The Patriot Post® · Remember Pearl Harbor

By Gary Bauer ·

Eighty-two years ago yesterday, Americans woke up to the shocking news of a surprise attack on our Navy at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. As storm clouds gathered in Europe and Asia, Americans in the 1930s wanted to avoid the problems of the world. But the enemy rarely gives you a vote, and Pearl Harbor gave us no choice.

In every city and town, men like my father, Stanley “Spike” Bauer, ran to enlistment centers. It would be months before we won a battle in the South Pacific, where my father fought as part of the First Marine Corps Division. But we ultimately prevailed, defeating the Japanese warlords and Hitler’s Germany.

Could we win a war like that against our major adversaries today? Could we defeat communist China or the Islamic Republic of Iran? While our military is certainly much more powerful, our nation is much weaker in many ways.

Yes, America had problems when World War II began. We had greater poverty, and we had a lot of progress to make on civil rights.

But Americans believed we were an exceptional nation, a blessed nation. The country then overwhelmingly believed in the God of the Bible. There was a consensus on reliable standards of right and wrong.

Today, we’re divided over our Pledge of Allegiance and our national anthem. Our children are indoctrinated to believe that our country is evil and that it was founded on slavery and genocide.

As a result, America’s youth don’t have the same sense that this is a special country worth defending. Many don’t love America, and some even side with Hamas and Osama Bin Laden!

It’s no surprise at all that the military is struggling to meet recruiting goals.

But every generation is called upon to sacrifice for the preservation of freedom. On December 6, 1941, few Americans appreciated the dangers they were facing. On September 10, 2001, few Americans had any idea what horror was about to be unleashed. I fear we are facing a similar situation now.

Surely our enemies are watching and realize just how divided we are. In fact, it is increasingly difficult to tell the difference between foreign enemy propaganda and the talking points of the neo-Marxist left!

Millions of brave American soldiers who have passed away are watching to see whether we can muster the courage to save this great country, just as they did more than 80 years ago.

Biden’s Border Crisis

Illegal border crossings set a new record Tuesday when at least 12,000 illegal aliens walked into our country. Those are just the ones we know about. Even worse, Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) suggested that as many as 5,000 more may have totally escaped detection that same day.

Jeh Johnson, Barack Obama’s secretary of Homeland Security, once said that 1,000 illegal crossings was a bad day for him and that 4,000 a day was a “crisis.” We’re well beyond that “crisis level.”

At this point, if every enemy of the United States decided to put 5,000 or 10,000 of their most elite fighters in civilian clothes and send them across the border, I have no idea what, if anything, would be done to stop them. And why wouldn’t our enemies do that?

Since Joe Biden took office, there has been a 7,000% increase in the number of Chinese nationals crossing our border. China expert Gordon Chang warns that communist China intends to fight the next war on American soil, and that “Our neighborhoods will be the battlegrounds.”

Every day we’re being told that the world is much more dangerous now, that we need to be more serious, and Donald Trump doesn’t understand foreign policy.

Well, Joe Biden is letting 17,000 people a day cross our border. That’s insane!

Congressional Republicans must continue to demand serious changes at our border before they give another dime to secure the borders of Ukraine!

White House Revolt

President Biden’s public support for Israel in the aftermath of the October 7th massacre by Hamas continues to cause serious internal divisions within his administration. This time, he’s facing a revolt among the White House interns.

As you might expect, a White House internship is a highly sought after appointment for many college students and young adults, offering them an extremely rare opportunity to interact with the nation’s top policymakers. And this current lot, evidently, thinks very highly of themselves.

More than 40 of them — presumably all foreign policy experts in the making — wrote an anonymous letter (what courage!) strenuously objecting to Biden’s support for Israel and demanding that he reverse his position. Never mind the fact that Biden is doing everything he can to restrain Israel. It’s not enough for these young appeasers.

Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) put these snowflakes in their place, as only he can. Offering one of the best, and only partly sarcastic, descriptions of the future voters being produced by our indoctrination centers, formerly known as colleges and universities, Kennedy said:

“We now know that many of our young people believe in diversity, equity, inclusion and the right to kill Jews. And they don’t see the inconsistency of that… I would call all of my interns in and tell them I’m sorry they’re upset — they should go buy an emotional-support pony, but they’re fired.”

Joe Biden, as bad as he is, represents the dying Democrat Party. The White House interns are the rising Democrat Party. They dream of someday working for a “President Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,” and they’re already demanding her foreign policy.

And pollsters consistently warn us that they have the lowest levels of pride in America in history, precisely because of the anti-American history and neo-Marxist nonsense they are being taught in school.

GOP Debate

Wednesday night’s debate got very heated at times, but I don’t believe anything happened that is likely to alter the outcome of the race. That said, we did learn something useful: Neither Nikki Haley nor Chris Christie are willing to stand up against the radical left and fight the culture war.

I can certainly see why the globalist donor-wing of the GOP and even some Democrats are backing Haley. It’s not just her support for amnesty. She showed again Wednesday night that she’s not even willing to resist the demands of the radical transgender movement that is mutilating and sterilizing children.

And Christie must think conservatives are idiots to suggest that if we support parental rights then we must allow children to have radical transgender surgeries. His response had me seething, and clearly the audience was, too.

When Gov. Ron DeSantis replied that parents don’t have a right to abuse their children, the audience roared its approval!

Speaking Of The Culture War…

You may not recognize the name Dan Savage, but I do. He is a homosexual fanatic who infiltrated my presidential campaign office in Iowa in 2000. He was sick at the time and went through the office one night licking and spitting on virtually everything he could find to infect the volunteers and staff.

It Gets Better, a group Savage founded, recently tried to give a $10,000 grant to set up so-called “safe rooms” for LGBTQ students in the Lynchburg, Virginia, schools. The school board rejected the proposal from this radical activist group.

Well, the Washington Post got ahold of the story, and now the school board members are getting death threats because they kept a crazy, left-wing activist group out of their schools. The Post couldn’t care less about what it has done to these school board members, who now fear for their safety and the safety of their families.

This barrage of demonizing, hateful rhetoric from Joe Biden and his media allies claiming that conservative Christians are a danger to America and worse than al Qaeda is being combined with the constant drumbeat that “Trump is Hitler.”

All of this will predictably result in an attempt on Trump’s life or Speaker Mike Johnson’s life. And I will be so bold as to say that is precisely the purpose of the left’s hyperbolic rhetoric. They would like Trump to die in prison, but they are perfectly willing for him to die in other ways.

Happy Chanukah

Carol and I extend our warmest wishes to all our Jewish friends and supporters. As an evangelical Christian, I have tremendous respect and admiration for the Jewish faith and the state of Israel.

As the celebration of the miracle of lights begins, I promise to continue fighting against the darkness of anti-Semitism and working for the safety and security of America’s friend and ally, Israel.