The Patriot Post® · The Joy Is Gone

By Gary Bauer ·

Have you noticed the stark change in the campaign? It happened really fast. After a palace coup forced Joe Biden out of the presidential race and handed his nomination to Kamala Harris, depressed Democrats got a new burst of enthusiasm and energy. The Harris/Walz campaign played up that theme. They had good “vibes” and “joy.”

But that didn’t go over well. Only 28% of Americans are happy with the direction of our country. That’s not surprising when 76% of Americans say they are struggling to pay their bills because of high inflation. Read the room!

As the polls shifted away from Harris, the Harris/Walz campaign shifted, too. Instead of joy, joy, joy, now it’s all about fear, fear, fear. We’re being told to fear Donald Trump because he said this or he’ll do that.

There is a lot of fear in America, but it comes from the actions of the Biden/Harris administration.

There are millions of illegal aliens in the country, and many are not good people looking for a better life. There are violent criminals and vicious gangs preying on American citizens. Suspected terrorists have come into our country across our open borders. Some come just for the “free” stuff that we pay for.

The world is on fire because of the weakness of this administration. The Taliban are back in power. Putin invaded Ukraine. Israel is at war on multiple fronts. Communist China is threatening its neighbors.

So, the campaign about joy quickly turned dark. Over the Columbus Day weekend, all we heard was that Donald Trump was “dangerous.” He’s going to put people in jail or kick them out of the country.

Democrat strategist James Carville claimed that Trump is holding a rally in Madison Square Garden in order to recreate a pro-German rally that took place there in 1939.

The “Ragin Cajun” has lost his mind.

Did anyone bother to fact check him, like Martha Raddatz did to J.D. Vance, “I gotta stop you right there!” No, they didn’t do that. The Democrat National Conventions of 1976, 1980, and 1992 were held in Madison Square Garden. Were they fascist rallies, too?

Here’s the real danger: If Kamala Harris gets four more years, freedom of speech and religious liberty will be gone. The left will pack the Supreme Court, they will pass a massive amnesty, and there will never be another free and fair election.

If you want something to be afraid about, see the next item.

Mystery Drones Target U.S. Bases

For several years now, drones have proven themselves to be much more than just hobbyist toys. They are used by law enforcement and first responders in emergencies, and they are also lethal weapons of war used by nations and terrorists.

But what happens when swarms of drones appear over military bases in the United States? Virtually nothing.

Night after night, swarms of drones flew over one of the most sensitive military facilities in Virginia, where American Values is located right outside of Washington, D.C. The military couldn’t track them. Some landed and took off before local police could find them. These drone flights mysteriously ended just before Christmas last year.

Eventually, reports of these drone swarms reached the White House. I wonder how many days that took. And I wonder how many days it was before they did something about it. The answer to that question is they did nothing about it.

The White House had multiple meetings with some of the best and brightest in the administration. (Well, there’s the problem!) Every idea was shot down for one reason or another. I’m going to make a wild guess that none of these “top meetings” took place on Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays because that’s when Joe Biden is at the beach!

But the inaction isn’t surprising. After all, this administration allowed a Chinese spy balloon to enter U.S. airspace, fly over numerous military facilities, and wouldn’t shoot it down until it flew over the Atlantic Ocean.

Now the military is admitting that there have been similar drone flights in other areas of the country. But Donald Trump is the real danger to America.

Keep in mind that two illegal aliens who crossed into America over Harris’s open border tried to breach the perimeter of the Quantico Marine Corps Base, also in Virginia. We later learned that there have been hundreds of incidents of foreign nationals trying to breach U.S. military bases during the Biden/Harris administration.

The government’s first responsibility is to keep us safe. They are not supposed to be aiding and abetting the invasion of the country.

Whether it’s spying with drones or attempting to breach base security, that’s exactly what an enemy might do in preparation for an attack on America.

What’s Waiting

Here’s the mess that is waiting for Donald Trump if he wins this November.

Communist China’s latest military maneuvers around Taiwan were unprecedented in scope. They appeared to be a rehearsal to close Taiwan’s ports in order to starve the island into submission.

North Korea, which was under control during the Trump administration, is blowing up roads that connect the “Hermit Kingdom” to South Korea. Why?

The Washington Post reports that Israel will not strike Iran’s energy industry or its nuclear facilities. As you know, the Biden/Harris administration was actually offering Israel “bribes” to not attack the most strategically important targets in Iran. It must be nice to have the U.S. government running interference for you if you’re the mullahs of Iran.

I’m hoping this is a false report, put out by the Biden/Harris White House to back Israel into a corner, so if they do attack those high-value targets, it will look like Israel betrayed America. I see no logical reason why Bibi Netanyahu would let Iran know what he won’t hit. That only makes it more likely Iran will reinforce the targets he says it will hit.

Finally, there is this. Remember the Afghan migrant who worked for the CIA and was allowed into the country by Biden/Harris? He was just arrested by the FBI for plotting an Election Day attack in America.

Republicans in Congress are asking the FBI for a full briefing on this individual and the nature of his terrorist plot. The Biden Justice Department is blocking the request.

That should never happen in our system of government. Congress oversees the FBI and the Justice Department. The director of the FBI is supposed to salute and report to the Hill. Speaker Mike Johnson, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, and everyone else in the GOP leadership should demand a briefing now!

Ballots Are Being Cast

Reports on early voting are coming in, and, once again, Democrats have a large lead. According to the Harris campaign, many of the absentee ballot requests are coming from “low-participation Democrats,” which is good news for them because it may represent the wave of pro-abortion women Harris is betting on.

Meanwhile, we’re not reporting anything similar, like a wave of requests from heavily Christian communities. So, as of now, it looks like we’re going to allow a couple million pro-abortion fanatics to decide the future of America.

Unfortunately, some Christians have come up with a misinterpretation of scripture that prevents them from getting involved in “the world.” Or they’re not voting because they are angry Jesus isn’t on the ballot. Or they’re not voting because their pastors haven’t led them properly.

If the Christians and pastors in America’s colonial days held similar attitudes, we would still be part of the British empire.

I have said it in speeches, and I want to repeat it again now: If we as Christians do not stand up on Election Day and beyond, we will have betrayed our Founding Fathers and every generation that sacrificed for our liberty. And we will have condemned our own children and grandchildren to lesser lives.