The Patriot Post® · Liberalism Is More of a Danger Than Trump

By John Washington ·

Author’s note: This article is not an endorsement.

Since the inception of The Great Society, we have seen liberalism slowly morph our society into what the Founding Fathers did not intend it to be. Now, in the last three years, we have seen an explosion of extreme left wing, radical progressive liberalism. Once Barack Hussein Obama was elected into his second term, we have seen an epic meltdown in our culture. This is better known as political correctness run amuck. Progressive liberalism is breaking down our country and culture, causing us to burn slowly from the inside, not from ISIS. According to progressive Daily Beast writer and Muslim comedian Dean Obeidallah, Trump is more of a threat to this country than ISIS. However, look at his last name. I am sure he is completely fair and wholly unbiased when he said this. He is progressive. They care about fairness and equality for everyone, even those who disagree, right?

As any good little liberal will do, they want to blame the damages we have seen from progressives getting their way on those who oppose them. They won’t answer direct questions. Simple deflection.

Obeidallah is biased. Look at his name. Of course he will be. If anyone actually believes this guy can post a tweet about psychopaths bent on violently taking over the world all in the name of their “peaceful religion,” without a pro-Muslim agenda, then you have somehow figured out how to successfully defy physics and sit on your own head until there is complete darkness. The medical community calls this condition “cranial to buttock inversion syndrome.” Sadly, there are progressive liberals who have learned how to do this. These mindless nitwits are voting in elections. I’m not throwing my support behind one candidate in this forum, but I don’t believe, and correct me if I am wrong, Trump was the one who committed the San Bernardino terror attacks. Those two were radical ISIS supporters.

 Political correctness is wrecking our culture. People are scared to say anything in fear of persecution, or being called “mean,” “rude,” “racist,” “bigoted,” and the crybaby name calling list continues. When the two San Bernardino attackers were building bombs late at night in their workshop, neighbors noticed, but were afraid to say anything due to political correctness. Here we have a perfect example of how people act in a liberal state and a conservative state. Nothing is said in California and there is a terror attack with over a dozen deaths and dozens more injuries. When Ahmed the Clock Boy brought an item to school that resembled a suitcase bomb, no doubt prodded to do so by his father, who has ties to CAIR, something is said to authorities and we have not seen a massacre there. If the neighbors were not shamed by the all of the political correctness whiners, there would have been a different outcome. Instead, they decide to cower to liberal progressive loudmouths. The radical Islamists rely on liberal progressives to soften American citizens. It worked in France. Why not try while a progressive liberal president is in the White House?

Oh, and Muslims should not be thought of badly, but all Christians are big meanies because they don’t believe in homosexuality. Never mind that Muslims believe the same things as Christians in regards to that lifestyle. Progressives forget to mention Christians simply say homosexuality is a sin, but don't throw them off of rooftops like Muslims do. This is the logic of liberal progressives.

Progressives keep pouting some confound reason for letting refugees in this country, opening the borders and allowing amnesty. These people are too dense to realize that we have less jobs in the Great Obama Depression. That being said, the Obama administration wants to give $1850 in cash and thousands in social benefits to refugees from Islamic countries. Less jobs means less taxpayers, and a population increase in the form of tens of thousands of immigrants getting all these fun “gimme” goodies is an economic problem. Who will pay for these? Eventually, the well will run dry, but it would not be progressively nice to take that into account. Instead, worry about people in Eastern Europe, but not those who are in the country you preside over.

I am sure you have heard Jeh Johnson, the Department of Homeland Security director, claim that there is a vetting process of these immigrants. Eh, not so much. In fact, the new name of the department will soon change to Department of Homeland Non-Security. This will please the progressive liberals, so they will zip around in their Chevy Volts a little bit quicker now. You heard it here first. The Obama administration fears "bad public relations" and “civil liberty” issues with checking the refugees’ public social media. These people aren’t even in this country and Obama thinks they have civil liberties afforded by this country. That is funny. I don’t see him declaring the civil liberties of the homosexuals getting thrown off the rooftops across seas being violated. Or women who are oppressed by Sharia Law having civil liberties. It is amazing exactly how the liberal mindset works. A mixture of empty space between their ears and an attempt at logic that comes from fantasy land. It’s a dangerous combination.

There are approximately 1.3 billion Muslims in the world. Roughly 1% are radical, which equals an estimated 1.3 million. There are an estimated 3 million Muslims in the United States. 51% wish the Constitution was removed and the law of the land is Sharia. This is just fine with the progressive left. If you are not against it, then you are for it. They hate Christians, but say Muslims are OK. If Sharia was the law, their freedom to not even worship any god would be gone. You believe in Allah and an Islamic theocratic government, or die. You can’t tell the progressive liberals this, though. They are “enlightened,” “educated” and so on. Their own arrogance and political correctness will kill them.

However, if you don’t believe their political correctness about radical Islam, then you are racist. Funny, because the last time I checked, being Muslim is a religious choice, not a race. So tell me how you are racist if you don’t like what Muslims have to say. Just sounds like the basic freedom of speech and religion we have in this country. For now…

So, Dean Obeidallah, you may be able to convince idiots that aren’t smart enough to even notice that your last name clearly shows you will have a bias for the people who are committing murder and other horrific crimes, but that’s not accomplishing much. The ones who actually think for themselves and look at what is going on in the world will not believe your propaganda rhetoric. You are a Muslim comedian of Palestinian decent. It must be tough to see a woman leading the Democrat nomination polls as a liberal.