The Patriot Post® · How to Avoid the Next Fauci

By Ian Haworth ·

In the latest episode of our post-COVID struggle session, Dr. Anthony Fauci — the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and self-proclaimed messianic leader of “the science” — has been dragged before a House subcommittee on the nation’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the origins of the virus itself.

Prior to this hearing, the House panel also released transcripts of an Orwellian closed-door testimony across two days in January 2024, during which Fauci testified that the guidance used to forcibly close schools and destroy businesses across the nation “sort of just appeared,” and was not based on any scientific studies.

When asked specifically whether he remembered “reviewing any studies or data supporting masking for children,” for example, Saint Fauci responded, “You know, I might have,” but that he didn’t recall.

It’s stunning that the entire country committed economic, societal and (in some horrific cases) literal suicide on a “might have.”

Now, without a doubt, the widespread criticism (bordering on hatred) of Fauci is entirely justified.

It was not the pandemic that caused the voluntary destruction of the country. It was his policies that caused immeasurable suffering, both in the world of COVID-19 and beyond, and he deserves every ounce of contempt directed his way.

What makes Fauci such a despicable figure in American life is that he greedily became the ultimate metaphor for the pseudo-intellectual elite that have taken control of our modern society, and therefore part of the reason why trust in institutions and scientific reason have nosedived.

For Fauci, it was never about “the science,” but the cult of celebrity. Somehow, while apparently leading our efforts during a once-in-a-lifetime battle against a deadly pandemic, he found time to pose for magazine covers and even star in a self-titled National Geographic documentary!

Where there is a will, there is a way, I suppose.

It’s also crucial to recognize that, in a nasty way, it’s lucky this was never about “the science,” because Fauci’s COVID-19 leadership demonstrated the sort of ineptitude usually reserved for White House press secretaries. He took every position imaginable, justified falsehoods in defense of medical supplies, and willingly promoted Chinese Communist Party propaganda that COVID-19 sprung out of nowhere, and that any suggestion that COVID-19 was the result of shady gain-of-function research in a Wuhan lab (potentially with U.S. funding) was nothing more than anti-Asian bigotry.

Why? Because Fauci is, like so many of the experts rolled out by the political class, nothing more than a politician in a lab coat.

But here’s the problem: Fauci is also being used as a scapegoat by so many who are equally culpable.

What about Donald Trump and Joe Biden, who both handed Fauci the keys to the very vehicle he proceeded to drive off a cliff? What about the numerous state governors (many of whom remain in office) who committed vast abuses of power with Fauci’s policies as a shield? What about the other members of the scientific community who engaged in Fauci’s Stalin-esque intellectual cull of anyone who dared to dissent?

Unfortunately, beyond the performative finger-wagging of D.C. committees, it’s unlikely Fauci will face any actual consequences for his crimes (figurative or otherwise). Given his membership to Washington’s inner circles, beagle puppies being tortured using federal Fauci funds have better odds than those hoping Fauci will face serious reprimand, let alone jail time.

All we can do at this point is work to avoid future Faucis. But to do so, we have to truly learn from the political and cultural catastrophe that was our COVID-19 response rather than complaining while we repeat the same mistakes. And a major part of this learning curve is to resist the diluted Middle Ages yearning for blood in the form of an utterly meaningless committee hearing and punish all of those responsible by — at the very least — cutting them off from the levers of power that were abused by so many under the false guise of saving lives.