’s face it, when Whoopi Goldberg is on a show, it is leaning a hard left. The only conservative on there, whoever it is, usually takes a pretty hard attack on why they are not compassionate, loving, caring, and so on. Liberals love to say this because they think they have the moral high road to say this, but they don’t. Despite all of their rhetoric of love, compassion and whatever else they lie about, there are times when a good, line-walking liberal will stick their foot in their mouth. And it is great to see.

Recently, while discussing Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, the issue of immigration came up and Kelly Osbourne stepped deep in it. She decided she was going to make a snide remark about Trump. She asked a question to the panel on who was going to clean Trump’s bathrooms if all the immigrants left the country. It does not take a rocket scientist to know she was talking about illegal Hispanics. When the panel began pushing back on her, she tried to walk her words back. And it was unsuccessful. She looked like a complete and utter fool. The fool that she really is. Knowing that liberals think they are better than conservatives, I am surprised they did not boo her off the stage, throw rotten tomatoes, dead kittens, and burritos at her.

The media will not go after this though. It does not matter that Osbourne basically said that the only good that immigrants are to this country is to clean toilets. That is all they are good for in Osbourne’s eyes, according to her. I wonder if there is anything else she believes immigrants are good for. Maybe cleaning out horse hay stalls? Perhaps scraping animal feces off the bottom of a legal citizen’s shoe? Oh I know what she probably thinks is a good job for an immigrant: scraping off pigeon “leftovers” off of public statues, stairways and railings. These are all places that end up with bodily waste from some mammal, so this may be pretty accurate. I know that Osbourne would agree.

Simply put, Kelly Osbourne makes racist comments. But you will never hear about this from the mainstream media. One reason you will not is that Osbourne is from Britain, so she is not “ours” and the media will not own her. The second reason is that Osbourne is a lackey, a servant and a stooge to the liberal media, even though they will not claim her if it does not fit their agenda.

While Osbourne is making racist statements on television, there will be massive amounts of media coverage on Donald Trump for wanting to deport all of the illegals in this country to make us safer. If you agree with what he says, you are a racist, a bigot, hateful, and mean. You do not need to worry about the crimes being committed by illegal aliens against legal citizens. It does not matter that there are people who are in this country who studied, paid thousands of dollars, learned English, pay taxes and passed a civics test to become a legal citizen. Never mind those who wanted to follow the law and come here the right way. According to Jeb Bush, they are illegally crossing the border out of an act of love. If this is the case, according to Osbourne, these illegal Mexicans must really love scrubbing a toilet, making it shine and having their face in filth all day.

Osbourne is a typical liberal that is ruining this country. She runs her mouth and says what she is really thinking, but she will never have to answer for what was said. Way to go Kelly. How does it feel to actually say what you are thinking? Do you feel “liberated” now? You know the truth will set you free? Of course, you are just another liberal that has millions of dollars. Don’t worry though. The media will protect you because that is what it does. The only people that will see how much of a racist you really are will be those who read conservative websites. At the same time, you probably should be worried because you are an immigrant as well. Let me ask you this: Have you cleaned anyone’s toilets since you’ve been in America, or is that just reserved for immigrants that are south of the border and not from across the pond?

Who or what gives you the moral authority to make comments like this? Is it because you are not a conservative and you feed the agenda? Get off your high horse. You are a joke, really. You died your hair purple, shaved the sides, are on a failing television show and dress like a carnival sideshow act because that is what your life really is: An act. A show. A good laugh. You are an entitled little brat because of all the money you made piggy backing off of your dad. I don’t agree with illegal immigration at all, but at least those illegals cleaning toilets will work hard, even if that means a demeaning job like cleaning toilets, unlike yourself.

And yes, they should go back because they are here illegally.

Before you ask, yes I clean my own toilets. My question is, who cleans yours?