The Patriot Post® · Media Who Refused to Report on Biden's Decline Furious That Nobody Reported on Biden's Decline

By The Babylon Bee ·

U.S. — The search for answers and accountability continued this week, as the media who refused to report on President Biden’s decline was furious that nobody reported on President Biden’s decline.

While many people online expressed the belief that Biden had been showing signs of cognitive issues for years, the news media was outraged that there wasn’t anyone responsible for chronicling the evidence and disseminating the information to people around the world.

“Whose job was it to report about this?!” demanded CNN correspondent Jim Acosta. “There should be some apparatus set up through which professionals have the freedom and the platform to observe, transcribe, and create detailed accounts of this type of information and distribute it through print, television broadcast, or social media. The fact that there weren’t reliable people on hand to witness President Biden’s decline and make sure everyone was made aware of it is unacceptable. We deserve answers.”

Members of the White House press pool, who travel with the president full-time, were shocked and vowed to hold the parties responsible for keeping the public informed accountable. “Someone really dropped the ball on this,” said NBC News Senior White House Correspondent Kelly O'Donnell. “What we need are professional journalists who pay attention to everything that goes on regarding the president and pass that information along to the American people. Whoever was supposed to be doing that really needs to do a better job.”

At publishing time, the media vowed to investigate why no one investigated the lack of investigation into Biden’s cognitive ability.

From our friends at The Babylon Bee.