The Patriot Post® · The Fascism Farce

By Gary Bauer ·

On October 29th, Kamala Harris is scheduled to give what is being described as her “closing argument” on the Ellipse just outside the White House. Her closing argument will be that Donald Trump is an authoritarian, a fascist, the next Hitler.
You’ve heard it all before. It goes back to the disgusting Charlottesville hoax where Democrats and their media allies tried to smear Trump as a neo-Nazi sympathizer, in spite of the fact that he specifically condemned neo-Nazis and white supremacists. (The Big Lie again.)
Joe Biden continued the theme when he delivered that bizarre, bitter speech with a blood red backdrop, condemning half the country as “semi-fascist.” And it’s not just Trump. It’s you, too. Biden said so himself, “It’s not just Trump, it’s the entire philosophy that underpins the [MAGA movement] … it’s like semi-fascism.”
And in recent days the theme has been resurrected again by the fake news media.
I know you are too smart to fall for this, but some of your less informed neighbors, friends, and family members might. So, here are some points that might be useful.
All totalitarian movements — Marxism, fascism, Maosim, Nazism — have certain characteristics, none of which apply to Trump and the millions of Americans who support him.
Totalitarian regimes want to eliminate all mediating institutions where people find comfort and safety. They don’t want anything competing for loyalty to the state. So, they wage war against the family, the church, and private institutions.
That’s the opposite of Trump and the MAGA movement. He’s trying to protect and promote faith. He is trying to expand religious liberty. His public policies strongly promote families. He’s taking the side of parents against government at all levels.
Totalitarian regimes are aggressive internationally. They want to spread their ideology to as many nations as possible.
Donald Trump has been running for eight years as the guy who wants to end endless wars. He wants peace through strength. He wants the death and destruction in Ukraine to end. He wants peace in the Middle East. And the left has attacked him for promoting peace.
Now they’re calling him a dictator, a fascist, and a Nazi. But those regimes always want war because war makes it easier to restrict civil rights.
All totalitarian regimes try to shrink civil liberties. Donald Trump is fighting to save our civil liberties.
Fascist regimes often make alliances with big businesses so they can oppress citizens together, like the FBI working with Big Tech to censor the truth and silence government critics. Donald Trump is fighting to protect citizens from Big Business and prevent them and the government from taking away your rights.
The Real Threat
Just to be clear about the real threat of authoritarianism, it is the left, not the right, that threatens free speech and religious liberty.
It is the left, not the right, that threatens your right to protect your family.
It is the left, not the right, that is trying to dictate what you can eat, what you can drive, and how you cook and heat your home.
It is the left, not the right, that is trying to force you to lie about biological reality.
It is the left, not the right, that wants to pack the Supreme Court so it can control everything.
It is the left, not the right, that wants to abolish the Senate and the Electoral College.
It is the left, not the right, that calls our Constitution “outdated” and “trash.”
There is a real threat to freedom and democratic values. But it’s coming from the left, not the right.
This Isn’t New
The first time I was called a Nazi goes all the way back to when I was in school in 1964. A couple of people I went to school with were volunteering at the Democrat Party booth at a fair. When I walked by, they screamed, “Gary Bauer is a Nazi!”
The left called Richard Nixon a Nazi. They said Ronald Reagan was fascist to the core. They called John McCain, who spent years in a POW camp, a Nazi. Even Mitt Romney, who barely had any fight in him, was a fascist in waiting.
In these past cases, there was still some semblance of real journalism and a non-establishment, non-state media that would push back a little. Today, there’s virtually no resistance. In fact, the fake news media are amplifying the false allegations.
It’s not just happening here. Every movement in Europe that wants to reestablish control of their borders and stop the fundamental transformation of their country by importing massive numbers of Third World migrants is immediately labeled “fascist” or “Nazi.”
The left and the United Nations use adjectives usually reserved for actual Nazis and aim them at Israel, the only democratic nation in the Middle East. “Israel is committing genocide,” they say. “There’s a Holocaust in Gaza.” “Benjamin Netanyahu is Hitler.”
The only way you can make the attacks worse, in Europe and here, is to say:
“I believe in religious liberty, but I’m really worried that we are losing our roots in Judeo-Christian civilization. I don’t want that civilization to disappear. I don’t want it to be overwhelmed by Islamic supremacists. I want there to be some countries in the world based on Judeo-Christian values.”
If you say that, it is not only predictable that radical leftists will call you “fascist” and “Nazi” — and this is important — they will try to kill you. They have done it repeatedly in Europe and Latin America.
