The Patriot Post® · Parents, Take Responsibility for the Children You Create

By John Washington ·

A couple of weeks ago there was a burglary that occurred in Miami, Florida. Surprising, I know. This is another large city, ran by liberal progressives, and it should be a utopia, according to these people. I mean, liberal progressives are in charge. That means that all is well and safe. It is a well-known fact that liberal ran cities are the only cities that sell unicorns like cars, and rainbows are as common as the wind.

Anyway, I digress. A 17-year-old broke into this lady’s house. She was alerted by her security company, so she went home. When an alarm activates, the police are notified and dispatched to the location to investigate. In this case, the home owner was able to get there before officers. This surprises me because liberals tell you the police are everywhere. Regardless, the home owner arrived to check on the alarm. Sure, she should have just stood by to wait on officers to check, but she did not. Was this the wisest decision? No, but it is one she will have to live with the rest of her life. However, that is not the point, but we will get to the point in a moment.

The homeowner went inside her residence. She was carrying a firearm with her. She observed the suspect, Trevon Johnson, climbing out of the window, according to the article. She shot Johnson, killing him. Was this a lawful, moral, or justified shot to take when he is climbing out of the window? That is a totally different topic.

Of course, the family jumped all over the television. They are angry the homeowner shot and killed Johnson. The sister of the suspect, Nautika Harris, got some face time on the local CBS affiliate. She was not angry that Johnson put himself in the position to be shot. Nah. That would be too responsible. Harris was not angry because a lack of parenting or authoritative guidance that sent Johnson down a wayward path. She was not angry the police did not do anything. They gave CPR to the suspect. Harris is angry because Johnson had no money, and should have been allowed to burglarize someone’s home for some.

Here is an excerpt from the interview with Harris: "You have to look at it from every child’s point of view that was raised in the hood. You have to understand… how he gonna get his money to have clothes to go to school? You have to look at it from his point-of-view.“

"How he gonna get his money?” Well there is a question that a child should be able to answer by the time they are six years old, if they have halfway decent parents. The way in which one gets money morally and legally is not a new innovative idea. Unless, you have no parental raising, live and play by the rules of the street, and have no respect for authority. So, if said perimeters apply to a 17-year-old living in a large city, that gives him or her free reign to break into someone’s home, take what they want, violate the victim’s privacy and safety all because they are too lazy to go find a job and make money? Well, if you think that “free pass” applies to you, then a bullet may find a way into your body, and life may cease like it did for Johnson.

“Look at it from his point of view?” What point of view? The point of view that says, “I think I will break into a home, take what I want because I have no money and am too lazy to get a job, so I will do what I want with no consequences.” This is the failing culture we are living in. While it is not always perfect, the traditional two parent home is the best environment for raising children, when the parents are raising the children to have morals, values, respect for others, and common decency. Johnson’s point of view was I am untouchable. I am entitled, and I get what I want. I am sure that was his point of view. That is what the evidence says in this case.

Yes, Johnson was failed by his parents. However, this is not all of their fault. As a person, Johnson has a choice. We have free will, but also personal responsibility. His family refuses to acknowledge the fact that Johnson made the choice and that death is the consequence in this case. Instead, they make excuses for a failure to raise properly. I would not be surprised if they start blaming the government, saying that there were not enough “resources” for Johnson and other children, like these people did. The last time I checked, if you are having children, it is your responsibility to teach them right from wrong, not the government. But, I guess if you think that burglarizing a home, instead of getting a job, is the way to make money, then there is no way they will understand anything I am writing about. Or, take it serious for that matter.

Johnson’s sister goes on to say one of the most absurd things I have read since Hillary said "no one died in Benghazi under her watch.“ Harris said the homeowner should have waited until Johnson "walked out the yard to try to shoot him.” Oh!! Well, that makes much more sense. I get it now. I see what the homeowner should have done. Let Johnson escape and lessen the danger, then shoot at him. Do you see? Johnson is more of a threat when he is outside and away from the house he was burglarizing, not inside it. Wow…I am so enlightened by the one who wants others to sympathize to with her brother the thief. Okay.

What we see on display is the entitlement mentality. We live in a generation that says give me free money, free food, free housing, free phone, free education, free birth control, and free abortions because I was too lazy to use the free birth control you gave me. This give me, give me attitude has mentally killed a portion of society. In this case, it led to the physical death of Johnson. Some say it is “tragic.” I say it is not surprising.

If this culture is going to make it, then those who reproduce need to step up and be parents that teach morals, values and respect for people and property. It is the parent’s job first. Kids make their own choices eventually, but parents need to instill the basics.

The problem was not the gun in this case. It was the poor choice to burglarize someone’s home that led to Johnson’s death. Life is not rocket science. Johnson brought this on himself. He put himself in a dangerous position. That is what anti-police agitators says when an officer is murdered in the line of duty. Guess what? It works both ways.