The Patriot Post® · I Do Not Remember Obama's Coronation

By Tom Davis ·

I remember it all too well, Election Day, November 4, 2008. All the candidates were in agreement on one item; the economy was in shambles. Catastrophe lay just ahead. The conservatives had a remarkably poised Vice Presidential candidate attempting to carry a nice man, a Vietnam Hero, to victory.

The liberals, they call themselves Democrats, had winnowed their extensive field of liars, cheats, unknowns and adulterers down to one imposter totally unknown save for his autobiography and a lackluster period as one of the Senators from Illinois. This Narcissus from the South side of Chicago made a point of extolling the virtues of America, but offered to change everything.

This hustler with absolutely no verifiable credentials, no evidence of any classmates who remembered him, no dust on his shoes from hard labor or military service, literally talked his way to the presidency. He could remember little unless it was on his teleprompter.

He brought much of his Chicago baggage along into the White House; one Rahm Emanuel whose real claim to fame was a quote, “Never let a crisis go to waste.” The impossible had happened; a half-black man was our President. Americans being the perpetual optimists said, “We’ll see,” and not surprisingly we, for the most part, wished him well, yours truly included though I was and am put off by Mr. Obama’s arrogant narcissism; that posed, nose in the air posture is maddening. Humility is not within him.

Obama, during his campaign and his debates with Madam Clinton, the tainted profligate Edwards and others continually waffled on his stated positions. Prevarication has become a tool for Obama. He lies and soon after says, “What I meant was…”

When did Obama become the monarch? It was not just one act which he leveraged into his monarchy. He, in the name of HIS administration, took financial control of General Motors and Chrysler at which time he told three Michigan politicos, Senator Carl Levin, Levin’s brother Sander and Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow, “he planned to put administration staff into the Detroit companies.” His plan was to make “green” vehicles to reduce the use of petroleum products. This in turn would lead to the necessity for further oil discovery and drilling.

In March, 2009 Obama signed an order to put 2.5 Million acres of forest land under ‘Wilderness protection’ which according to the Heritage Foundation “will prevent us from accessing an estimated 300 million barrels of oil and 8.8 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.

These actions coupled with Obama’s unilateral action to cease drilling in costal waters after the latest Gulf Oil Spill, his orders to Kan Salazar, Secretary of the Department of the Interior to issue no more permits to drill are acts of a Dictator or a despotic monarch.

We, the people of America, have dominion over vast resources, including petroleum and natural gas. Some is readily assessable leaving a discernible footprint on the environment. The first site is located in the ANWR on the north Costal Plain of Alaska. The overzealous and under informed environmentalists become incensed when anyone even suggests intrusion into their precious preserves. As a matter of fact, ANWR consists of some 19 Million Acres, of which only 2000 acres located on the Northern Costal Plain and barren of forage contains from 5.7 and 16 Billion Barrels of recoverable petroleum.

The only animal about which the froth-at-the mouth environmentalists complain is the Porcupine Caribou herd. This herd does NOT winter on the North Slope; there is no food and no shelter. They are intelligent enough to stay on the South Side of the slope.

To give you an idea of the size of the ANWR, make a fist of your right hand, hold it out in front of your face. That is the size of the entire preserve. Look at the tip of the knuckle of the little finger. That is the entire North Slope area inside the preserve. Now if you can see just one hair follicle, which is the site where all the petroleum activity would take place, that represents a shade over 2000 acres. (INFO:

It is long past time to get that oil and bring our gasoline prices down. Come 2012, we can vote the Faux King out of office.

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