The Patriot Post® · 'Institutions Have Become Ideologically Captured'

By The Washington Stand ·

By Sarah Holliday

School used to be a place parents considered safe for their children. It was a place where kids could make friends, learn, and slowly develop into young adults who would then contribute to society. But with each passing year, concerns are growing that schools are failing in what they were designed to do. On the other hand, schools are increasingly successful in indoctrinating children with woke ideology.

It goes without saying that no future society will benefit from a child who was taught in academic institutions that gender is a social construct. And yet, that’s what’s taking place. “[O]ur institutions have become ideologically captured,” said Vernadette Broyles, president and general counsel of the Child and Parental Rights Campaign, on “Washington Watch” last week. In light of this reality, she added, now is the time to speak up. “[T]he church has no choice [but] to stand in the gap, to uphold biological truth, and to stand with parents that are otherwise sitting ducks for the wolves,” she said.

Jody Hice, guest host of “Washington Watch,” added, “It’s biblical truth. It’s scientific truth. It is just obvious. There are two genders. There’s male and female. And now all of this confusion is just unbelievable.”

I doubt many predicted that the basic biology of male and female was something we would have to clarify for adults. But now the insanity has gone to unimaginable lengths — especially with those forcing the confusion on children. Too many schools have chosen to hide from parents if a student wants to go by a different name or pronouns other than their biological sex. And, unfortunately, this ideology and obstruction of parental rights is “spreading like wildfire,” Hice stated.

Why is gender ideology spreading so quickly? Broyles contends that a main source is social media. The “poison that came from social media” then further spreads through “the venous” public school system, she says. “[What] tens of thousands of schools are now teaching our children is that they can be born in the wrong body.” And in addition to deceiving the children, schools are deceiving the parents by concealing what’s happening with their kids. “This is reprehensible,” Broyles emphasized.

Ultimately, Hice asked, “[W]hat do we do about this? How do we stand in the gap for these children, for these parents? How do we make a difference?”

Broyles responded that “it starts with a fundamental message” for pastors and spiritual leaders to “wake up.” She added, “There has been a decree of death issued against that which you hold dear … which is truth itself. Biological and biblical truth itself. It is what’s at stake.”

If those who know the truth stay silent, both biological and biblical truth are no longer reaching a world that needs to hear reason. Additionally, the silence hurts those who become victims of it. As Broyles stated, “[W]hen [people] go down this path, they mutilate their bodies, they become sterilized by the treatments that they’re given, and their mental health absolutely descends. And they very often turn away from God.” But if that is not shocking enough, she persisted, “[U]nderstand that … every other institution is captured.”

And for those pushing this woke narrative, “The goal is to force anyone or any entity that does not believe this ideology to be martyred, marginalized, silenced, and punished in one way or the other,” Broyles said. The LGBT agenda directly targets those who submit to the Word of God, but the “goal is to silence and punish” anyone “who does not go with the government sanctioned view of the human creation.”

Anyone can fight against it, Broyles urged. For parents, she said, “You need to assert your parental authority before you lose it.” Additionally, pastors need to preach the truth, and the whole church needs to follow suit. She concluded, “[D]o not think that you’ll be safe behind the walls of your church if you do not speak out now against this thing in our culture. [We must] … stand with the young people, the parents, and the families that are in the crosshairs.”

Sarah Holliday is a reporter at The Washington Stand.