The Patriot Post® · Joe Biden and Maxwell Smart

By Guest Commentary ·

By Peter Lemiska

Anyone old enough to remember the classic “Get Smart” TV series has to remember one particular gag often used by that bumbling secret agent, Maxwell Smart. Caught in another one of his many precarious predicaments, he’d try to distract and disarm his adversaries by throwing out some incredible lie about his imminent rescue, closing the ruse by adding, “Would you believe it?” When he realized it wasn’t working, he’d try adjusting the story a bit. “Would you believe…?” With Don Adams’s comic genius, the bit worked perfectly, and it popped up periodically throughout the series.

It seems that Democrats picked up a thing or two from Maxwell Smart. Just a few weeks ago, while honest news outlets were broadcasting endless scenes of mass migration and utter chaos on our southern border, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Alejandro Mayorkas, and White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre were confidently proclaiming that our border is secure. In fact, all the Democrats went along with that storyline.

But millions of new inhabitants are hard to hide, and when they started overflowing into sanctuary cities like New York and Chicago, Democrat mayors began to take notice. Eric Adams complained that the border crisis “will destroy New York City.” That’s when the Democrat lie began to unravel. The Biden administration needed to modify the story. Like the ever-resourceful Maxwell Smart, they quickly adjusted their narrative. “If you don’t believe the border is secure, would you believe Republicans caused the border chaos?” No? How about this? “Republicans are making the chaos much worse by talking about it so much.” Or their latest claim: “Republicans are politicizing the border crisis.”

The essence of their argument goes something like this: “Rest assured that the border is secure; but if it’s not, don’t blame us.” Loyal Democrats might agree with that kind of blather, but rational Americans aren’t buying it.

Most Americans recognize it as a desperate and pathetic attempt by this administration to deflect responsibility for the disaster it created with the help of Democrat lawmakers. It’s not a new tactic. It’s how they deal with all their policy follies, whether it’s the border fiasco, inflation, or the anarchy now spreading across our country.

While most of us like to think that facts are facts and the truth is the truth, politicians have developed a reputation for distorting both. They euphemistically call it spin. But, unchallenged by their allies in the news media, the lies coming from this administration have grown to epic proportion — so brazen, so outlandish that only committed Democrats continue to nod in agreement. They insult the intelligence of clear-thinking Americans.

Maybe it’s one reason that Biden finds himself 10 points behind Trump in a recent Washington Post-ABC News poll.

As far as the border is concerned, CBP statistics tell the simple, unvarnished truth. Encounters at the border skyrocketed after Joe Biden took office. During the year 2020, they were at a manageable 405,036. In 2021, during Biden’s first year in office, they quadrupled to 1,662,167. According to some estimates, more than eight million foreign citizens have entered the country illegally since Biden took office. The good news for the administration, though, is that Kamala Harris can finally end her quest for the root cause of illegal immigration. It all begins with Biden’s policies.

Joe Biden was entrusted by the voters to enforce American laws and protect its citizens. For whatever reason, he and his administration have shown utter contempt for the safety and security of American citizens by eviscerating our sovereignty and inviting into our homeland millions of unscreened, unidentified foreign citizens, mostly from third-world countries. While border towns have been suffering for years under the crush, cities like New York are only now beginning to feel the impact.

Like characters in a situation comedy, Biden and his administration will say anything to get themselves out of a jam. But there’s nothing funny about their lies. They’re killing Americans and destroying the entire country — not just New York City.