The Patriot Post® · (When) Will the Press Have Their 'Benghazi' Moment on AGW?
I refuse to change battlefields on this issue. Why is anyone letting “global warming” be turned into “climate change?” The design and nature of the planet means it searches for a balance it will never find. The issue was and is that “man caused global warming.” When it stopped, it was conveniently changed to “climate change.” And like so many other issues today, the mainstream media – the supposed objective guardians of freedom in this country – marches right along with an agenda that seeks to confuse and control.
Climate change? It’s redundant. Scientists said the globe was going to warm; a tipping point was on the way; immediate action was needed. That was over twenty years ago. During seventeen of those years, there has been no rise and as I have shown over and over, a well predicted fall started with the turn of the Pacific to its colder cycle. (You can see the charts on many of my previous posts1.)
More disturbing to me is this question I raised in a recent paper: Is the Cooling Worse Than We (I) Thought?2
The fact is, instead of the air becoming more warm and moist in the mid layers (as a result of the trapping of heat that was supposed to be occurring), it is cooling and getting drier – exactly opposite of the ideas presented by the Global Warming Crowd.
Guess what? No trapping, incoming and outgoing radiation equal no story. The earths temperatures will get “distorted” for a time and will then shift back the other way. It’s not unlike two people that weigh 180 lbs. whose weight is distributed differently. But without any extra input and equal calorie burning, and no change in basal metabolic rate, they stay at 180 lbs.
There is case after case showing the opposite of what the AGW crowd said is happening. Common sense dictates that a climate that has varied since before man appeared on the planet will continue to do so at its own will. It’s the nature of the system that we did not create, cannot control, and in spite of our elevated sense of importance, are not the masters of.
Do you think any of the people refusing to acknowledge the mountain of evidence – that at the least cast doubt, and in reality, debunk all this – have ever read papers like this3?
It’s similar to what I read in the early 1990s, to which I paid no heed at the time: Sunspot cycle 24 (the one we are in now) and the next one (25) would lead to a little ice age much like the 1700s when the sun last “went to sleep.” While I am not fully in that camp, one can see the writing on the wall simply from the oceans as the Pacific has changed its cycle and the weather has gone right back to where it was in the 1950s.
How disturbing is this issue? Consider this: What forms of tyranny has the US wasted blood and treasure on stopping for the betterment of man? Dictatorship.
Well, here we are with the New York Times, from this editorial4, asking the president to take control of the issue and basically rule by decree through the EPA.
It’s frightening how naïve, tyrannical, dismissive and ignorant this is given the weight of evidence against the Times’ premise. It’s as if they never looked at the mountain of evidence available countering their ideas.
And then there’s this from Dr. Michael Mann of Penn State advocating “collective” action.“ Where have we heard the word "collective” before? (Hint: Post-1917 Russia.) From his interview with Al Jazeera:
[Host]: In the end, what it’s about, it’s just a plutocracy and the corruption in Washington, they basically have more money than you.
[Mann]: Well, you know, you do need collective action…
Watch and judge for yourself.
(This is quite amazing given Al Jazeera is funded by an oil rich entity.)
Now think about this: I do not begrudge former Vice President Al Gore one penny in his windfall since leaving the White House. If he has found a niche that makes him money and he thinks it’s right, then God Bless him. But there is a difference between making a profit from people willing to follow you and forcing your agenda on people who want no part of it. And in a way this is a form of tyranny.
So what will it take? When will the press have their “Benghazi” moment on this? Given the mountain of evidence against anthropogenic global warming, it can’t be soon enough.
And remember, it’s not climate change – it’s man-caused global warming. They don’t get to change the rules because they are losing the game.
Joe Bastardi is chief forecaster at WeatherBELL Analytics, a meteorological consulting firm.