The Patriot Post® · What Kind of Love Is That?

By John Washington ·

I can hear the George Michael CD starting. His music pumps them up before they storm into the Rowan County Court House with a full news crew of cameras and reporters. They are putting on their rainbow colored tube socks, jorts (jean shorts) and #lovewins shirts. The two homosexual men in Kentucky are going after Kim Davis again.

The same two militant homosexual men are once again attacking Kim Davis. Never mind they were able to convince a spineless judge that “the law of the land” was gay marriage, even though no law has been passed by Congress for gay marriage — they were able to get their license while Kim Davis was jailed for her religious beliefs in an elected position.

Now that Kim Davis’ office is handing out marriage licenses to homosexual couples, one would seemingly believe that these two would have gone on their way, leaving Davis alone, and vacation in the Florida Keys, since they got what they want, but that is not how the militant gays work. That would be too reasonable for them. In fact, they have showed back up to Davis’ office demanding more: her name. This is how they operate.

When Davis was put in jail over a law that literally does not exist, the two men received their license from the deputy clerk and went on their way. Now Davis is back in her office and they have goose stepped back in demanding they want more, or she should be thrown back in jail. This is #lovewins. This is how the militant gay community is when they claim love. This is the equality and tolerance they boast about having. Well now that you have your “equality” the government is truly in your bedroom now. Congratulations. You got what you want, but the government’s got you.

So this couple wants Davis’ name on the marriage license. She has been placing “Pursuant to Federal Court Order” on the licenses instead. The actions of these two men are showing what the militant gay community is really about. They are not worried about getting their license. They could have driven to the next county to apply. This has become a war of gay rights versus religious freedom. They are showing this issue is not about getting a license to marry. This is about pushing a homosexual movement under cool little catch phrases like “love”, “equality,” and the almighty hashtag #lovewins. This is an anti-God movement, not a love movement.

Now they are demanding that Davis’ put her name on the license. Here we go. More demands from these two Rainbow Warriors. The license that received was valid, but that isn’t enough. They have to have her name on that license. They are trying to force her into something, as if the homosexual agenda has not been forced on us enough like a Key Largo boardwalk scout squeezing into his favorite pair of jorts.

I find it very interesting that Davis was locked up in jail for a religious belief as a Christian, but the Muslims who refuse service to gays don’t lose their business, or are hassled. This is the blatant attack and hatred for Christians. The Muslims get what they want, but the Christians have to go. That should be thought-provoking. Unfortunately, it isn’t.

If Davis was a Muslim, do you think that this would have garnered this much national attention? Of course not. If you are a Christian who stands by your beliefs, you are a bigot, intolerant, and so forth. Christians are losing their small businesses and freedom for their beliefs over the choice of being a homosexual. There is no science that says homosexuality is genetic. Therefore it’s a choice. If you are a Christian that should terrify you. This is the direction the country is heading. The militant homosexuals don’t care about anyone, but themselves. They don’t really care about equality. They care about moral erosion, not love.

The hypocrisy of the homosexual community should stand out to you like Boehner’s lips for Pelosi’s cheek when the gavel of the House was handed over. The gay community claim all they want is love, but they will ruthlessly beat a preacher simply for not condoning what they do. That doesn’t sound loving. That sounds like some savage action from the Roman gladiator days. Militant.

If it wasn’t for the militant, rainbow flag toting, soldiers driving their Honda Fit to the place of protest, I don’t know what we would do. I mean, it is a good thing they cried and whined about not getting their wedding catered by a pizza restaurant owner, flower shop owner, or bakery owner, who are Christian, effectively shutting the places down. Those mean, hate mongering Christians. Why should the homosexuals have to go to someone else that actually would serve them? Who do those Christians think they are by having religious freedom and the right to refuse service? That is preposterous. Those scoundrels and scalawags. How dare they?! Those pompous religious freedom types.

I will say that I don’t agree with the preachers that stand on a corner and scream in a militant fashion at others through a bull horn saying “God is Love” just because they are enjoying a glass of wine with dinner, going to a concert, or whatever the case may be. Those who don’t like these types of preachers and gripe about them have a valid point.

The militant homosexual community is just as guilty, especially in this case. They went into the court house and started screaming and demanding a marriage license. When they did not get one, they began to call Davis names. At this point, they have no argument against those who oppose them and do the same. This is the left’s common hypocrisy that the media chooses to ignore.

There is a movement through this country that hates Christians. That movement are the in-your-face homosexuals who have no morals or values and want to shove their unnatural acts in your face as if it is normal. This lifestyle is not normal. There is no natural order. You cannot find .00000000001% of natural order with them, but they insist that this is the “new normal,” and if you don’t agree, they begin to attack your faith and in some cases, your person.

There is no love in this community. There is only an agenda to breakdown the fabric of society and that is the making of a normal family that can reproduce. They don’t like that normalcy and wish for it to be gone. It’s devilish.

These two need to move along. They got their license. So what if Kim Davis’ name isn’t on there. Why should it be if it is valid already? They were happy when they got it and she was in jail for her religious beliefs. Now she is out and they don’t like that. Think about it.

What kind of love is that? It isn’t love. It is hate.