The Patriot Post® · Professor Hamermesh, Gun Control Isn't the Answer. Guns Allowed Is.

By John Washington ·

There is no surprise we have seen an increase in gun control diatribe from the anti-gun, Second Amendment-hating folks in the country. We have seen a debate about gun confiscation take over in the media and it is getting old. A direct cause is the shooting that took place at the community college in Oregon by a deranged maniac bent on killing as many Christians as possible. This event has become the latest political fad, politicized by Obama himself, for the gun control fanatics in this country.

Recently, a law was passed that would allow students to carry a concealed firearm at Texas state universities in 2016 and community colleges in 2017. This has sent the brainless gun control freaks into a frenzy. They are angry because their gun free zone heaven will be tainted with mean law-abiding citizens carrying their gun. The gun free zone is supposed to be the place where a sign with a few words on it will make everyone safe and feel warm and fuzzy. Never mind that individual safety is personal responsibility, not the government’s job. Liberals do not like individuals making their own decisions. That includes taking their personal handgun on to a publicly funded university campus. You may pay taxes to that school, as well as tuition, but you can’t take your own handgun to protect yourself is sheer idiocy, especially with the shootings lately.

It is no secret the majority of secondary education institutions are becoming more and more liberal. This has led to the death trap also known as the gun free zone. Of course these are the liberal’s favorite place to be. Gun free zones are a liberal nirvana. By bringing guns onto those campuses, liberals freak out because (other than being a Christian) owning a handgun is the cardinal sin to the liberal.

So when I heard that economics professor Daniel Hamermesh from the University of Texas went on the Communist News Network (CNN) and started to lament this law, I was not surprised. After I read the article and watched the video of the interview, there was absolutely no question as to how idiotic liberal college professors are. He provided arguments against the new legislation that made no sense to the common man. In fact, I think that a jellyfish could dispute this kook’s arguments, and the jellyfish doesn’t even have a brain.

First, he says that students come into his office at times disgruntled about a grade and will “throw a waste bucket around” from time to time. He doesn’t want a student to be allowed to carry a gun on campus and get upset about a grade, then shoot him. Well I hate to be the bearer of reality, but that could happen anyways. He clearly ignores the fact that criminals will carry onto a campus and massacre individuals. That is why were are here today. Isn’t this guy supposed to be a college professor or something? I feel like it is Groundhog Day every time there is an incident like this. These stupid signs, liberal idols and the progressive sanctuaries called gun free zones will not stop someone from taking a handgun on the property and causing mayhem. They never have worked and never will. The only ones that hurt are those who are noble and don’t violate the law, making them the victim.

Secondly, the professor stated he did not want students to carry in his class because there might be a “gunfight at the economic corral.” Isn’t that cute? He said a neat little catch phrase to describe what he thinks would happen if a student was carrying a concealed weapon and a maniac decided to enter the classroom and start shooting. This was his defense when asked about students arguing they should be able to defend themselves. He defended his standpoint with a catch phrase. What a weakling. Stop being a beta male and act like you actually have one tiny inkling of testosterone in your system for a minute. It would do you some good. Trust me.

This is the type of “male” professors we have teaching other males in college now. The pathway to having a loser mentality. They are teaching males who are entering the adult world how to rollover and give up at the first sign on adversity or violence. This is why it is important, if you have a young son, to teach them about being a real man. This is why it is important to establish true manhood in your son and not allow anyone else to mislead, lie or deceive them into thinking what a real man is.

This professor went on to say that “I know I would be a victim.” What? That is what he wants to be? A victim? If he does not actively fight back, he is choosing to be a victim. And he admits it. He also wants your son or daughter to give up and die with no resistance at all. He’s flakier than a box of instant potatoes. And he is teaching the next generation to come out of college. Wonderful…

A third argument this fool made was that students who did not like their grades would come to him, essentially wave their guns in the professor’s face and demand higher grades. Hahahaha. Priceless. Absolutely hilarious. These arguments are thinner than Bill Clinton’s morals. This professor obviously thinks that if students are legally allowed to carry their handgun on campus, then the laws of pointing and presenting a firearm are effectively moot and they will no longer be arrested and charged for the crime of waving a firearm in someone’s face. Professor, one state law does not trump the other.

Look, I agree when someone says there needs to be change. Liberals think change is more laws, bigger gun control signs, and more gun control, which criminals couldn’t care less about. So, those are ineffective and never will work. Conservatives, or anyone with common sense, believe that individual self-protection through being allowed to carry handguns on campus is the answer and they are correct. For decades liberals have pushed for gun control and it hasn’t worked at all. Just look at the mass shootings in gun free zones.

Texas has made a good decision that will enhance safety for the students of universities and colleges. This is the direction we need to move. All I ask is those who carry a firearm get range time, be proficient in target acquisition, be familiar with their weapon, keep it clean so that it will function properly, and be mentally prepared to take a life. Mental preparation is important for quality of life after you win the gunfight.

If you are in a situation where you must act to save yourself and/or fellow citizen, remember steady, aim, breath, squeeze — and neutralize the target. Good job.

Be a sheepdog, not a sheep.

Oh, and professor, just quit. Get in your Prius and go away.