The Patriot Post® · Free Speech Under Fire

By Gary Bauer ·

Monday’s White House press briefing went off the rails. Fox News reporter Peter Doocy had the audacity to question how the Biden/Harris administration found $157 million more for Lebanon while claiming FEMA is running out of money to help Americans recovering from Hurricane Helene.
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre got really angry. She told Doocy, “Your whole premise of the question is misinformation, sir. Yes, it is.” After a brief back and forth, Jean-Pierre stormed out of the room.
FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell said the same thing over the weekend when she was asked about the poor federal response to Helene. “It’s frankly ridiculous and just plain false…” Criswell said.  “It has a tremendous impact on the comfort level of our [FEMA] employees… When you have this dangerous rhetoric, it creates fear in our [FEMA] employees.”
In recent days, Climate Czar John Kerry, former Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, and Gov. Tim Walz have all said that the freedom of speech is an impediment to what the government wants to do and it should be heavily regulated.
All of this is connected. Your freedom of speech is literally on the ballot in four weeks.

Constitutional scholars and even Elon Musk have said the First Amendment is under attack, and we’re going to lose it if the people saying these outrageous things get power for four more years.
To pastors reading this: There is no religious freedom without the freedom of speech.
During the vice presidential debate, Governor Tim Walz said, “You can’t yell fire in a crowded theater.” If there is no fire. If there is a fire in the theater, it’s your obligation to yell, “Fire!”
That’s what free speech is all about. The government doesn’t get to decide when your speech is allowed.
We have a major fire in America right now, and people need to keep speaking up if we’re going to put it out.
Barbarians Inside The Gates
Pro-Hamas protests erupted all over the country Monday on the one-year anniversary of Hamas terrorists slaughtering 1,200 innocent Israelis. Think about that — terrorist sympathizers protesting openly in our streets and on our university campuses.
In New York, the demonstrators chanted, “NYPD, KKK, IDF, they’re all the same!” I can trace that chant all the way back to the 2014 riots in Ferguson, Missouri. Just swap out “NYPD” for “FPD.” It’s stupid, but it’s a display of just how dangerous this movement on the left is in America today.
The danger is stoked by people like Kamala Harris and various left-wing forces that are key parts of today’s Democrat Party. Israel and the United States, they insist, are evil and racist, when it’s Israel’s enemies that are evil and racist and America’s enemies that are evil and racist.
These Hamas sympathizers are comparing the NYPD to the KKK. Most New York City police officers are minorities. The KKK disappeared as a force in America a hundred years ago. The only people covering their faces and trying to intimidate others are the pro-Hamas marchers.
Where do these insane ideas come from? They come from leading Democrats and so-called “progressives.” Joe Biden said American law enforcement is “systemically racist.”
Kamala Harris compared ICE officers to the KKK. She called our Border Patrol agents “racist.” She ruined their lives.
So, it’s not just a sideshow when these antisemitic Islamic supremacists burn Israeli and American flags. These barbarians hate Western Civilization, and they are inside the gates. It’s as simple as that.

A Solemn Remembrance
While the Hamas wing of the Democrat Party was in the streets Monday, Donald Trump went to the Ohel, the burial site of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson. The site is considered sacred by many Orthodox Jews.
Trump spent two hours there in a religious observance commemorating the anniversary of the October 7th attacks in Israel, and he read from the Book of Psalms. It wasn’t a photo opportunity.
I am very familiar with the Lubavitcher Rebbe. The Rebbe and Ronald Reagan were close friends. I brought his key team of religious leaders to the White House, and their work together changed history.
The Lubavitch, through their connections in the Soviet Union, knew all the Jews in Soviet gulags. They would bring those names to the White House, and we would give them to all the appropriate U.S. officials who interacted with their Soviet counterparts.
At every opportunity, U.S. officials would bring up the well-being of a particular Jewish prisoner. The Soviets couldn’t figure out how we had this information. When the Soviet Union fell, those Jews told us that they knew when their name was brought up because their treatment immediately improved.
What a closing of the circle!
I facilitated the relationship between President Reagan and the Rebbe. His grave is now visited by Donald Trump, who will hopefully be President Trump in 30 days. Trump, who has been embraced by the Lubavitch, moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and was America’s most pro-Israel president in decades.
I can’t help but see the hand of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob at work in all of this.
By the way, Donald Trump was just endorsed by former Democrat Congressman Peter Deutsch. I remember Deutsch when he served in Congress, and he was pretty liberal back then. But he is voting for Trump due to concerns about foreign policy and national security.
A Bizarre Interview
Vice President Kamala Harris marked Monday’s anniversary by planting a tree at the Naval Observatory, her official residence. But Harris’s big news of the day was the interview she did on “Call Her Daddy.”
I can’t describe what this show usually talks about. One episode was titled “F—k Me With A Dildo.” Suffice it to say, it ain’t Constitution Hall. But this is what the woman who wants to be the next president thinks is the best way to get power — by going on shows like that.
Harris and her host had an animated exchange about tampons. I haven’t seen tampons show up yet on the list of the top ten issues Americans are most concerned about. But I suspect before the interview was over, they were talking about how men can use tampons.
Sounds absurd, right? Well, that’s what her running mate believes. As governor of Minnesota, Tim Walz put tampons in all school bathrooms, including boys’ bathrooms. After all, boys can menstruate, too, according to the left. And if they’re not, it probably means they are pregnant. [That’s sarcasm.]
Here’s a thought. The Trump campaign should get that interview to as many black churches as possible — who, God bless them, think their future rests with people like Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. The advice to the churches would be: Hide your children before the left gets them!
Harris’s Slush Fund
Kamala Harris recently announced that the administration was releasing $100 million to rebuild a major highway in North Carolina. That’s exactly what we expect the government to do, and we want them to do more.
But why did Harris make that announcement?
She’s not in the chain of command for emergency hurricane relief. But she announces aid to Lebanon and then the rebuilding of a major road in North Carolina.
It’s pure politics. They have taken the entire Treasury of the United States and turned it into a campaign slush fund to get Harris elected.
This should have been announced by the president or the secretary of transportation, not the woman who skipped all the hurricane briefings!
Tune In To Family Talk
Please tune in to Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk radio show. On today’s broadcast, I interview Coach Joe Kennedy about the challenges he faced after being fired from his job for praying silently on the football field after games. Don’t miss this inspiring discussion!
You can find station listings here. You can listen online here.