The Patriot Post® · RNC Day 2

By Gary Bauer ·

Tuesday’s themes at the Republican National Convention focused on crime, safety, and unity. Several speakers, just everyday Americans, gave heartbreaking testimonies about how their lives have been shattered by Joe Biden’s open border policies.
A mother was moved to tears as she talked about losing her son to the poisonous fentanyl that is pouring across Biden’s open borders.
A brother talked about losing his sister to a violent criminal illegal alien who entered the country because of Biden’s open borders. He said Donald Trump called to console the family, but they haven’t heard a word from Joe Biden or Kamala Harris.
Another mother told the delegates and the country about how she and other minorities have been betrayed by the left’s soft-on-crime policies. Her son, who survived the battlefields of Afghanistan, was brutally murdered by gang members on the streets of New York City.
But Alvin Bragg dropped most of the charges against these animals. It was more important to Bragg to put Donald Trump behind bars for a bookkeeping offense than it was to keep these violent thugs off the streets.
Democrats and their media allies don’t give a damn about the victims of their radical policies. They don’t care how many people get hurt or killed, as long as they advance their insane agenda. That’s what putting America last looks like!
The solution is simple: We need a new president to bring hope, change, and commonsense back to Washington!
To do that, the Republican Party must be united so we can win elections and get to work on behalf of the American people. I am pleased to say that the GOP came together Tuesday night with enthusiastic and “strong endorsements” for Donald Trump by former rivals Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, and Vivek Ramaswamy.
The Left: Trump’s Wounds Weren’t Bad Enough
There are serious commentators and Hollywood celebrities who are unhappy that Donald Trump’s facial wound is not worse. And they don’t believe getting shot in the ear and nearly being killed justifies any compassion for him. In fact, they are mocking him as they spin conspiracy theories.
Some leftists are so lost in their darkness that they are angry at the assassin for not being a better shot. Others with advanced degrees (here and here) and some in suits and ties are telling us that it is all a charade manufactured by a showman.
Some say the blood on his face was fake blood from a packet he released on his own face, as if it were some sort of theatrical production. Some say that if it was real blood, it’s because Trump got scratched when the Secret Service agents jumped on top of him.
And others are saying his injury is being exaggerated, and they want an investigation into what’s behind that patch on his face. By tomorrow, they will be claiming it was blood supplied by Putin.
This is the sickness of the people who have spent nearly a decade trying to destroy this man because he interrupted their plans for the “fundamental transformation” of America and what they want to do to us.
An Agency In Crisis
The explanations coming out of our government about Saturday’s security failures just don’t add up. If anything, they are creating more questions and suspicions.
We have known for a while now that Trump’s Secret Service detail was insufficient. The agents were overworked and undermanned, and the resources were not what they should have been.
James O'Keefe says that multiple Secret Service agents have contacted him, some in tears, struggling with whether they should risk their careers and go public with what they know about the agency’s failures.
And we know this is an agency in crisis. More than 200 agents have reportedly signed a petition protesting the leadership of Director Kimberly Cheatle.
There is no regular Secret Service agent who would leave a rooftop just 130 yards from where Donald Trump was speaking unguarded if the decision was theirs to make.
Cheatle’s narrative of a “sloped roof” is insane. It does not pass the straight face test. Other agents were on sloped roofs. She should be fired just for suggesting that!
Making matters worse was the fact that multiple agents assigned to protect the body of Donald Trump were women who barely came up to his lower chest. You must be bigger than the principal figure you are protecting in order to sufficiently shield them.
One female agent in the intimate circle guarding Trump appeared to be hiding behind him. Another (perhaps the same one) struggled to holster her gun.
We’re being told that intelligence reports indicated there was an Iranian plot to assassinate Trump, so his security was increased in recent weeks. (There’s no evidence that the murderous young man who shot Trump had anything to do with Iran.)
But if this catastrophic failure happened even with “beefed-up security,” that’s even less reassuring!
I’m having a hard time with this story about a sudden Iranian plot. This didn’t just come up in the past few weeks. We have reported about the ayatollah’s desire to assassinate Trump for years. (Here and here.) Bringing it up now looks like a desperate attempt to distract our attention from the Secret Service’s failures.
Let me remind you of something. One month before the 2020 election, the federal government announced charges against a group of men for allegedly plotting to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. It was a major story that was used to smear Trump supporters.
The case completely blew up. Some of the men charged were acquitted. Others were convicted on charges unrelated to the alleged kidnapping plot. The reason the case fell apart was because the court concluded that the FBI was so aggressive that it had practically recruited these men.
And we later learned that the agent in charge of the FBI’s Detroit office, which led this corrupt entrapment scheme, was brought in to lead the FBI’s Washington, D.C., Field Office and was put in charge of the January 6th investigations.
Pound The Tables
We are slowly learning new details about the shooter, but I find it curious that there are virtually no reports about his social media use. He must be the only 20 year-old in America not on social media.
So, there’s very little we know with certainty. But one thing they do know is that he was acting alone. The FBI told us that almost immediately.
How do they know that? There’s no manifesto. No social media. He’s dead, so they didn’t interview him. How could they possibly know so quickly that he acted alone?
Guess what else they are uncertain about? Motive. The FBI still says they’re searching for a motive. What are they talking about?
He sought out Donald Trump. He surveilled a sight where Trump was speaking. He climbed a building, took a position on the roof, and shot at him.
He obviously hated Donald Trump and didn’t want him to become president again. What more do you need to establish a motive?
But let me remind you of this sad fact: When a radical socialist came to Washington with a hit list of only Republicans and opened fire on Republican congressmen practicing on a baseball field, the FBI couldn’t determine a motive.
Now there are reports that the shooter’s parents called police to report that their son was missing, and law enforcement began surveilling him hours before the event. If that’s true, a lot of people should be fired!
Speaker Mike Johnson announced yesterday that he is forming a special task force to investigate what went wrong at the Pennsylvania rally and why.
This investigation into the Secret Service failures that nearly got Donald Trump killed cannot be the typical run-of-the-mill hearings or even typical congressional investigations. This is a time for every Republican in Congress to be pounding the table and doing everything they can to wring answers out of the Deep State.
Democrat Disarray
In a bizarre way, the attempt on Trump’s life turned out to be somewhat beneficial for Joe Biden. For several days, it seemed to quash the growing uprising within the Democrat ranks to dump Joe Biden from the ticket.
Well, no more. The “revolution” is back on.

Here’s a headline from the Daily Beast, a left-wing media outlet: “Dems Will Try to Knife Biden Again Over Disastrous New Poll.”
Right on cue, Rep. Adam Schiff, the Democrat nominee for Senate California and a close ally of Nancy Pelosi, called on Biden to drop out of the race yesterday.
There are also reports that Biden held a disastrous call with House Democrats over the weekend where he was “worse than the debate.” Dozens of House Democrats are objecting to the effort to fast-track Biden’s nomination before their convention.