The Patriot Post® · Missouri Students, Grow Up and Get a Job While In College

By John Washington ·

Recently, there has been a somewhat small controversy occurring at the University of Missouri. This really isn’t anything in large. I mean, there are just a few college students who are wanting a college education, if you can really call it that these days. Unlike the millions who have gone before them, worked multiple jobs, and sacrificed much time while in college, they aren’t willing to work to support themselves. These whining, bratty, petulant children want you, me and others who actually pay taxes to fund their college tuition. According to them, they deserve it. It is a right, but they can’t tell you why. You should pay for it, but they really don’t know why.

There is nothing whatsoever in our founding documents that says higher education should be footed by the taxpayers. When one wants to attend a certain college or university, they must be accepted first. That tells me attending that school is not an absolute guarantee. If it is not a guarantee, then it is not a right. It is a privilege. Since it is a privilege to attend a college, then the student must take on personal responsibility to work, get loans, or whatever, so that you can afford to get more education.

I am not that old; however, I can see a huge problem with the young college goers. They are having an increased mentality that personal responsibility is not real. You should not be responsible to pay for more learning past high school, according to these crybabies, because going to college is a God-given right. I may be going on a limb, but these people are fools. They are citizens of Liberal Land, where reality and personal responsibility is a farce to them. These people do not expect to work when they, or if they, get a job. They will expect a paycheck for simply showing up. It reminds me of a George Costanza method of work, only this is a lot less funny. And this is life, not a sitcom.

Keely Mullen says that she will owe approximately $150,000 after she graduates college. The average person owes about $35,000. Now that Mullen has signed up to go to a certain college, and I am sure she knew how much tuition was going to cost, she is allegedly racking up debt. Guess what? She says that is your problem. You should pay for her choice in college. Why should she have to pay? How dare we not coddle her? She is just a young, helpless child who wanted to go to a four year college. It wasn’t her responsibility to look into the approximate amount that it would cost her. No. Not her problem. This is society’s issue. When Mullen was questioned by financial guru Neil Cavuto, she could not logically answer his questions as to how her free school would be provided. The only answer Mullen was able to repeat was to tax the 1% at a higher rate. Cavuto explained that taxing them at 90% wouldn’t support one entitlement program for three years. She could not answer where the college money would come from at that point. She had no substantive response. She only said she didn’t believe that. These foolish “adults” will only believe what they want to believe as long as it benefits their selfish wants.

We are living in a time when entitlements are more important than hard work and sacrifice. Oh and don’t mention the term “hard work.” You will be a racist if you do that because you will sound like you are talking about the days of slavery, according to Melissa Harris-Perry from MSNBC. She feels it is “offensive to slaves.” I hate to ruin Harris-Perry’s chronic babbling, but slavery left when the 13th Amendment arrived. However, it did make a comeback with LBJ’s Great Society, come to think about it. Anyway, according to her idiotic statement, construction workers, landscapers and brick mason work is racist because it is physically hard work.

The problem we have is that progressives want to “improve” the societal landscape by adding more taxes to individuals. These foolish activists don’t think about ten years down the road, when they have moved on from college, but now are supporting some stranger. And for what? It is not our personal responsibility to pay for others. If you choose to be charitable, then fine. That is your choice, not the government making that choice for you.

I am positive these ungracious whiners have not read our founding documents in context. I am fully aware that the Declaration of Independence says we have a right to the pursuit of happiness as long as it doesn’t violate anyone else’s right. This is where the progressives try to say they have a right to happiness. No one has a right to be happy. Only to pursue it. However, I am really not surprised at the twisting and bending of the written document. This is the same thing they do to the Bible. They wish to ignore what the context is, but justify what they want for their own good.

The influx of entitlement programs and lack of a traditional two-parent household is to blame as well. When a married couple splits, there is usually guilt with both parties for what a young child is going through. They should feel guilty because their split caused the turmoil in the child’s life. That being said, the parents will tend to shower gifts on the child and give them what they want. This leads to entitlement. As divorces have increased through the years and children get drug through this confusing time, we are now seeing those children in college. Now, they have real life slapping them in the face and now they “deserve” free college in their “give me, give me, give me” minds. They have grown up in an environment that has molded their brain to expect something free. I am not suggesting this is the case in each split family, but how wrong am I in most cases where the parents care about the feelings of the child and wish to buy them happiness? When college comes around, the parents are financially broke, and the child has to pay. And here we are now.

The problem here is a mentality that is beginning to move through colleges. This is not absolute of every student, but that does not make it any less dangerous to society. Liberalism did not occur overnight. It is a slow, methodical process.

Society needs to do its best to maintain the traditional family. I know it is not easy at times, but it is worth it. I speak from experience. We need to teach our children the importance of hard work (and that term isn’t racist one bit, Melissa Harris-Perry; let go of the past, it’s history) and show them the reward of hard work.

Progressives are worried about feelings. I will tell you the feeling of accomplishment is much sweeter than the feeling of getting an entitlement. That is a feeling progressives should be worried about.