The Patriot Post® · Romney's Sister Souljah Moment

By Burt Prelutsky ·

Back in 1992, a 28-year-old black hip-hop singer/writer who called herself Sister Souljah garnered a great deal of publicity when she said, “Black people kill Black people every day; why not have a week and kill white people?”

Bill Clinton, who was then running for president, did himself a world of good when he repudiated her statement and, by extension, Jesse Jackson, for including her in his Rainbow Coalition. It was that easy for Clinton to reassure white voters by distancing himself from a pair of black racists, even though he would quickly resume his symbiotic relationship with Jackson once he was safely ensconced in the White House.

Ever since then, politicians have sought their own vote-getting Sister Souljah moment, although few are ever fortunate enough to have such an easy time of it. Such a moment needn’t involve taking a pot shot at anyone, but must earn the person respect by displaying credibility above and beyond the level we have grown to expect from a generation of political cowards and second-raters.

Recently, Mitt Romney had not one, but two such moments, and unlike Clinton, it actually required courage and integrity on his part. In the first instance, he spoke at a conference of influential Hispanics and said the same things about what his immigration policy would be, if elected, as he’s said all along the campaign trail.

Shortly thereafter, while addressing the annual convention of the NAACP, he said that one of the first items on his presidential agenda would be to eliminate ObamaCare. That was greeted with about 15 solid seconds of booing.

Most politicians on the campaign trail trim their sails, tweaking their remarks to the makeup of a specific audience. Heck, during the primary debates, Newt Gingrich used to promise a different audience something different every night of the week, depending on whether he thought deepening a local canal or allowing offshore oil drilling would play better.

In the case of Obama, otherwise known as the Panderer-in-Chief, he spins like a ballet dancer depending on whether he is addressing blacks, Jews, Muslims, single women, Hispanics, college students, military veterans or union members. He is all things to all voting blocs. At his core, there is no core. There is simply a huge ravenous maw that craves attention, adoration, campaign funds and, of course, another four years in which to remake America in his own skewed and diabolical image.

In a related matter, it has recently come to light that a hoax has sprung up, leaving thousands, perhaps millions of people, convinced that Obama has set up a plan to pay everyone’s utility bills. It’s not fraud, exactly, because nobody is actually cashing in at the expense of the American taxpayer. So it should not be confused with the way that Obama’s major financial supporters at places like Solyndra have profited over the past three years. This is more like a practical joke, but the only reason that anyone is actually falling for it is because it perfectly fits Obama’s profile.

I mean, between millions of additional people now getting food stamps and collecting disability checks they’re not entitled to, combined with the endless extensions of unemployment benefits, Obama is turning America into one huge welfare state, so why wouldn’t people think that this administration would also be handling everyone’s utility bills in the future?

And just where was all this money supposed to come from? Well, if you recall, back in 2009, there was a video showing a large group of welfare recipients lined up in the streets of Detroit, waiting for a federal disbursement of cash. When a reporter asked one of the women where she thought the money was actually coming from, she happily gushed, “From Obama’s stash.”

Before signing off, I should mention that at the same NAACP conference at which Romney appeared, one of the other guest speakers was Attorney General Eric Holder, who was filling in for his boss, who was busy elsewhere, no doubt hosting his four thousand, seven hundred and sixty-second, fund raiser.

Holder, in spite of being the first attorney general to ever be cited for contempt of Congress or, more likely, because he’s black and is the first one ever cited, received an extremely warm greeting from the audience. They were particularly exuberant when he explained to his fellow blacks that he was waging war against the state of Texas over its insistence that voters provide a photo I.D. before casting a ballot.

Holder went so far as to say, “We call them poll taxes,” and received an ovation from the crowd.

What made it so amusingly ironic, at least to everyone but Holder and his racist groupies, was that a photo I.D. was actually required for admission to the event.