The Patriot Post® · An Open Letter to All Bible-Believing Christians in America

By Guest Commentary ·

By Richard Regan

On a frigidly cold afternoon in December 1968, Philadelphians became infamous for booing Santa Clause and pelting him with snowballs. Mired in the midst of a 2-11 football season, at halftime of a game they would eventually lose, poor Santa got hit with well over 100 snowballs as he attempted to distribute candy canes to the fans.

Democrats are infamous for attempting to remove God from the 2012 Democratic Convention platform. During a chaotic second day of the convention, a voice vote was held to reinstate the Almighty into the platform. With no clear mandate, amidst a chorus of boos, the chairman of the convention pressed on and reinserted God (and Jerusalem) into the official platform — amidst the protestations of most of those in attendance.

Democrats could not be bothered with even including the Almighty in the 2024 platform, to absolutely no one’s surprise. I’m sure that the untimely and ill-mannered removal of “the good Catholic” Joe Biden from the ticket had a lot to do with that. Whatever faith Kamala Harris possesses, rest assured that it is not based on the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, nor on the God of the New Testament.

Cackling Kamala made that abundantly clear at a rally Thursday at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. As Patriot Post analyst Douglas Andrews told it, “Things went south when she began pounding the only issue she has — abortion. That’s when a couple of Christian students stood up in the audience and loudly proclaimed, ‘Jesus is Lord!’ To which the fundamentally mean-spirited Harris smirked and replied, ‘Oh, you guys are at the wrong rally.’ Emboldened by the cheering crowd, she added, ‘No, I think you meant to go to the smaller one down the street.’”

Christians, this is what is has come down to. Democrats have not only completely ignored God in their platform, they openly ridicule those who may want to present an opposing view. They promote and encourage lifestyles not in accordance with God’s law. They have destroyed our border, making Americans unsafe in our own land. They promote and encourage baby-killing, trying to disguise it as a “women’s health” issue. They promote equality-killing DEI platforms. They try and force 23 genders and gender-confused individuals down our throats. They refuse to protect women’s sports and think it’s okay for an anatomical XY-chromosomed male to compete against women.

I understand the reluctance to vote for Donald Trump. I understand the loathing that many have for the man. I understand that at times he is boorish and rude and condescending. As Patriot Post National Advisory Committee member Barbara James writes, “I don’t admire his personal life or profane language, but I’m not looking for him to be my pastor or my next dinner guest for Thanksgiving. I am voting for his public policies, not his past personal character.”

To sit this election cycle out, to NOT cast a vote for Donald Trump, is to cast a vote for a vile, God-hating, sexually depraved, abortion-loving party … and the candidate they support. (Note: I did not state the candidate that they chose — she was chosen for them by the Democrat powers that be in a blatant coup against a sitting brain-addled president.)

But that current candidate — Harris — has made it abundantly clear that anyone who recognizes, believes, or states that “Jesus is Lord” is NOT welcome in her party. They are at the wrong rally. They are mocked and jeered and greeted with cries of derision.

I voted today for Donald J. Trump for president in 2024. I voted for safe borders and the removal of those who have come here illegally. I voted for support of the police. I voted for economic freedom and lower taxes. I voted for Israel. I voted for our military. I voted to keep American dollars at home and care, first and foremost, for Americans. I voted for the sanctity of human life, for a God who knits babies together in their mothers’ wombs.

Christians, do NOT sit on the sideline this election cycle. Please, even if you have to hold your nose when you’re in the voting booth, vote for Donald Trump. It’s not a vote for the man; it’s a vote for his policies and the policies of a people who still know and recognize God, who still honor America, and who still cherish liberty and freedom.

The freedom — and the future — of our country rests in your hands.