The Patriot Post® · 9 Warning Signs an Upcoming Movie Might Be Woke
It’s growing more and more difficult to enjoy any form of entertainment these days without being bombarded by woke agendas. Even some movies you expect to be safe from preachy progressivism end up ambushing you. How can you know ahead of time if a movie will end up being woke?
Here are some common warning signs:
The director promised a “fresh take” for a “modern audience”: These are code words for “a bad, woke movie.”
You’ve been notified that you’re a homophobic racist misogynist if you don’t like it: Not a good sign.
There are white males in the movie, but they’re all incel supervillains who punch puppies: Well, at least white males made it into the movie.
It has a 100% score on Rotten Tomatoes: And if the audience score is near 0%, then it’s a double sign.
It doesn’t star Kirk Cameron, Kevin Sorbo, or Dennis Quaid: Ruh-roh!
The movie is a remake of a beloved IP that no one ever asked for a remake of in the history of the universe: Yep, it’s woke.
David French is tweeting about how amazing it is: YEP. WOKE.
It won the Academy Award for Best Picture before it was even announced: RIGGED ELECTION!
It was made in the last five years: A near-definite sign of wokeness.
If you see any of the signs listed above, save yourself some money and time and just pop your VHS copy of the theatrical release of Return of the Jedi in the VCR.
From our friends at The Babylon Bee.