The Patriot Post® · Rancid Rhetoric

By Burt Prelutsky ·

Liberals are always up in arms over what they deem to be pollution of the atmosphere, whether it takes the form of global warming, oil exploration, fracking, coal mining or the internal combustion engine. What doesn’t concern them in the least is the polluting of society, whether it’s obscenity on the big screen, the small screen or, worse yet, the endless lies spewed by left-wing politicians and their whores in the media.

Consider that liberals are always demanding that tax dollars be used to subsidize NPR and Public Broadcasting on the grounds that they provide education for children and adults, alike. They deny that the actual reason they campaign on behalf of these enterprises is because they are run by and for liberals. Instead, they go to the ramparts to defend Big Bird. It should be understood that Big Bird can buy and sell Mitt Romney, and needs our tax dollars about as much as Bill Gates and Warren Buffet.

It should also be noted that PBS is so fair and balanced that here in California, when it offered free time to Senate candidates Dianne Feinstein and Elizabeth Emken, it only took Feinstein’s rejection of the offer for PBS to rescind its invitation to Mrs. Emken. With what passes for a straight face in liberal circles, they told her that it wouldn’t be fair for her to appear if the senator didn’t have equal time.

Speaking of California, a state that has long based its own economy on that of Greece, you may have heard that we poor souls are now paying somewhere between $4.80 and $5.20 for a gallon of gas. Naturally, liberal loons such as Gov. Jerry Brown have made a career out of bashing those greedy bastards in the oil industry. But what they fail to mention is the actual reason why, whereas everywhere else in the U.S., people are paying twice as much for a gallon of gas as they were paying when Obama took office, we are paying about three times as much. Those reasons are two-fold: one, we have the strictest environmental regulations in the country, which makes it far more expensive to refine our gas; and, two, because, thanks to the Democrats in Sacramento, we pay the highest state taxes in the nation.

I occasionally hear from liberals who insist that the real reason I object so strenuously to Barack Obama is because he’s black, although calling someone who is 5% black, 45% Arab and 50% white, a black man strikes me as absurd. Having said that, I will admit that it pleases me no end knowing that when Obama leaves the White House next January, he will be taking Valerie Jarrett, Susan Rice, Eric Holder and Mrs. Obama, with him.

But lest that be taken as a slur against blacks, I will readily admit that I would be even happier if he took along my fellow Jews, including Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Henry Waxman, Charles Schumer, Barbara Boxer, Bernie Sanders, Frank Lautenberg, Brad Sherman, Al Franken and Mrs. Feinstein.

Recently, it dawned on me that those on the Left learned well from the various dictators of the 20th century that all it took for a lie to be mistaken for the truth is that it be constantly repeated. Those on the Left are never ashamed to be caught in a fib because, like Muslims, they feel that their destiny is to bring enlightenment to all mankind, no matter how much death and mayhem they cause along the way.

The Left wears you down by attrition. Eventually, they assume you will get so tired of refuting their propaganda that you will simply toss in the towel. It’s the way that the Communists took over several of the Hollywood unions back in the 1930s. The left-wingers simply out-waited the normal rank-and-file members who would get sleepy during the endless meetings and finally go home; at which point, those who remained would pass motions and elect leaders in the wee hours. Such people, you may have noticed, always work best under the cloak of darkness.

If you tuned in to the Vice-Presidential debate, you saw yet another tactic of the Left. You saw Joe Biden interrupt Paul Ryan repeatedly and talk over him. Then, for good measure, Biden had the gall to complain to his aider and abettor, ABC’s Martha Raddatz, that he was being deprived of his fair share of the time, although, as Bret Baier later reported, he actually spoke for about two minutes more than Rep. Ryan, who never once interrupted him.

It was a bizarre display by Biden, who generally comes off as a slightly boozy buffoon. As he smirked, sneered and gawked, at Paul Ryan, a man who has more brains in his little finger than Biden has in his entire hair-plugged head, I could hear millions of independent voters sitting home and saying, “That boor is our vice-president? That’s the man a heartbeat away from the Oval Office? Why he’s nothing but a schoolyard bully.”

Finally, I’ve heard that the folks behind both the AARP and Big Bird have informed David Axelrod that they do not wish to be used in Obama’s trashy campaign ads.

That was bad enough, but the final straw was when Joe Biden told him the same thing.