The Patriot Post® · Our Next President

By Gary Bauer ·

This is how Joe Biden looks, trying to keep up at the debate.

This is Donald Trump reacting to an assassination attempt. He is saying, “Fight! Fight! Fight!”

Which one do you think should be president of the United States?
We should be asking everyone we know, “Which of these two men will allow you to sleep better at night in a world with tyrants like Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, and Ayatollah Khamenei?”

The Left’s Hate
We know one rally attendee was killed and two others were seriously wounded. Please pray for the victims and their families.
We know the shooter was killed. Reports say he donated to a left-wing group when he was 17 and later registered as a Republican. I don’t care what the details are. If he had a MAGA hat or pro-life sticker on his car, that’s all we would be hearing about.
But he was only 20 years old. For half his life, all he has heard are thousands of messages saying that Donald Trump is a threat to America, that he will take away our rights, and end our democracy. It has been indoctrination-level messaging for a decade. 
That’s why an unhinged socialist attempted to assassinate Rep. Steve Scalise and Republican congressmen on a baseball field.
That’s why a deranged individual files across the country and attempts to kill Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
That’s why someone like Saturday’s would-be assassin feels it would bring meaning to his life if he “takes out Orange Man.”
I have absolutely no doubt who created this atmosphere. The intolerant, hateful left. There’s no doubt about it.
The left’s rhetoric has been over the top 24 hours a day, seven days a week, from the moment Donald Trump came down the escalator in 2015.
The left has been saying that Donald Trump and his supporters are threats to democracy. Joe Biden said MAGA supporters were “semi-fascist.”
Last week, an iconic left-wing magazine, the New Republic, put Donald Trump on its cover, portrayed as Adolf Hitler. Not one Democrat leader condemned it.
We said before that they have every desire to see him die in prison. In recent weeks, it looked like that “fantasy” was unraveling. So, now the unhinged left is perfectly happy to see Trump die on the campaign trail.
When we say, “We want the border secured,” the left says, “That will cause violence!” When we criticize an out-of-control judge, the left says, “You’re causing death threats,” and they demand gag orders. 
When we say, “Babies in the womb deserve life,” they say, “You hate women!” When we say, “Marriage is between a man and woman,” they say, “You’re going to get LGBTQ people killed!”
When we say, “We believe in the Bible, and we love America,” the left says, “You’re a Christian nationalist. You’re a threat to democracy!”
The neo-Marxist left is demonizing half the country because it means to rule or ruin by any means necessary.
America is at a tipping point. Everyone who loves Faith, Family, and Freedom MUST redouble their efforts to save our country.
ACTION ITEM: Make sure all your like-minded friends and family members are registered to vote. But, please, go one step further.

Make a pledge now to find just one person — maybe it’s a spouse, a son or daughter, or a friend at church — who is on the fence and bring them our way. Don’t waste your time with die-hard liberals. But think hard, identify that person, and write their name down where you will see it as a reminder every day. And bring that person to the polls with you when you vote!
Trump’s Call To Action
President Trump posted a message on his social media platform, Truth Social, that I want to share with you. Several commentators have noted that Trump turned his head at just the precise moment to avoid the worst. Here is Trump’s message:
“Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers yesterday, as it was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening. We will FEAR NOT, but instead remain resilient in our Faith and Defiant in the face of Wickedness.
"Our love goes out to the other victims and their families. We pray for the recovery of those who were wounded, and hold in our hearts the memory of the citizen who was so horribly killed.
"In this moment, it is more important than ever that we stand United, and show our True Character as Americans, remaining Strong and Determined, and not allowing Evil to Win. I truly love our Country, and love you all, and look forward to speaking to our Great Nation this week from Wisconsin.”
Many are commenting on the moment when Trump got up, held his fist up, and said, “Fight! Fight! Fight!” and how very Trumpian it was. Think of the adrenaline rush you would be experiencing and the impulse you would have to save yourself. That’s why he ducked.
But within seconds, he is trying to stand up, to the chagrin of his Secret Service agents, because he is already thinking about the thousands of people there in the audience and the millions of people around the country who are counting on him.
It was an iconic American moment. This is who we are.
Joe Biden’s approval ratings collapsed after the pitiful withdrawal from Afghanistan because Americans saw that it was handled in such an un-American way.
This moment was Ronald Reagan with a bullet millimeters away from his heart, joking with his doctors. It was Teddy Roosevelt taking a bullet in 1912 and insisting on finishing his speech, which he did.
And did you notice the crowd? Is there another crowd of Americans, other than MAGA supporters, that would have stayed where they were? Thousands of people weren’t running for their lives. You heard screams. You could see the anger. And you saw the relief as Trump stood up, and chants of “USA! USA! USA!” filled the air. 
We’re being told that President Biden can govern because he was able to stand on a stage in a carefully scripted press conference and find the exit when he was finished.
We just saw the man on the ballot who can govern and face the dangers America is facing. His name is Donald Trump.