The Patriot Post® · Pinning the Tail on the Donkeys

By Burt Prelutsky ·

There are so many bad things one can say about those on the Left, one hardly knows where to begin. But one of their most annoying traits is that they absolutely refuse to acknowledge that they’ve ever been wrong even when actual events, as opposed to the fiction so often spun by liberal professors and historians, confirms it time and again.

For instance, when I was a youngster, Time magazine editor Whittaker Chambers testified that Alger Hiss, the fair-haired boy of FDR’s and Truman’s State Department, was not only a member of the Communist Party, but an agent of the Soviet Union. The way that the Left erupted, you might have thought that Chambers was a latter-day Pontius Pilate and that Hiss was Jesus. Even when the Soviet Union released the Venona Papers years later, proving that Hiss had indeed been one of their agents – in other words, a traitor, one of Stalin’s useful idiots – the Left refused to acknowledge their collective naiveté.

Along the same lines, one never heard the likes of NY Times foreign correspondent Walter Duranty, playwright Lillian Hellman or film director Abe Polansky, ever acknowledge that they’d been dangerously mistaken in paying homage to Joe Stalin. And when did you ever hear of Hollywood’s lefties beg anyone’s pardon for tithing the Soviet Union or acknowledging that long before any of them had been blacklisted, they had engaged in blacklisting conservative screenwriters such as Morrie Ryskind?

Did any of those on the Left ever denounce their younger selves for insisting during the Cold War that the United States should have unilaterally disarmed itself of nuclear bombs, thus setting, as they fatuously claimed, a good example for the Russians?

Did any of those louts ever declare a mea culpa for demanding that Ronald Reagan be impeached if, for nothing else, referring to the Soviet Union as an “evil empire” and then regurgitating their moral outrage all over again when George W. Bush declared that Iran, North Korea and Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, constituted an “axis of evil”?

Apparently nothing ticks off a leftist more than calling a spade a garden utensil.

Anyone with a frontal lobe recognizes that the economic chaos in Europe is the direct result of socialist nanny states promising to provide their citizens with all their material needs in exchange for over-inflating the size of government. And yet lunkheads like Obama, Pelosi, Waxman and Reid, refuse to recognize the predictable results of these idiotic policies even when confronted with the inevitable riots every night on the evening news.

One definition of insanity is constantly repeating the same action in the cockeyed belief that the results will eventually be different. In the case of Leftists, if you point out that socialism doesn’t work any better in Wisconsin or Ohio than it did in the Soviet Union or does in Greece, they argue that it simply has never been done correctly. In the wake of such bloody failures as China, Nazi Germany, Cambodia, Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea, only a certifiable lunatic would even consider defending socialism on such shaky ground. However, when it comes to unequivocal devotion to failed attempts at social engineering, those on the Left could give collies and cocker spaniels lessons in blind loyalty.

If I haven’t yet convinced you that those who inhabit the ranks of the Left are dangerously self-righteous and unbelievably stupid, consider that they not only elected Barney Frank to Congress, but then kept doing it 15 more times. Consider, too, that they hold the unholy likes of Jimmy Carter, Michael Moore and Michael Bloomberg, in high regard.

Finally, never forget that one of the intellectual heroines of the Left, Susan Sontag, once declared, “The white race is the cancer of human history,” and, as usual, she was being deadly serious; and that Barack Obama, after once acknowledging that America was the greatest nation on the face of the earth – no doubt with his fingers crossed behind his back – went on to announce that, as president, he intended to radically transform it!