The Patriot Post® · Smacking Down Progressives of Pallor

By Michelle Malkin ·

Is there anything more condescending than a porcelain-skinned Hollywood liberal who attempts to show her presumed solidarity with minorities by referring to them as “people of color”?

Yes, there is: Two porcelain-skinned liberals attempting to show their allegiance to “diversity” by attacking “people of color” who happen to disagree with their radical politics.

Such an exchange took place on a little-watched television show on Al Gore’s obscure cable network Wednesday night. I am spotlighting the diatribe for you not because the speakers involved hold any sway with the American electorate, but because paternalistic racism is so prevalent among the media-entertainment elite.

And it’s about time someone knocked these self-appointed Saviors of the Oppressed off their high horses.

Actress Janeane Garofalo – a former comedian turned Republican-bashing sourpuss – appeared on the Current TV talk show of disgraced former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann. Because she has no actual career achievements or noteworthy projects to discuss, the pair turned to one of their favorite topics: bashing the tea party movement, with an ample dish of vast-right-wing-conspiracy-mongering on the side.

Garofalo singled out GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain, a black businessman and grassroots favorite, because he is a “person of color.” According to the starlet, Cain launched his 2012 bid “because he deflects the racism that is inherent in the Republican Party, the conservative movement, the tea party certainly. (In) the last 30 years, the Republican Party has been moving more and more to the right, but also race-baiting more.”

She certainly knows about baiting. For the past six years, with gritted teeth and throbbing veins, she has indiscriminately attacked Republicans as “racist,” “rednecks” and “partisan hacks who are always on the verge of punching somebody or always behave as if they’ve just been cut off in traffic.” Projection for breakfast, anyone?

From the safety of her Tinseltown cocoon, she has lashed out bitterly at tea party activists as “teabagging rednecks” and assailed their fiscal conservative activism as “f***ing redneck douchebaggery. Unmitigated douchebaggery” – all while complaining about the lack of civility in politics. In 2009, Garofalo ignored a personal invitation from Texas tea party activist Katrina Pearson and other black conservatives to attend one of their rallies and meet reality.

The last thing progressives of pallor want to deal with, you see, are “people of color” who think for themselves, refuse to be hyphenated Americans and reject left-wing orthodoxy on everything from entitlements to bailouts to Big Labor, immigration, social issues and racial preferences.

All of Garofalo’s and Olbermann’s non-white friends and colleagues (however few that may be) think the same slavishly homogenous thoughts they do about preserving the welfare state, coddling union thugs, opening up the borders and whitewashing the eugenics-grounded abortion racket. There couldn’t possibly be minority conservatives who think otherwise. And if they do, the progressives of pallor comfort themselves, such aberrant creatures must only be able to embrace free-market principles because they were brainwashed, paid off or born stupid.

Thus did Garofalo float her nefarious theory that Cain “is being paid by somebody to be involved and to run for president so that you go, like, ‘I love that, that can’t be racist. He’s a black guy, a black guy asking for Obama being impeached.’ Or ‘it’s a black guy who’s anti-Muslim. It’s a black guy who is a tea party guy.’” What puppet-master could have engineered Cain’s candidacy, according to Garofalo? “The Koch brothers or Grover Norquist or any anything. It could even be Karl Rove.”

Er, never mind that Beltway establishment King Rove has trashed self-made outsider Cain and belittled him as a mere “talk radio guy.”

Garofalo forged ahead with her identity-politics smears: “There may be a touch of Stockholm syndrome in there, because anytime I see a person of color or a female in the Republican Party or the conservative movement or the tea party, I wonder how they could be trying to curry favor with the oppressors.”

I’ve heard more than 20 years of this oppressive windbaggery from do-gooder liberals who treat my unhyphenated American brothers and sisters and me as treacherous puppets for The Man. Their smug refusal to acknowledge free will, individual choice and true diversity of thought confirms that race-obsessed liberals remain the most unrepentant and odious racists of all.