The Patriot Post® · Office Depot, Why Don't You Care About the Unborn?

By John Washington ·

Office Depot has made a stand. A stand for self-righteousness. An indignant stand for the murderous company called Planned Parenthood and being pro-abortion. Thanks to the company policy, which is the bible of Office Depot, there will no longer be mean, rude, caring pro-life jerks going to have hundreds of pro-life prayers and statistics printed and copied on paper at their store. I really need to stress how much of a component this is to the liberals and pro-abortionists that needed Office Depot to take a stand against those vile prayers that are asking God for a moral change to this country that will save the lives of over a million babies this year. Way to take a stand Office Depot. You and those who write your policies are a modern day hero. Too sarcastic?

Recently, a lady named Maria Goldstein ordered 500 copies of a prayer asking for the “conversion of planned parenthood.” She made this flier with statistics that are true and accurate. She was going to hand these out to people at her church in suburban Chicago. Her plan was thwarted by the ever-so-vigilant abortion protectors named Office Depot. Goldstein was going to hand these papers out to like-minded people, but Office Depot could not support that. Wow. Office Depot is so brave. They are truly a champion. A champion of murder.

A spokesperson for Office Depot said it prohibits "the copying of any type of material that advocates any form of racial or religious discrimination or the persecution of certain groups of people. It also prohibits copying any type of copyrighted material.“ How in the world is this racist? But there will be people who do not learn for themselves. They will listen to what their liberal heroes and gods have to say, then repeat talking points. In fact, if anyone is racist here, it is Planned Parenthood. Over the decades Planned Parenthood has targeted racial minorities. Thank Margaret Sanger for that. It appears by not printing the papers that Office Depot actually has a racist policy of supporting Planned Parenthood. If Office Depot cares about minorities, it would push for the removal of Planned Parenthood facilities, since they are normally in high minority communities, but that requires them to learn about minorities. We wouldn’t want them doing that now would we? Furthermore, it stands to reason that Office Depot is also contradicting itself. It claims it does not advocate religious discrimination, yet it is discriminating against a very religious belief. Spokesperson, since when did abortion become a recognized religion? I like how the spokesperson threw in that Office Depot prohibits the copying of copyrighted material. Well I am glad she let us know that. I would have been up several nights wondering about Office Depot making copies of copyrighted items. Nice try at diversion. Anyone with 11 functioning brain cells will realize what you did there. Hey, Office Depot, your spokesperson is as pathetic as your hypocritical policy.

Then the poorly prepared talking head, also known as a spokesperson, said that the flyer advocates the persecution of those who support abortion rights. Really? Where does it say that? Here it is. Show me. Tell me where it says anything that is persecuting. Typical pro-abortion talk. Liberal rule #1: Facts are persecution … and mean.

If you expect to see anything of substance from the mainstream media, forget it. They won’t say a thing about this that does not have some type of lefty slant. If they can’t find the right spin move, they won’t mention it. However, if you refuse to make a cake for a gay couple’s wedding ceremony, you are the biggest piece of bigot scum known to man and the media will make sure you know it. Forget the fact there are other bakers who would gladly take their money. Never mind that the same straight bakers have made cakes for them in the past. They just do not want to support something that they feel religiously convicted about. Forget your religious feelings, you ruthless, bigot, meanie Christians. Your feelings and faith are irrelevant, unless you are in the Church of the EPA and Federal Government. Only that congregation and militaristic homosexuals get what they want.

This is the same scenario in reverse. Now the religious conservatives come to the liberals to have a service rendered and they are told no. So when will we hear the outcry from the media? When will Office Depot be sued and have to shut down because it can’t afford to operate anymore? It will not happen. It will not get the national media attention to this issue. This is the normal liberal media bias that people take as "news” now. I am truly thankful for conservative outlets where the other side of the story can be heard.

I need to be clear. I believe in the right to refuse service as a private business as long as the person is being refused for something that is a choice like religion, unnatural hair color, popping their bubble gum, or their fashion sense getting stuck in a certain era like the ‘70’s, and so on. In this case, Office Depot does have a right to refuse because we chose who or what we are going to believe faith wise. However, Goldstein also has the right to speak out against this company, saying she does not like, or believe what Office Depot did was correct. She also has the right to go to the media and make a story out of this. And those who are pro-life have a choice to boycott the company. Office Depot can choose to comment or decline. Their response was poor and hypocritical. They should have kept their mouth shut.

All Goldstein is asking for is an apology and an admission from Office Depot that it was wrong, but Office Depot is doubling down. That is a stark difference from the tactic of “we are going to get in your face, sue you, and successfully shut down your business” stance the militaristic homosexuals take. Goldstein isn’t looking to destroy anyone’s lives in anyway shape or form. This is a stark difference than those who claim they want “equality.”

Complete destruction of a business and life, or an apology and admission of wrong. Who really loves in this case?

Recently, Office Depot decided it was going to apologize; however, the damage has been done. Prior to the apology, they sent out a spokesperson who doubled down on the decision. I find it hard to believe in the sincerity of the apology, since Office Depot faced a massive backlash, after doubling down. Now, it apologizes… We aren’t fools, Office Depot, and don’t treat us as such.

Those who believe in the sanctity of life and claim to be the voice of the unborn, boycott Office Depot.

Spread the word.