The Patriot Post® · We're Going to Do What We Want, and We Dare You to Stop Us

By Arnold Ahlert ·

Two separate issues today, but both related if we take the long way around.

First the Arizona decision. I’ll spare you all of the analysis that will have been disseminated by the time you read this, save for a couple of observations. First, the political class, and thus in turn the overwhelming majority of the American people, are being held hostage and subjected to extortion by illegal aliens and their open border crowd enablers.

The Democrats, in all the Stockholm Syndrome glory, welcome that extortion with open arms, confident that a viable tradeoff exists between selling out American citizens who will subsequently abandon their party, and the influx of new voters, legal and otherwise, who will replace the disaffected. Thus for Democrats, the more illegals, the merrier.

Republicans, a political party long used to being reactive rather than proactive, have been convinced the Democrats’ version of demographic reality is immutable. Coupled with their desire to provide low-life business owners with a source of cheap labor, they too are willing to be extorted based on little more than minimizing their losses to the Democrats. Their self-inflicted obliviousness prevents them from seeing that the primary reason so many Americans hold them in contempt: their position of this issue and so many others is nothing more than a watered-down version of Democrat progressivism.

It never occurs to them that that those dedicated to eliminating American traditions, language and culture prefer rabid opponents of American exceptionalism over those only half-heartedly involved in the unraveling of the greatest nation on earth. It takes a special gift to alienate both your supporters and those who hate you anyway, but Republicans manage to pull it off with alarming consistency.

The second observation, and the Obama administration’s immediate reaction to the Court decision is only the latest example of it, is this: this bunch of Chicago thugs has made it clearer than ever that they operate by one rule and one rule only. The rule?

We’re going to do whatever we want, be it illegal, immoral, or unConstitutional – and we dare you to stop us.

And lest anyone think this is a new development, think again. In the most under-reported story of 2009, this president and his administration kicked bankruptcy laws to the curb – along with the primary creditors – and handed bankrupt American car companies GM and Chrysler to their secondary creditor buddies in the United Autoworkers Union. After that, they granted waivers from ObamaCare to certain “favored” constituencies. After that they attempted to shake down Boeing and prevent them from operating a plant in the right to work state of South Carolina.

They have routinely bypassed Congress via combinations of executive orders and allowing agencies like the EPA to “crucify” any entity that doesn’t kowtow to their radical environmental worldview. And as their calculated indifference to both the Defense of Marriage Act and immigration fiasco indicate, they are more than willing to engage in selective law enforcement, despite the reality that it is completely illegal to do so.

Once again: we’re going to do whatever we want, and we dare you to stop us.

Almost half of America – pray it’s less than half – either doesn’t give a damn, or figures it’s A-OK because such lawlessness coincides with their worldview.

This deadly combination of cluelessness, coupled with self-entitlement, is mother’s milk for a Democrat party that can only thrive by stripping people of their dignity, self-worth, ambition and self-reliance under the grotesque banner of “social justice.” That social justice amounts to nothing more than shredding the Constitution is of small consequence, as long as the check keeps coming in the mail, and/or the jealousy of the moocher class can continue to be otherwise satiated, even as the nation goes bankrupt in the process.

Only the thoroughly corrupted can rail against the wealth-creators – even as they require their wealth to underwrite their corruption. Where do the Republicans figure in? The Democrats are the sackers. Republicans negotiate the size of the sack.

Yet amazingly enough – and it is amazing considering the state of our media – Democrats are in trouble. Wisconsin was an indicator that all is not well in Moocherville, and that perhaps those interested in saving the nation instead of milking it dry may be more the motivated voters in November. Which brings me to the second half of this piece, courtesy of Obama political consultant David Axlerod, who thinks American should be forced to vote, and dim-bulb Atlantic magazine columnist Sasha Issenberg, who thinks Americans should be shamed into voting. Wrong on both counts. In fact I’ll take it a step further. If you’re one of those terminally-uninformed, American-Idol brained, self-absorbed fools who base critical decisions on little more than “that’s the way all my friends voted,” do thoughtful Americans a big favor on election day: stay home! I know some of you have probably heard it’s your “sacred duty” to exercise the “utmost privilege” of our democratic process, but that admonition presumes one has even the slightest idea about what’s going on. How slight? A month ago I spoke with a 27-year old individual who thought the Civil War took place in the 1950s. He’s a nice enough fellow, but I sincerely hope he stays away from the voting booth – no matter which side he might be inclined to support.

This nation has catered to the lowest common denominator – to the point of fiscal suicide – long enough.