The Patriot Post® · Conservatives Must Break the Cycle of Complaining About the Media

By Ian Haworth ·

After being crowned as the unelected leader of the Democratic Party like an evil villain in a “Game of Thrones” episode, Kamala Harris has finally kicked off her campaign. In the coming days, weeks and months, we will be forced to watch her trudge, hand-in-hand with Tim Walz as her running mate, toward her ultimate goal: winning the presidential election this November.

And she’s running on a platform of lies.

After she was handed the nomination without a single primary vote, it’s hard to deny that Kamala Harris has enjoyed the easiest campaign in the history of campaigns. The legacy media have happily acted as her propaganda wing, pulling up her poll numbers like they’re the mother of a toddler having a meltdown in the grocery store. As she masquerades as the de facto president of the United States — where is Joe, by the way? — she’s been permitted to avoid almost any media scrutiny, while all efforts are dedicated to rebranding her as an ethnic version of Hillary Clinton.

Even her trademark cackle — used to paper over stunning levels of ignorance — has been rebranded as “joy.”

This week’s Democratic National Convention will also be leveraged as another opportunity to drive up poll numbers as we witness the hugs, the free abortions and the masked “feminists for Palestine” crowd screaming for genocide.

All while Kamala Harris hides behind a nationwide gaslighting campaign by a media so shameless that they would make Stalin say, “Guys, maybe we should tone it down a bit.”

Who can forget being told that Kamala Harris was never the “border czar” by the same people who celebrated her as “border czar”? What about Walz recalling a long-lost time when families could come together for Thanksgiving and not complain about politics … when his administration worked to stop families from coming together at all under the guise of COVID-19.

All of this is enough to make your head spin and has become a constant theme in conservative criticism of our political theater.

But while it’s true that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz and the not-so-faceless Democratic Party establishment (i.e., Barack Obama) have the legacy media in their pocket, and while it’s true that they’re engaging in a widespread campaign of gaslighting to force these two candidates across the finish line, simply complaining about it achieves absolutely nothing.

Right now, we’re stuck playing a game where the referees are openly rooting for our opponents. And while our complaints might make us feel better, they won’t change the final score. And the final score is all that matters.

Yes, the media are liars. Yes, they give any Democrat running for office a head start. Yes, that’s unfair. But, as our parents told us, life is unfair. What are we going to do about it?

For too long, conservatives have been content with the same cycle of complaining about losing, and losing while complaining, while doing nothing to change the twilight zone of lies that has become our daily reality.

While our outrage at media malfeasance shouldn’t fade, our silly expectation that they will spontaneously change is nothing but a roadblock to victory.

Instead of complaining and waiting for the media to change, why don’t we include the media into the political battle we face? Because to defeat the Democratic Party, we need to defeat the media, and to defeat the media, we need to defeat the Democratic Party.

Conservative strategy, both now and in the future, needs to include plans to expose, undermine and kneecap the malicious influence of the legacy media in modern life. Sitting on the sidelines and complaining like children about the media while they work to put Kamala Harris in the White House just won’t cut it.