The Patriot Post® · Whatever It Is; It's Too Much

By Tom Davis ·

The following quote appeared a couple of days ago. After I read it and gave it some thought, it dawned on me that some organization was paying this idiot to spew his vitriol which is all he has to keep him going. Here is the quote:

Race bait: “I think older Americans, older white people still have a problem with this guy [Obama]. … And I think that’s a generalization and I’ll stick with it. I think younger people do not see race as an obstacle. I don’t think – I think, they’re much more non-judgmental. In fact, about ethnicity, they just say that’s not relevant. In fact, they say it’s irrelevant and don’t even notice it, whereas older people notice it all the time.” – MSNBC’s Chris Matthews

Does it take any brain power to think up this muck? I am one of the “older white people” he castigates for having a problem with Obama. Of course, he slants it and says it is a racial thing. ‘Tain’t so sonny; our problems with the interloper are many and none are about his mixed racial credentials.

Personally, I take pride in the fact that I figured him out very quickly and so did most of the other older white Americans. His characterization of “this great country of ours” followed by an invitation to “help me change it” was crass stupidity aided and abetted by smug quasi idiots like Matthews, Olbermann, Couric and others in the wildly off the mark MSN.

Even though I did not and would not vote for smoke and mirrors, I wrote Mr. Obama a nice letter and wished him Godspeed in getting America back on track after Mr. Bush and his administration started us down the road to bankruptcy with the deliberate cooperation of the Democratic Congress.

Matthews obviously suffers from an inability to get his musings (not thoughts) in order. He says “I don’t think – I think (sign of a muddled mind).” Then he plays the race card. The race thing is the wedge the Democratic Socialist Progressives utilize in their attempts to discredit those of us who really do not give a rat’s ass about a person’s skin color. We, the Christian (and Jewish) Constitutional Conservatives are much more concerned with character than with color, with ideas rather than illusion and with love of country rather than racial divisions.

Chrissy boy, wise up. You are not some chosen mouth entitled to belittle those of us of superior intellect. In my youth, we used to take the wanna be bullies down behind the lumber yard and slap the snot out of them until they saw the error of their ways. For the stubborn hardheads, it may have taken a second lesson.

If you want to use the race card, apply it where it gets results. The black and Latino high school dropouts who turn to illegitimate enterprises, who impregnate 15 and 16 year old girls who have no strong parental guidance. Or, better yet, raise hell about the Charley Rangels who set such a bad example and have the chutzpah to plead ignorance.

Sonny, a fair amount of honest introspection, if you have half a brain, will help you mend the error of your ways. You might just be able to become a force for good, not at the level of Ann Coulter, Charles Krauthammer, Mark Alexander, Brigitte Gabriel, or Dennis Prager. You could improve with a little effort. Start digging yourself out of your hole before one of us old white guys takes you out behind the lumber yard.

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