The Patriot Post® · Bernie Sanders Got a Taste of Liberalism

By John Washington ·

Around August 8th, Bernie Sanders was set to speak at a Social Security rally. Instead, two Black Lives Matter activists stole the stage. Literally. They bullied their way onto the stage, took the mic, told Sanders to back off, which he did, and started spouting their rhetoric. The crowd was a predominately white crowd, albeit liberal. You could hear them somewhat supporting this nonsense for a short time, then the tables turned.

Sanders took place at his podium and began this speech, but he was pushed to the side at the event he was asked to speak at in Seattle, Washington, and silenced. Silenced by those who he fought for so their voice could be heard. Sanders’ little liberal pets turned on him. This is his fault. These are the people he created. He was part of a flower child liberal movement in this country and this is how they repay him. Two black females forced their way up onto the stage and literally began screaming in his face and telling him they would shut down the rally if he did not comply. He tried to resist by speaking in a normal tone to them, but eventually he let them take over. When one of the organizers stepped in and began to tell the two left-ing loons they could speak after him, they threatened to shut the event down, as if they really could. He asked them to be “reasonable.” These people? Reasonable? Since when? This guy expected people who think minimum wage does not cost jobs, illegal aliens aren’t responsible for violent deaths in this country, Planned Parenthood isn’t doing anything wrong, drive electric cars, eat organics, wear hemp, and don’t wash their hair so it will knot up into makeshift dreadlocks to be reasonable? No way. They reacted. And it was comical. Pretty much as funny as their electric cars and weird colored hair. Both began to scream in each of his ears at the top of their lungs about how they were being reasonable. If the liberals had drill instructors, this would be them. It was reasonable to have a temper tantrum about how they were being unreasonable. That was reasonable, right?

When was the last time you saw a conservative rush the stage and commandeer it like Cecil the Lion attacking his prey, killing it and gloriously chomping down on the newly massacred meat? What? Too soon? Oh well…

Bernie Sanders has been a longtime champion of the liberal social progressive movement. He is a self-proclaimed socialist. He makes no excuses and does not try to hide his disdain for conservative values. Sanders also walked with Martin Luther King Jr. He has been a longtime champion of civil rights for minorities. My point is this guy’s whole career has been for the hard left movement and the people who adore it. Well, Sanders was betrayed by his own. The people he has fought his whole political career for bullied him, shunned him and made him look weak. And this guy wants to be commander in chief? Comical.

While watching this, I imagined this was probably how the “negotiations” with Iran went. I am sure there was a lot of yelling by Iran and cowering by Kerry, much like the radicals were yelling in the face of Sanders and the organizer, who was wearing a fedora. The liberal outfit staple. Nothing screams craft beer-drinking left-winger more than these ridiculous hats, except maybe a clothing article made of hemp or tie dye.

So in typical liberal fashion, unless it is a conservative, they cower down and let the ring leader of these two lunatics speak. She gets up and starts a diatribe against the city in reference to how racist it is. This is a person who does not care to work hard and beat the stereotype. Instead, she feeds into it. She does not look towards the Ben Carsons of the world. She rather complains about oppression, regression and depression, but does nothing to actually solve the problem and pushes a narrative instead.

This is a prime example of what liberalism really is. It is an ideology driven and perpetuated on rage, discontent, anger, malice and so forth. Liberals must be angry about something. I know it sounds strange, but if liberals are not angry, they are not happy. If they cannot bum-rush a stage, take over and begin a weak, non-factual, emotionally driven rant, then they are truly sad.

Then she starts to cry the racist card. She begins to scream “black lives matter, my life matters.” I don’t disagree with that, but I do disagree with the fact that she screams for equality, when there already has been (see Rosa Parks, MLK, Civil Rights Act of 1964) equality given to black people, making other lives meaningless in her mind. When equality is given, but no steps are taken to make yourself better from the baseline of basic human rights, that is your fault. There is no one else to blame other than yourself. Period. No one has the “right” to be given anything. No one is “owed” anything. If you think you are owed something, then you bought a bill of goods and are a fool like this girl. Once she starts screaming blacks are oppressed by “racist white liberals,” the crowd began to turn on her. I don’t blame them. White liberals feel the need to show they aren’t racist by perpetuating this nonsense. When whites start to do this, it makes me think they actually are racist. The guilty dog barks the loudest, right? What is wrong with saying, “You have equal protection under the law like any other race, but it is up to you to go out and be a productive member of society”? The liberals won’t though. That would be racist to say go earn something.

She began to get pushback from white liberals in the crowd. I don’t blame them. They make a huge deal out of race and feed into the race baiting of Bobble Head Al and Jesse Jackshhhoon. Now they feel betrayed to be called racist. They are shocked by this. They shouldn’t be though.

Bernie Sanders received what he has worked for so long. He got his social progressive maniacs. Liberals, regardless of the color, do not care about anyone other than themselves. This was petulant, moronic and ignorant. I am 100% sure those two who overtook the stage and refused to leave know nothing about what Sanders has done for them and I am sure they don’t care. That is what happens when you just give something to someone.

This is a small insight into how the radical left-wing loons believe and really act.

This is the new America. It is truly sad. However, Bernie Sanders was a hippie flower child in the ‘60s and he got what he wanted — social progressive liberalism.