Rapist identifies as trans woman, gets sent to women’s prison. Guess what happens next?


We have reached peak absurdity in the transgender movement denying biological reality. The Daily Mail reported last week that a male rapist, pedophile, and convicted sex offender “whose previous offences had been committed when [he] was a man” began identifying as a woman. Therefore, he was sent to a women-only prison, where he went on to sexually assault four female inmates.

The Daily Mail reports, “The case could lead to a review of the rules for dealing with transgender inmates in the prison system.” Clearly, common sense isn’t prevailing.

The sexual assault of the female inmates was 100 percent preventable, and also 100 percent foreseeable when a biologically male rapist who attacks women is put into an all-female prison. Seriously, what did they think was going to happen?

But this kind of thing is simply the logical progression of the absurdity and falsity that is allowing someone to “identify” as something or someone they are in fact not, and the government forcing society to “accommodate” their irrational assertion.

Why not allow this guy to “identify” as not guilty and forego the prison sentence altogether? While we’re making up our own reality, why not allow him to “identify” as the Queen of England?

But of course he would never be “accommodated” by the British government and ushered into Buckingham Palace with a cheeky parade, so we do have some rational limits on this identity crisis. It’s curious why society is allowing only gender and sex specifically to not match with reality. For most other things in life, our civil society still requires us to be truthful and based in fact.

So why is it just gender and sex that can be make-believe and entirely fictional?

The sexual revolution’s agenda is a broad-scale attack on the physical family structure (including marriage) and the integrity of our physical bodies. Progressive leftists have undermined the authority of God and the church and they seek to undermine the family unit and also one’s own individual identity as a human being made in the image of God.

Genesis 1:27 says, “So God created human beings in His own image. In the image of God He created them; male and female he created them.” When we disclaim and discredit the reality of who God made us, we degrade and debase our physical bodies instead of having a high view of who we are made to be as humans.

We don’t even need to believe in God to see the empirical truth of the physical reality of male bodies versus female bodies. Nancy Pearcey’s new book Love Thy Body presents an excellent, in-depth analysis and commentary why the transgender and LGBT agenda as a whole is not a high view of humanity and how we should consider our physical bodies with a high, respectful view.

But when we subvert and pervert our bodies, our sexuality, others’ bodies (through promiscuous sex and abortion), through fictitious use of “preferred pronouns,” and the natural design for our bodies, we reject wholly and unrealistically the truth of our biological reality.

It’s fascinating that the only place in Scripture where a sole person refers to himself as “they” is when he is demon-possessed. In Mark 5:9, Jesus asks a man his name and the man replies, “My name is Legion, for we are many.”

This kind of denial of biological reality carries a certain dark and evil that has now, in at least one instance, been foisted upon four women in the form of a male rapist allowed to prowl among them because the government was more concerned about “sensitivity” to the male rapist identifying as a woman than it was concerned with physically protecting the actual female inmates.

When will the madness stop?

Jenna Ellis (@jennaellisJDFI) is a contributor to the Washington Examiner‘s Beltway Confidential blog. She is director of public policy at the James Dobson Family Institute. She is a constitutional law attorney, radio host, and the author of The Legal Basis for a Moral Constitution. She can be reached at [email protected].

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