The Patriot Post® · America's Colleges Are for Indoctrination, Not Education

By John Washington ·

What a shame. I cannot believe that free speech is being exercised on college campuses. Who could really feel that it is okay to use free speech as granted to us in the Bill of Rights? This must be someone who is not progressive and enlightened. This rude person must believe that we are still allowed to say what we what. Nonsense, I say! Nonsense and Tom Foolery. Only liberals have the right to be heard. We know that is how the real world truly is, right?

Recently, there was an incident at Emory University where some unknown person wrote “Trump2016” on the sidewalks in multiple places. Let’s cue the crybaby progressive liberals in 3…2…1. The Bernie Sanders babies came out and began their all too familiar song and dance about micro aggression, hate, meanies, bigots and so forth. A protest of 40-50 students was formed against the sidewalk bandit’s chalk rampage. They were hurt over this. No, I am serious. They were claiming emotional pain. During the protest, the students were claiming to “fight for our freedom.” I understand having personal freedom. Let me make it clear, I believe these protesters have the right and freedom to feel however they would like. However, they do not have the right to be listened to, or cared about. Unfortunately, their college president is pandering them, and only hurting them further.

The most ridiculous part of the charade is claiming they are “in pain.” In pain from what? Did the Trump chalk dust come up and throat punch them? There is nothing painful about reading a name with a number behind it. It is simply a fact. Trump2016 means he is running for president. These people will enter the real world at some point. By having a temper tantrum over this, I can tell you they will not do well in the real world. The politically correct garbage and liberal progressivism these young adults are being fed on a daily basis, not only at Emory, but at colleges nationwide wide is becoming an epidemic.

Now, I understand there are still good men and women who serve this country faithfully in the military and through local public service such as police, fire and EMS. However, what I am starting to see is a group of young adults that have been given a trophy their whole lives for simply participating in something. The real world does not give trophies to everyone who participates. There are winners and there are losers in life. By going to college and learning this principle, they would benefit. Unfortunately, this is not happening. They are being taught if you are upset, disagree or “in pain” scream in the oppositions face until you get what you want. Well, go ahead and scream in your boss’ face because you did not get the desk you want. I guarantee you will learn a real life lesson that your professor in the “What If Harry Potter Is Real?” class did not tell you.

The president of the school has done nothing, but pander to these whiner’s. He could have easily reminded them this is America (for now…good grief), and not everyone agrees with you, but he chose not to do this. Instead, he played into them. He offered emergency grief counseling. This hurts the students. They were not directly insulted by anyone. They have no idea of the race or gender of the person who did this. So what is there to be upset about?

If a Sanders supporter was running around writing “Sanders2016” on the sidewalk, do you think those who are Republican or conservative would run to the president, soaking their shirts with tears, falling down at his feet and begging for counseling because they were “in pain” over what they just saw? Absolutely not. Conservatives understand the importance of free speech for both sides. Moreover, they are mature enough to handle the fact there is someone else who has different political views, and voices them. A conservative is also in touch with reality, unlike liberal progressives.

Alexius Marcano is the president of Young Democrats of Emory, and obviously ethnic. He stated that Emory is “a pretty elite, southern institution…it can be very easy for students to not feel welcome.” What? How? Marcano was accepted into a liberal arts school that is medically heavy and highly selective. How does someone who was accepted into a school that is admittedly “highly selective” not feel welcome? On one hand the school is elite, according to Marcano. On the other hand, it is southern. So it is in the South? What is the big deal? I would really like to hear what Marcano meant by this in his own words because I know that was an intended gut shot to the southern culture. By the way, Marcano, we gave up slavery and integrated a long time ago. And your Democrat Party still practices slavery through government housing and food stamps by vote hunting for the minority vote, and using those entitlement programs as leverage to maintain and gain votes, but that is a topic for another time.

Marcano wanted to ensure the protest was not trying to stifle free speech. He said if any other Republican candidate was written down it would not be a problem. Yeah, right. Maybe if it was Jeb, or Kasich, who advocate amnesty and open borders. If the scribe chose to write Cruz2016 or Paul2016, there would have been the same water works episode, and the oversensitive children would still try to quiet free speech of which they do not agree.

College campuses have become a breeding ground for liberal progressive policy and indoctrination. These impressionable 18-year-old children come to get “higher education” as they call it, but end up with a Bachelors in Liberal Ideologies instead.

I am vehemently against giving every player a trophy. No high school student should be given a brand new car by their parents with no strings attached. School grade standards should not be lowered because the students are not reaching the current grade marks. By the time these kids reach college, they are already forming an entitlement mentality. Thus, we have the Emory College Crybaby team. Their strength is feeling entitled and getting grief counseling because their parents did not tell them no, teach them that losing is a fact of life, or not everyone will agree with you.

The hypersensitive culture on college campuses is getting worse and worse.

It is time to grow up. You are young adults now.