The Patriot Post® · No, Suzanne Young, Abstinence and Adoption Are Better Than Abortion

By John Washington ·

Well, another day goes by and another liberal cries. Of course, this heartless liberal did not have an outrage about the eighth planned parenthood video. And clearly she did not show any rage or disgust at the first seven pro baby murder videos, either. This time it is in reference to an anti-abortion sticker that was placed on a public school book. Yes, if a public school system actually stands up for the right to life for the unborn, then it is time to take a stand. This is the way disgusting pro-abortionists work. There is no need to get upset about the horrors that have come to light, thank God, at Planned Parenthood. According to this disgusting excuse for a mother and human being, the atrocity here is not what Planned Parenthood actually does by butchering babies and then selling their body parts to make a profit, which has been clearly documented, the problem is a public school took a stand for the sanctity of life, morality, the unborn, and the mothers of the unborn.You, Suzanne Young, are a pathetic human being that supports murder of the defenseless.

Suzanne Young, a writer of young adult novels, which is scary, is a mother of at least one child. One day after school he got into the car with her and told her she needed to see a sticker that students had to put on their science books. This sticker said, "In view of the state’s strong interest in promoting childbirth and adoption over elective abortion, no school district or charter school in this state may allow any presentation during instructional time or furnish any materials to pupils as part of any instruction that does not give preference, encouragement and support to childbirth and adoption as preferred options to elective abortion.“

She went off on a typical fascist Twitter rant. Let me tell you, those liberals really make a good case in 140 characters with cute little pictures. There! That is it! Argument over now! Nothing to see here. Let’s move along. The progressive liberal, who is important in her own twisted mind, said the sticker was "over the line” and made a Twitter stand. How brave of her.

There is no secret that public schools has long been an evolving bastion for liberal indoctrination. This is where the progressives will attack, capture, mind warp and ruin those children that do not have a strong family at home to make sure the trash called public education does not completely ruin them.

In her weak diatribe, Young stated, “I don’t care what your religion is or if you think abstinence education works, that sticker crosses the line for public school.” Let me go ahead and give you a quick reproductive lesson. If two people refrain from sexual relations, then there will be no child. I know that might be really mind-blowing to someone of your liberal progressive prowess. I know that is “old-fashioned” like all you idiots like to say, but it is true. Abstinence is the ultimate form of birth control. What is wrong with the Gilbert Public School System in Arizona teaching your son a form of birth control that will keep him from getting a girl pregnant while in his teens? What is wrong with helping keep your son from catching some incurable STD? For once, the public school system is teaching something that is worthwhile. Yet you think that it “crosses the line.” The public school system crossed the line a long time ago when it started teaching sex education in the fifth grade and want to start teaching it as early as kindergarten. Yet, apparently, you’d rather your son risk catching an STD or getting a girl pregnant. All in the name of progression. What a cool, hip, fun mom you must be.

Young griped to the dumpster fire website known as Buzzfeed. She stated that morality was being taught in public schools. Yes, that is right. That nasty, horrible, prudish concept called morality. Ewwww. Gross. Well, obviously, you are not teaching them to your own children, so someone has to.

You also griped that girls were being isolated before being supplied with information. What information? The information of STDs? The information of abortion? The fact that there are millions of women and hundred of websites dedicated to the emotional downfall an abortion causes a woman? The regret she has for a lifetime from that abortion? Why do you not want a girl to know how much abortion hurts the mother as well? Or is it that 65% of women have PTSD after having an abortion? Why can’t these kids be made aware of that? What did those mothers suffering with PTSD and unborn children with no voice do to you? What gives you the moral authority to tell the school district they can push an act that carries many unfavorable consequences when there is a birth control failure, but not abstinence or adoption?

You let the public school raise your son as long as they do what your progressive, America-ruining agenda is. As soon as someone with some sense that actually cares about the children and the choices they make does some good, you flip out and say they crossed the line. What line? There is a line? I did not think that liberals had lines. Lack of morals shows no lines.

I say that with confidence. You clearly are upset because the school district is teaching your son there are other options like abstinence and adoption. So that makes me think that you don’t value them. You don’t value mental wellbeing. You say, “Well if you get pregnant and don’t want the baby have an abortion.” Do you care about anything other than yourself and the liberal progressive agenda you worship? I doubt it. You are a horrible person to not want your son to find other ways to avoid potentially life-threatening diseases and having a child out of wedlock where there is little to no stability, growing up faster than he was supposed to.

What a failure. How do you justify this? You are supposed to protect your son in the growing years of his life, but instead you get mad because of a sticker that is intended to help him.

The superintendent defended the school's policy and good for her. It is refreshing to see a person in charge of a public school district with some morals and willing to stand up, not back down when confronted. To see a person like this is rare these days.

Let’s hope that she sticks to her guns and more school districts pick this up.

Suzanne, I feel sorry for your son. It is too bad that his mom doesn’t care about his health, mental or physical. You can say you do, but actions speak louder than words.

Superintendent Dr. Christina M. Kisimoto, don’t back down. Please, for the sake of morality and this country, keep doing what you are doing. You clearly care about these kids and want what is best for them, unlike what Suzanne Young can say about raising her own son.