Deliberate Disinformation
There is a totalitarian movement in America that is intent on taking over the country. There are similar movements in Europe, and in some cases, they have taken over.
The left-wing British Labour Party has 100 officials here in America campaigning for Harris. Throughout Europe, the freedom of speech and with it religious liberty are being smashed with an iron fist. Churches are burning all across France.
I know it’s difficult for some people to process what is going on. Here’s the key point: These are neo-Marxist leftist regimes that are taking over.
When a leader emerges who resolves to risk everything to fight them and stop them, that individual is who they label as a “fascist,” “Nazi,” “dictator,” and “authoritarian.” The real authoritarians use their vast power to do everything they can to deceive you into believing that the “good guy” is the danger.
Just think about what is going on in our schools. Totalitarian regimes want complete control of the schools so they can indoctrinate children and even turn them into spies against their parents.
The radical left controls the teachers’ unions. The Department of Education in Washington, D.C., is all in on leftist indoctrination in the classroom.
When a parent finds the courage to go to a school board meeting and object to a book with graphic sexual material in their child’s second grade school or complain about a history book that trashes America and praises communism, what do the leftists do? They label the parent “an extremist” and a “book banner.”
An October Surprise
We knew October would be filled with surprises by the left. They want to unleash things when the amount of time to explain their lies is limited. Often, an October surprise comes in November, on the eve of the election.
In the 2000 election, a story broke on November 2nd that George W. Bush had been arrested for drunk driving. The election was November 7th. That last minute revelation is one reason why the 2000 election turned into such a cliffhanger.
That is the left’s playbook. And this “fascist” narrative that the left is going all in on is setting up what many of them hope will be the ultimate October surprise.
We know there is a mental health crisis in America. There are millions of people infected with a virulent strain of Marxism that has made them insane. They want the October surprise to be that we don’t have a live candidate on Election Day.
That someone has done the dirty work for them and killed Donald Trump. And if somebody doesn’t do it by then, they still have 76 days between Election Day and Inauguration Day.
Another assassination attempt or a successful assassination is the logical outcome of telling 330 million people that there is a fascist movement on the verge of capturing their country.
I know there are people who think I’m exaggerating. I’m not.
Polling found that 28% of self-identified Democrats felt the country would be better off if the assassination attempt on Donald Trump had succeeded. Another 24% of Democrats said they weren’t sure. So, that’s 52% of Democrats who either want Trump dead or think it might be a good idea.
As far as I know, no pollster has explicitly asked, “Would you like to see someone kill Donald Trump?” If that was asked, I’m sure we would be shocked by the number of self-identified Democrats and leftists who said “Yes.”
After all, there is a movement within the left’s coalition that celebrates the killing of police. It’s the same perverse movement that cheered when Iran attacked Israel. It’s the same movement that called our men coming home from Vietnam “baby killers.” That’s ironic since their whole platform is killing babies.
Do you think your family and our country would be safe with these thugs in power?
With every new revelation about the true nature of this sick ideology, the Christian who does not vote to stop it, I believe, is close to actually committing a verifiable sin, something they will have to explain when they stand before the Throne.
“Why, in the face of such evil, did you allow a sick culture with totalitarian neo-Marxist impulses tell you that the right thing to do is sit at home or in the pew reading your Bible and do nothing?”
There is no virtue in allowing immorality to prevail. In these circumstances, that is a sin, just like the pastors in Nazi Germany who thought they could make a separate peace with the totalitarian regime that was taking over their country.
By the way, we got an October surprise yesterday. The woman who said she was assaulted by Doug Emhoff is speaking out, saying she is “disgusted” by the fake persona that is being presented to the public.
Listen To Those Who Know
There are a lot of people in America who came from countries controlled by totalitarian regimes. I have many good friends from Cuba. Over the years, I have worked with people who stood up to the Chinese Communist Party in China and managed to escape.
Ethel Kennedy, the wife of Robert Kennedy, recently passed away. I was once invited to a dinner at her house because she and I were both speaking up against the communist regime that slaughtered students in Tiananmen Square.
One of the leaders of that student protest movement escaped, made it to the United States, was at Ethel Kennedy’s house for that dinner, and she invited me to be at that dinner.
If you talk to any refugee from a communist country, they will tell you that what they fled is happening here now, and they don’t mean Donald Trump. In fact, they are some of the most outspoken supporters of Donald Trump. They know it takes a strong man to stop the forces that want to turn us from citizens into subjects.