The Patriot Post® · Knee-Jerks and Other Jerks on the Left

By Burt Prelutsky ·

Under normal conditions, I would not address the tragic events that took place in Aurora, Colorado. For one thing, it was the insane act of a single psychotic, as opposed to the sort of stuff I generally deal with, such as Obama’s destructive policies and the loony legislation enacted by the left-wing pinheads in Congress.

I am only making an exception in the case of James Holmes because of what it tells us about liberals. Understand, I’m not laying his massacre at the feet of leftists. I leave that sort of thing to the media. You know, the folks who announced that Jared Lee Loughner was a conservative as soon as they heard that he had gone on a murderous rampage in Tucson, Arizona, that left Rep. Gabrielle Giffords wounded and several people dead. In similar fashion, we all got to hear that James Holmes was a member of the Tea Party even before the smoke had cleared.

What the events at the Aurora movie complex tell us about liberals is that, taking the advice of Rahm Emanuel to heart, they are loath to let a crisis go to waste. As sure as shooting, within hours of the tragedy, they were out in force complaining about that darn Second Amendment. The fact that if someone in the theater had been carrying a concealed weapon, Holmes might have been stopped almost before he got started fails to register on those who hate guns to such a degree that they can never acknowledge that they can ever be used for good.

But, then, they also refused to concede the irony that it took a police officer to end Major Nidal Hassan’s bloody rampage at Fort Hood because the powers-that-be decided that a military base, of all places, was to be a gun-free environment.

When I hear liberals blame guns for what Holmes did, I realize they don’t appreciate how much worse the carnage could have been. If, instead of entering the theater with his semi-automatic weapon, he had set off the bombs with which he had booby-trapped his apartment, God only knows how many more people would have been killed and maimed.

Liberals are always eager to ban guns, but even after the Oklahoma City bombing, you didn’t hear them talk about banning fertilizer. That’s probably just as well because sane people would have then been forced to point out that manure doesn’t kill people; people kill people.

One of the creepy things about liberals is that they only wish to discuss actions and inevitable consequences when the actions can be traced to conservatives. You never hear them reprimand parole boards, which are nearly always comprised of social workers, psychologists and other college degreed morons, when one of the felons they release murders or rapes another victim.

You never hear liberals blaming people like Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Ted Kennedy and Barack Obama, for bringing on the financial meltdown by insisting that home loans be given to people who couldn’t come up with a down payment, all because they knew that the votes of those new homeowners could be so easily bought and paid for with the tax dollars of the solvent.

Have you ever heard a liberal lay the blame for Islamic terrorism at the feet of Jimmy Carter, the man who pulled the carpet out from under the Shah of Iran, thus inviting the Ayatollah Khomeini and his mullahs to embark on their mission of worldwide domination?

Speaking of lunatics such as Jared Loughner and James Holmes, it’s been liberal state legislators who have cut funding for insane asylums and the ACLU who have fought the commitment of psychotics. As a result, these days, there is no way to force the mentally deranged to take their medications and no way to get them off the streets once they decide to forego their meds until the day the voices in their heads send them off on a killing spree.

Also, you may have noticed that all the knuckleheads on the Left need to do is place “phobic” at the end of words in order to cow their opponents into silence. If you don’t think that same-sex marriages are a great idea, you’re homophobic. If you don’t believe that our country owes its creation to Muslims, you’re Islamophobic. I have reached the point where I am phobiaphobic. All I need is for someone to try to win a debate by introducing “phobic” into the discussion and I go berserk.

Moreover, nobody is supposed to be judgmental, lest they be accused of bigotry. So the fact that one of the major reasons that the black community is so dangerous and so dysfunctional is because more than seven out of every 10 black babies is born to an unwed mother is supposed to be ignored in the name of political correctness. In one of Leona Salazar’s columns, I read that the most appropriate name for those unfortunate babies is “souvenirs.” I couldn’t have said it any better, or I would have.

In conclusion, I would say that when you realize there are about 315 million people now living in the United States, and that thousands of them didn’t think twice about standing in line in order to see a comic book movie at midnight, and that tens of millions more will, in spite of all the rotten things this administration has done over the past three years, vote for Barack Obama this November, it’s rather surprising that such tragic events as took place in Columbine, Tucson and Aurora, are as rare as they are.