The Patriot Post® · More Media Malfeasance

By Arnold Ahlert ·

For the last few years I’ve had an ongoing discussion with my brother who agrees with me that Obama administration scandals like Fast and Furious, Benghazi, or the IRS corruption investigation are serious. Yet unlike me, he often wonders why they get no traction with the public. The reason, I tell him, is simple: when you have a mainstream media that has abandoned journalistic integrity in favor of an agenda, you get what you got.

Remember Watergate? Of course you do. And the reason you do is because the entire mainstream media made it their non-stop topic of conversation for months on end. Despite being little more than a hotel break-in followed by an elaborate coverup, the media turned it into a scandal of historic proportions.

In other words, for a scandal to have “legs,” it becomes necessary for those whose profession ostensibly revolves around getting to the truth to take a sustained and conscientious interest in that truth – irrespective of whose ox is gored. Sentient Americans realize this is no longer the case. But every once in a while when stories that are so compelling bubble to the surface, one would think that some sustained interest would be virtually inevitable.

One would be utterly and completely wrong.

Two weeks ago, The Telegraph issued a bloodcurdling report revealing that the “bodies of thousands of aborted and miscarried babies were incinerated as clinical waste, with some even used to heat hospitals." The remains of at least 15,000 aborted and miscarried fetuses were incinerated by 27 National Health Service (NHS) trusts in just the last two years. One hospital, Addenbrooke’s in Cambridge, burned 797 fetuses below 13 weeks in gestation. At Ipswich Hospital, a "waste to energy facility” associated with the hospital burned 1,101 fetal remains over a two year period. In fact, that facility actually brought in fetuses from another hospital in order to boost their energy output.

“Dispatches," a British television program that dedicated an episode to the subject, further revealed that the parents of the incinerated fetuses had been led to believe their remains had been cremated – as opposed to being treated as "clinical waste,” a designation that no doubt alleviated the burden of despicable reality for those who abetted this practice. Not to worry, though. Britain's Human Tissue Authority, whose Code 5 practice outlines the disposal procedures for fetuses under 24 weeks, will have those procedures reviewed by the government in order to "clarify“ them. "It’s disgraceful to think babies were thrown into the burner alongside waste such as bandages and syringes,” said actress and Dispatches hostess Amanda Holden, who suffered a miscarriage in 2010 and a stillbirth the following year. "I hope mothers and fathers will be comforted by the knowledge this won’t go on any more.“

Maybe they will, but that doesn’t negate the reality that this grisly practice has been going on for years – which means despite the sudden interest in disposal reform, there were NHS officials quite comfortable with it. Furthermore, as the Daily Mail reveals, Addenbrooke hospital viewed the disposals in budgetary terms: they were throwing aborted fetuses into the same incinerator used for rubbish, so they could save $30.71 per fetus. They used to send them to the Cambridge City Crematorium, but abandoned that practice when the crematorium raised its prices. No doubt someone saw this as a win-win, in that they were saving cremation costs and cutting energy costs.

Big story, right? Wrong. If you go to the first and second page of this search window on Google, you’ll note that other than one story by filed on March 31, all the other stories were either published March 24 or 25. 

After that, nothing. 

Why? One can only speculate, but I’m guessing a story like this doesn’t accrue to interests of the "it’s a clump of cells until we say it's something else" crowd, who scoff at the notion that human life begins at conception. No doubt the same media types who dismissed the charnel house run by abortionist and convicted murderer Kermit Gosnell as a ”local story“ feel no compunction to delve deeper here, either. After all, in an age where life has become so disposable, why should one particular method of disposal merit additional attention?

Thus, the story itself becomes disposable.

Story number two is another apparent yawner as far as the mainstream media is concerned. A Department of Homeland Security (DHS) internal document reviewed and published by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) makes an utter mockery of Democrat contentions that the Obama administration has strictly enforced immigration law:

A review of internal ICE metrics for 2013 reveals that hundreds of thousands of deportable aliens who were identified in the interior of the country were released instead of removed under the administration’s sweeping ‘prosecutorial discretion’ guidelines. In 2013, ICE reported 722,000 encounters with potentially deportable aliens, most of whom came to their attention after incarceration for a local arrest. Yet ICE officials followed through with immigration charges for only 195,000 of these aliens, only about one-fourth. According to ICE personnel, the vast majority of these releases occurred because of current policies that shield most illegal aliens from enforcement, not because the aliens turned out to have legal status or were qualified to stay in the United States.

Many of the aliens ignored by ICE were convicted criminals. In 2013, ICE agents released 68,000 aliens with criminal convictions, or 35 percent of all criminal aliens they reported encountering. The criminal alien releases typically occur without formal notice to local law enforcement agencies and victims. And where did they release these criminal aliens? Back into the general population.

But it gets worse. CIS notes that ICE targeted 28 percent fewer aliens for deportation in 2013 than in 2012, every ICE office reported a decline in interior enforcement activity, and that there are more than 870,000 aliens on ICE’s docket who have been ordered to be removed, but remain here in defiance of the law. 

CIS also reveals the cynical politics involved in this debacle, noting that such things as an alien’s family relationships, or the attention they receive from advocacy groups "can trump even serious criminal convictions and result in the termination of a deportation case." Moreover, a staggering three fourths of the aliens detained by ICE last year "had criminal and/or immigration convictions so serious that the detention was required by statute." 

CIS further explains that the Obama administration has been lying about the so-called record number of deportations they’ve been making: for the first time, ICE is taking credit for removing a large number of individuals caught by the Border Patrol. 

In other words, we have another scandal, further augmented by yet another lie, courtesy of an Obama administration that seems hell-bent on setting the historical bar for both.

Once again, here’s page one and page two of a Google search on the topic. Fox News is the only major broadcast entity to cover the story, along with two major newspapers, the New York Post and the Washington Times. Further note that all of the reporting on this story occurred between March 31 and April 2, and that the overwhelming majority of sources lean conservative.

After that, nothing.

It doesn’t take an Einstein to figure out why. Those in favor of comprehensive immigration reform, which include one-and-a-half political parties and their willing accomplices in the mainstream media, aren’t about to let any inconvenient realities spoil their upcoming amnesty party. And if that means allowing a teeming horde of miscreants, peppered with an unknown percentage of felonious thugs to roam the countryside with impunity, so be it. You can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs – eggs of course being a euphemism for any number of innocent Americans who might be robbed, raped or murdered "for the cause.”

This then, is the state of modern-day media. A couple of stories shoved under the carpet, not because they’re unimportant, but because they don’t accrue to the prevailing ideology. Besides, they might find that Malaysian jetliner any minute now, maybe even by the time you read this. That would be the Malaysian jetliner crack CNN anchor Don Lemon speculated might have been swallowed by a black hole. Maybe it’s the same black hole that swallowed responsible news broadcasting and journalistic integrity.

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