The Patriot Post® · Baffled Biden

By Gary Bauer ·

Joe Biden returned to the White House Thursday night after surveying the damage caused by Hurricane Helene. Obviously, reporters wanted a statement of some kind from the president. 

So, a reporter asked, “What do the states in the storm zone need, Mr. President?”
A baffled and bewildered Biden looked at him and replied, “Sorry?”
The reporter tried again, “The states in the storm zone, what do they need after what you saw today?”
“Oh, in the storm zone,” Biden said. “I didn’t know which storm you’re talking about…”
He just got back from seeing the damage caused by Hurricane Helene. Is there another storm we’re not aware of?
Biden should have stopped there, but he didn’t. Biden continued, “They’re getting everything they need. They’re very happy across the board.”
There’s a whole lot of people in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia who are not getting everything they need, and they’re not happy at all!
The Scandal Grows
Residents in the devastated areas are now reporting that the stench of rotting bodies is permeating the air. They’re telling reporters they haven’t seen one person from FEMA. The reporters are there, but FEMA isn’t.
To be clear, the first responders and the men and women who work in emergency preparedness are wonderful people. They are doing the best they can.
But they can’t do their jobs if their leaders have wasted their resources. They can’t do their jobs if their leaders are too busy helping illegal aliens that they’re not looking out for the American people.
Kamala Harris went down to a devastated area in Georgia and proudly announced that those impacted by the hurricane will get $750. Illegal aliens are getting cash cards with much more than that! In fact, the monthly stipends illegal aliens are getting are much more than what our disabled veterans receive.
But struggling Trump supporters in six Red states get $750. And, yes, I do think there is a relationship between the slow response and people who are not being helped.
Stopping Relief Efforts
The slow pace of federal help is bad enough. But now there are reports that the government is actually stopping relief efforts.
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg imposed a “no-fly zone” and ordered people not to fly drones in the disaster area. The drones were being used to find people and identify those in urgent need.
One individual offered to use his thermal drone, which could be useful for identifying people trapped in debris or lost in wooded areas. He was told to “stand down.”
One volunteer helicopter pilot, who had successfully rescued several people, was threatened with arrest if he didn’t stop rescuing people.
I mentioned last week that President Biden had ordered 1,000 Army troops to be mobilized for the relief efforts. That’s good. But the troops haven’t moved because Democrat Gov. Roy Cooper hasn’t written the necessary orders to authorize their deployment.
They clearly do not have enough resources available. So, why hasn’t Cooper signed the orders? Why don’t they want help from volunteer pilots? Why doesn’t Pete Buttigieg want people flying drones over the disaster area?
Well, there’s some history here.
Buttigieg tried to ban drones from flying over the southern border because they didn’t want anyone to see images of thousands of illegal aliens pouring across the border. Now the Biden/Harris administration doesn’t want anyone seeing how inept the government’s response is.
By the way, many of the hardest hit areas are very conservative communities. People are asking how and even if these folks will be able to vote in the election.
But I’m sure that has nothing to do with the slow response and other actions hindering relief efforts. [That’s sarcasm, in case you couldn’t tell.]
Petrified By Prayer
A recent National Public Radio interview caught my attention. A reporter from the left-wing Atlantic magazine was being interviewed about his experience attending Trump rallies. I wasn’t expecting the interview to be “fair and balanced,” but it quickly took a bizarre turn.
They were very disturbed by the fact that Trump rallies begin with a prayer. The NPR host asked the reporter when he decided that these prayers “needed more scrutiny.”
This “epiphany” hit him when he noticed that most reporters at Trump rallies didn’t pay attention to the “provocative” prayers. Naturally, the NPR host wanted an example of these really disturbing, provocative prayers.
The Atlantic reporter said, “One of the most cited verses in these prayers was from 2 Chronicles.” You know the verse:
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
And the problem is…?
Well, the reporter was bothered by the fact that these prayers “describe a nation that has fallen into sin” and moral decline.
Yes, that’s exactly what the verse means!
Read the headlines. Watch the evening news. Go to virtually any government-run school. The evidence of sin and moral decline is almost overwhelming. That’s not a good thing. God wants His people to be virtuous and moral, to seek and turn back to Him.
But what bothered the reporter the most is that these prayers would in any way be linked to Donald Trump. As if America would somehow be “more moral” under a Harris/Walz regime committed to abortion on demand, transgender insanity, and restricting religious liberty.
Defending Faith, Family, & Freedom
In this week’s Defending Faith, Family, and Freedom podcast for the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute, I dissect Tuesday’s vice-presidential debate between Senator J.D. Vance and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.
Listen to the podcast here.
Good News 

  • A New York appeals court appeared very skeptical of Attorney General Letitia James’ outrageous civil fraud case against Donald Trump. 
  • Texas A&M is canceling its minor in LGBTQ+ Studies after legislators questioned whether it was a good use of taxpayer money. 
  • A Virginia teacher who was fired for refusing to lie about a student’s gender won a $575,000 settlement with the school board. 
  • The Republican National Committee reports that it has recruited more than 200,000 volunteers and 5,000 lawyers as part of its election integrity strategy. In addition, the RNC has already filed lawsuits in 26 states. 

  • Toyota has joined the growing list of major companies dumping woke DEI programs.