The Patriot Post® · All Hail Queen Kamala

By Ian Haworth ·

If you are a true believer of Democratic Party rhetoric, you not only think that democracy is the sole essence of what it means to be an American (without all of that freedom, equality and Constitution nonsense) but also that the Democratic Party is the last man (sorry, person) standing between democracy and hordes of MAGA-hat-wearing lunatics desperate for its destruction.

After all, Democratic Party! Democracy is in the name!

Since defeating Donald Trump almost four years ago, the subject of democracy (and the supposed continued assault on its very integrity) has been central to Democratic Party messaging.

Those tasked with managing Joe Biden’s social media have thrown out odes to democracy hundreds (if not thousands) of times, with democracy under threat any time the desires of the Democratic Party are anything but certain. During Biden’s last State of the Union address, “democracy” was mentioned on 11 occasions. And during Biden’s pseudo-resignation speech, he spoke of democracy seven times in 11 minutes. That’s almost one democracy every 90 seconds!

If you’re lucky enough to catch Biden between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. with the right combination of drugs flowing through his veins, he’ll reliably inform you that democracy is the most popular thing in the corridors of his administration. More popular, perhaps, than even slightly melted ice cream and a nice long nap.

He may even repeat these words of his latest address: “We have to decide: Do we still believe in honesty, decency and respect; freedom, justice and democracy?”

There’s just one problem: The regime masquerading as the Democratic Party cares about democracy as much as Biden cares about his illegitimate grandchild.

Which is to say: not at all.

After Biden announced that he was withdrawing from his reelection campaign — while simultaneously clinging onto the presidency with every ounce of his dwindling strength — what happened?

The entire regime — that is to say Barack Obama’s Democratic Party and the legacy media — declared in unison that Biden was the heroic equivalent of a George Washington and Abraham Lincoln hybrid, and that Kamala Harris was to be his unquestionable successor.

Suddenly, after almost four years of ignoring Harris completely as the vice presidential butt of the joke that is the Biden-Harris administration, the messaging flipped on a dime. Kamala — that’s Vice President Harris to you, peasants — is now the smartest, sharpest, most talented legislative and legal mind in American history. She’s so much fun that TikTok — a platform coincidentally owned and controlled by the Chinese Communist Party — just loves her! And she’s a Black woman! Although if you say that she’s a Black woman, you’re racist and sexist.

Overnight, she became the nominee, despite dropping out of the 2020 primary race without earning a single vote, with polling numbers collapsing to single digits, while Biden won 2,709 of the 3,979 total delegates in 2020, and 3,904 delegates in 2024 as the incumbent.

Democratic Party voters might have voted for Joe Biden, but they got Kamala Harris.

That’s like ordering a hamburger from your favorite spot and being handed a voucher for a I Can’t Believe It’s Not Meat wrap from the nearby deli with a 0-star rating on Yelp.

Harris became the presidential nominee (and, if we’re honest, the acting president) because Barack Obama, George Clooney, Nancy Pelosi and the legacy media made it so.

Where’s this sacred “democracy” they promised to defend?

And sure, the decision to forgo further public votes and hand Harris’ fate to the delegates at the Democratic National Convention in August isn’t breaking any rules. But it’s certainly spitting in the face of the pure spirit of democracy Democrats claim to worship above all else.

The truth is that they don’t care about democracy. After all, they were in the business of denying elections until Trump made it uncool again. In reality, all that matters to their regime is power.

And if they have to crown Queen Kamala to maintain control, they’ll do it before you can say “democracy.”