The Patriot Post® · October 7 Evil

By Guest Commentary ·

By Laurence F. Sanford

October 7, 2023, was a day of evil. On this day, Hamas murdered over 1,200 Israeli Jews and took 250 hostages, including six Americans. The slaughter included the raping and torturing of women, young and old, and incineration of young children in ovens. We know this because Hamas took videos and published them.

Yet, instead of worldwide condemnation of Hamas for its war crimes, much of the world is condemning Israel. The Marxian dialectic of oppressors versus oppressed and the Islamic ideology of hatred for Jews and Western Civilization have come together in a hatefest condemning Israel and America.

In Marxian dialectic, Jews are oppressors since, as a group, they are wealthier, healthier, more educated, and more affluent than the poor oppressed Muslims. Ironically, the Jews are the most oppressed group in human history. One needs to look no further back than the Holocaust of World War II, when over six million Jews were murdered by the Nazis.

Islamic ideology calls Jews the descendants of “apes and pigs.” For 70 years, Palestinian school textbooks funded by the United Nations Relief Works Agency (UNRWA) have taught generations of Arabs to hate Jews based on Islamic ideology. (In 2023, the United States contributed $422 million to UNRWA.) Al Jazeera, based in Qatar, and TV stations throughout the Muslim world sprout the same hatred.

Evil is that which is morally wrong, sinful, or wicked. Evil can also refer to anything that causes harm.

Evil is Hamas, whose Islamic ideology calls for the genocide of Jews and the elimination of Israel. Hamas was founded in 1987 as an offshoot of the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood and is committed to destroying Israel. Shiite Iran is the leading supplier of arms and aid to Hamas. The Iranian “ring of fire” surrounding Israel includes Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in the West Bank, and the Houthis in Yemen.

Evil are the United Nations and UNRWA for aiding and abetting Hamas. A UN human rights body reported that both Hamas and Israel committed crimes against humanity. The report made a false equivalence between Israeli soldiers and Hamas fighters. There would be no civilian deaths if Hamas hadn’t attacked Israel and if Hamas had surrendered and released the hostages.

UNRWA is the only UN relief agency dedicated to one cause — Palestinians. The billions spent by UNRWA have festered hate and violence while Jewish refugees have been assimilated into Israeli society. It is time for fellow Muslim Arab nations to grant asylum to the Palestinians.

Since 2015, the UN General Assembly has passed 140 resolutions condemning Israel and 68 resolutions against all the other countries. Out of a total of 190 countries in the UN, 56 countries are members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

Evil are the countries of Iran, Qatar, and Turkiye that give refuge and support to Hamas.

  • Iran supports terrorism throughout the world preaching “Death to America” and “Death to Israel.” By providing military aid, training, and financial support to the “ring of fire” countries surrounding Israel, Iran is intent on eliminating Israel. Further terrorist activities are occurring in Africa, South America, and Europe.
  • Hamas leaders live in a luxurious hotel in Qatar’s capital city. Al Jazeera, the Islamist media outlet, is owned by the Qatar government.
  • Turkiye President Erdogan supports Hamas and calls Israel a terrorist state. He also criticizes the United States for its support of Israel. Trade totaling $7 billion/year between Israel and Turkiye has been suspended.

Evil are the leaders of Norway, Ireland, and Spain in calling for a Palestinian state. Their call conveys that the Hamas atrocities were justified and should be rewarded with a statehood that would eliminate Israel. Moral clarity has been a longtime issue with these three countries — all were neutral during World War II.

Evil are American university leaders for allowing anti-Semitic takeovers of campuses and not dispensing justice to the criminals. How many students have been ejected or suspended for their violent acts? Why haven’t university officials worked with police in arresting and filing charges against the violent actors, some of whom are not students?

Evil are progressive politicians who allow Palestinian supporters to riot and attack Jews. In Los Angeles, Jews were assaulted entering synagogues while riot-equipped police stood by. In New York City, the district attorney dropped charges against rioters who took over a building at Columbia University.


George Orwell would be proud that his book 1984, published in 1949, is alive in 2024. His dystopian concepts of language inversion in “doublespeak,” where “war is peace,” are being implemented by progressives, Marxists, and Muslims, casting Israel as a terrorist state committing war crimes against humanity. In reality, of course, Hamas is the terrorist state committing war crimes.

Elite university leaders and progressive politicians cannot distinguish between good and evil. The presidents of Harvard, Penn, and MIT shamed themselves and the institutions they represent in a congressional hearing by not showing moral clarity when discussing campus anti-Semitism.

Qatar and Saudi Arabia are major donors to universities. Approximately 250 U.S. universities have Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapters whose vocal opposition to the state of Israel and support of Hamas ferment campus anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism.

Israel is prosperous while neighboring Muslim Arab states wallow in poverty and violence. Their culture of hate and violence toward Jews and Western Civilization does not help to reduce poverty and enrich society. What kind of a country, society, or religion preaches death to those who oppose it? Who welcomes the suicide deaths of their children?

Land for peace and the two-state solution is a myth. The PLO has been offered land for peace but rejected the offer because the Islamic goal is to eliminate Israel.


  1. Terminate all U.S. funding to UNRWA.
  2. Work within the UN to terminate UNRWA as a UN agency.
  3. Demand U.S. universities report all funding from Islamic sources.
  4. Support Israel and provide military aid.
  5. Rebuild the U.S. military and supporting industrial complex.

Laurence F. Sanford is a senior analyst at the American Security Council Foundation.