The Patriot Post® · Joe Biden's Legacy: Lies, Chaos, and Blood
For the Biden administration, the light is finally starting to glow at the end of the tunnel. With Thanksgiving behind us and Christmas fast approaching, we are just a few weeks away from relegating Joe Biden and his family to the pages of obscurity: the presidential equivalent of sending your family pet to a far-away farm to roam and play with other (long dead) animals.
And much like Fido might leave a parting gift on your living room carpet, Joe Biden is wrapping up his presidency by reminding us of his true legacy: lies, chaos and blood.
It’s stunning that Joe Biden has managed to maintain his persona of regular old Uncle Joe, the truth-telling man from Scranton, Pennsylvania, who understands the lives of working-class and middle-class Americans because he is just like you. He even rolls his sleeves up occasionally!
In reality, of course, Joe Biden may well be remembered — if academia allows the truth to survive — as the biggest liar ever to occupy the White House. Not only was his career riddled with abject falsehoods, but his presidency has been cobbled together with one lie after another. Remember! Inflation was merely transitory, the Afghanistan withdrawal was a historic success, the border was secure, and Biden was sharp as a tack behind closed doors. Even when his brain fell out on national television, we were told not to believe our lying eyes! It was all a “cheapfake.”
Let alone Biden’s parting lie to end all lies: pardoning his corrupt drug-addict son, Hunter Biden, for any and all crimes committed since 2014 – coincidentally, the year Hunter Biden started raking in millions of dollars from a Ukrainian gas company – after pledging not to do so. No one is above the law, huh?
Meanwhile, when Joe Biden wasn’t cosplaying as a geriatric Pinocchio with a compulsive lying disorder, he was sowing seeds of chaos. Thanks to Biden and his policy platform, inflation has made life unaffordable for countless Americans, illegal immigration has rebranded American cities as third world hellscapes, and the United States has become a laughingstock on the world stage.
And with that comes blood.
Throughout Biden’s career that has somehow spanned half a century, he has demonstrated a singular talent: being wrong on foreign policy. Whether it was opposing Ronald Reagan’s initiative that resulted in the collapse of the Soviet Union, advising against the mission to kill Osama bin Laden or voting against the first Gulf War and for the second one, Biden has confirmed Barack Obama’s famous warning: “don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f— things up.”
In this case, Obama — who was also disastrous on the world stage — was right.
Thanks to Biden’s foreign policy, the United States has gone far beyond the apology tour of the Obama administration and enabled Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the surrender of Afghanistan to the Taliban, and the reemergence of Iran as a regional superpower while funding the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust on Oct. 7.
If he manages to stay conscious — a big if — with South Korea declaring martial law, China circling Taiwan, and war raging in Europe and the Middle East, Biden has weeks to inflict far more damage on his way out. But soon, to the left’s horror, Donald Trump will retake the White House, and the United States can once again return to being the voice of moral clarity at home and abroad.
But as the memory of Joe Biden fades, we must refuse to allow him and his inner circle of hackish sycophants to rewrite his legacy and remember the truth: he was nothing but a disastrous failure who delivered lies, chaos and blood.