The Patriot Post® · Join – or Die

By Mike Chambers ·

OK, Donald, you win. But will America win?

Early on, I honestly felt Ted Cruz was the best choice in the field of conservatives’ hopes and dreams. But your bluntness, brawl, anger and crudeness mirrored the mood of millions of Republicans (and many crossover Democrats, independents, and some conservatives – including myself), so the Rubicon has been crossed.

I will cross it with you, and I believe the two-thirds of the Republicans who voted against you in the primaries can do so as well — but at a price.

Now that you have “fired” all of your opponents, consider strongly, and quickly, who you will “hire” to face Hillary. You now have the chance to vet and announce a team who can bring republicans to the same field of battle.

My quick picks of a dream team for unification:

For vice president, consider former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee. Not only does he have high personal ratings, he would give political depth as a former governor who fought, and won, against the Clinton machine. One study shows Huckabee would bring in the evangelicals Cruz strove so strongly for, a segment that undeniably remains a bulwark of our nation. They network, labor, are honest, and pray hard. And prayer, regardless of November’s winner, will be needed for the next administration, and beyond.

For secretary of state, consider former Governor Jeb Bush. If Hillary could pull it off (although very badly) on the coat tails of Bill, Jeb would undoubtedly have the ears of world leaders through his own family history.

For secretary of defense, look at former Congressman Allen West. He is a true patriot, soldier, and a no BS person who would match well your own persona. He would be uncompromising to the defense of our nation and its men and women, both active and retired.

For secretary of commerce and/or labor: businesswoman Carly Fiorina. Play the “woman” card against Hillary with a woman who knows how to pull herself up, work hard, excel, and lead — a lesson this nation needs badly — and blast Hillary in the process.

For director of Homeland Security: former Governor Rick Perry. He has political savvy, like you is hard-headed, and being from Texas, would be on the frontline of any “wall-building.”

For attorney general: former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani. Again, hard-headed — but he has also seen evil up close and is a strong advocate for its destruction.

For surgeon general: Ben Carson. He has been on the front lines of the medical world and knows how to not only separate twins at birth, but would be unmatchable in finding compassionate and thoughtful ways of separating us from the horrors of ObamaCare.

For Department of Energy: businessman T. Boone Pickens. He might actually think outside the box, and, as a successful businessman like yourself, eliminate flatulence gas and unneeded spending from the discussion.

Department of Education: Eliminate from the discussion, and most importantly, the classroom. If you must, choose former Governor Chris Christy to phase it down either drastically, or entirely. He won the battle against the education unions in New Jersey, now let him take on the national problem.

I am sure the left would blast all of these choices, despite the diversity — but you like a fight, do you not? And you say you love this nation and want to make it great again, especially for our children and grandchildren, do you not? We all do, but many fearfully believe we are at the tipping point.

And speaking of tipping points, let it be known you would seriously consider Senator Ted Cruz for the open seat on the Supreme Court. As a true constitutional scholar (unlike some who claim the title), Cruz is committed to using that founding document as a map for our future — and God as the compass to follow it — for the good of all Americans of all walks. And, like you, he has provoked the ire of both sides due to his fair and measured approaches to issues of law and fairness. The next justice will influence this nation’s path for 20-30 years.

Finally, by all means, begin blasting Hillary — you have a “target-rich environment,” and she has much to answer for, from serving on the Nixon impeachment committee where she was fired to Benghazi where she lied and Americans died, to the literally dozens of issues in between, and now, in cyberspace.

But first, and most importantly, remember Benjamin Franklin’s 1754 cartoon of the cut up snake that warned colonists fighting the tyranny of England — we must “join…or die.”