The Patriot Post® · Weaponizing the Law

By Gary Bauer ·

I was outraged as news broke that six more pro-life activists were convicted in Tennessee for violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act. These peaceful protesters are now facing the possibility of crushing fines and 11 years in jail.
That federal law is meant to protect both crisis pregnancy centers and abortion centers. But the radically pro-abortion Biden administration has weaponized the law against peaceful pro-life activists.
Thousands of people were here in Washington, D.C., for the annual March For Life a few weeks ago.  They are wonderful, decent people.  But under this president, they are seen as criminals who must be severely dealt with.
Make no mistake about what is happening: This is an effort to intimidate half the country into not exercising our freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and religious freedom.
Not everyone cares deeply about the life issue. But you should care deeply about what is happening to these pro-life activists.
They are doing what civil rights activists did throughout the South in the 1960s. They were called “sit-ins.” They were non-violent. That’s what these pro-life activists are doing.
In the Tennessee case, these peaceful pro-life activists sat down in a hallway, sang hymns and prayed. And for that, Joe Biden wants to send them to jail and ruin them financially.
When the FACE Act was passed in 1994, one of the main arguments was that some people were attempting to deny others their “constitutional right” to abortion. But the Supreme Court has said what we knew all along — that there is no right to abortion in the Constitution. So, the whole basis for the FACE Act has disappeared.
I believed the law was unconstitutional in 1994, and I am convinced it is unconstitutional now — especially given how the Biden administration is weaponizing the law.
Christians are rotting in jail, and millions more are being intimidated, so they do not dare push back against the left-wing legal regime in America and the tyrants who run it.
Wake up! Or one day soon, we will wake up in a police state.
Biden’s Border Lies

As President Biden was leaving the White House Tuesday, he took a few questions from reporters. One asked Biden if had done everything he could through executive authority to secure the border.
It was an unusual exchange because Biden spoke with strength and in complete sentences. Mostly. He said:
“I’ve done all I can do. Just give me the power. I’ve asked from the very day I got into office. Give me the Border Patrol. Give me the people — give me the people, the judges. Give me the people who can stop this and make it work right.”
His statement was parsed and perfectly articulated — with one little problem. Literally every word he yelled with such conviction and passion was a complete lie. Not one syllable reflected reality.
He has not done all he can through executive authority to fix the border.
He did not act on Day One to fix the border. He did the exact opposite.
He promised throughout his campaign to open the border, and he fulfilled that promise on Day One by repealing the executive orders Donald Trump issued to secure the border.
On his first day in office, Joe Biden stopped construction of the border wall.
He doesn’t want more Border Patrol agents to stop the influx of illegal aliens. He wants more Border Patrol agents to more quickly process millions of illegal aliens.
You have to tip your hat. Even in his current physical and mental state, this man has the ability to lie with passion if you dare to question him. The reason he can do it so effectively is because he’s done it his entire political career. It is part of who he is.
Biden lives on the “big lie.” He is most comfortable interacting with people when he is sure of the lie he wants to tell, and he will do it no matter how much it harms the country.
Brace yourself.  His campaign is going to be a blizzard of lies.
And the American media, which is no longer a free press committed to actual journalism, almost universally refuses to correct his lies. In fact, they are much more likely to amplify them.
Outrage Of The Day
Surveillance video from New York City shows two police officers initially attempting to break up a crowd of migrants. Rather than complying, the migrants physically resisted. As the officers wrestled one of the migrants to the ground, they were attacked by the rest of the mob, who were trying to prevent the arrest.
These “asylum seekers” were eventually caught. One already has two previous arrests for assault and robbery. Predictably, they were all released without posting bail.
There are reports of similar incidents at migrant centers all over the country. Remember this the next time you hear some progressive do-gooder or even some religious leader saying these migrants are just good people seeking a better life for their children.
That may be true for many of them. Given the millions of illegal aliens Joe Biden has allowed into the country, I certainly hope that is true. (By the way, the fact that so many people are so eager to come to America totally shatters the neo-Marxist claim that America is a horribly racist country.)
But there is also plenty of evidence (here and here) that among the countless single men illegally entering America, there are lots of people who are threats to our security.
If Donald Trump wins the White House this November, he has promised to follow the “Eisenhower model.” After an incredible influx of illegal aliens, Dwight Eisenhower said, “Enough!” and deported as many as 1.3 million illegal aliens.
Here’s an easy prediction. When Trump tries to do that, you will see mass protests trying to stop him from getting these people out of OUR country. This is what Nikki Haley calls “drama” and says people are tired of it.
Well, we will be unable to get our country back, Nikki, unless there is a whole lot of drama.
A Year Later
The White House announced yesterday that President Joe Biden will visit East Palestine next month. (I hope he realizes he’s going to East Palestine, Ohio, and not the West Bank.) By the time Biden arrives, it will have been a year since the toxic train derailment forced many of East Palestine’s residents to evacuate.
Some may say, “Better late than never.” No, I don’t think so.
When the working-class people of that town needed the president the most, he was nowhere to be seen. The only major political figures who showed up for them were populist conservatives Donald Trump and Sen. J. D. Vance.
The people of East Palestine are no different than the people of the other 2,500 counties that Trump won. But he was there to help just days after the horrible accident.
Joe Biden couldn’t be bothered. No one on the left cares about the people of East Palestine unless they can be politically exploited. They don’t even try to hide it. They’re “bitter clingers,” “deplorable,” “homophobes” and “xenophobes.”
The neo-Marxist left has a real problem with Middle America.
It wasn’t a great surprise when the United Auto Workers (UAW) endorsed Joe Biden. But it was surprising when UAW President Shawn Fain later admitted that “A great majority of our members will not vote for President Biden.”
By the way, I expect the worst thing that may happen to Biden when he finally shows up in East Palestine is that there might be a few hecklers or very little interest in his visit because these are decent people.
It’s when a conservative tries to go to a college campus or some other progressive area that you need a small army of security because the conservative speaker is likely to be attacked by intolerant leftists.
Republicans, Rumors & Russia
Establishment Republicans are growing increasingly nervous that the secret border security deal they are trying to negotiate with Chuck Schumer and the Biden White House may fall apart before there’s even a vote.
They are offering several explanations for the mounting opposition, but the one that takes the cake is — wait for it — Russia.
Senator Mike Rounds of South Dakota said, “I suspect that a lot of the internet rumors are very well coming from overseas, where they would love to see this shut down because some people would rather not see funding for Ukraine.”
When Republicans start parroting the left’s talking points (Russia! Russia! Russia!) that’s an indication they need to go.
The idea that grassroots conservatives need to be prodded by Russian propaganda to oppose another secret Senate immigration deal is absurd and insulting!  Every such deal in the past was a betrayal, and the American people remember.