The Patriot Post® · Church and State

By Tom Davis ·

Why is there so much discussion, dissension and rancor over the very obvious character of The United States Constitution? We seem to have forgotten who and what we are.

We are the descendants of our Pilgrim/Puritan founders. They were all Protestants possessed of a very secure faith in God. So much so that the constitution of each of the thirteen original colonies required an oath by every state official similar to the following. For example, from the Vermont State constitution, “I do believe in one God, the creator and governor of the universe, the rewarder of the good and punisher of the wicked, and I do acknowledge the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be given by divine inspiration, and own and profess the Protestant religion.” From America’s Christian Beginnings, by Inez Comparet, taken from Your Heritage:

America was founded on Christianity. Christianity is founded in the sacred scriptures of the Holy Bible including the Old Testament from which we derive the Jewish portion of our Judeo-Christian ethos. All our founding fathers were believers in God and were of one mind that the state should never have the power to ordain any religion as the state religion. The United States Constitution, in the First Amendment states without equivocation, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free expression thereof…

The constitution makes no reference to atheism. It was simply unthinkable and therefore not considered. All citizens are free to choose their own religion or to choose none at all. It is patently clear to good Americans that our several governments are bound to give God his due, proclaim His authority and thank Him for his Divine Providence.

The doctrine of Political Correctness has become so pervasive in America that God has been pushed to the rear of the bus. America will be far better off when we abandon PC and concern ourselves with Church and State rather than Church versus State.

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