The Patriot Post® · From The Comedy Store

By Argus Hamilton ·

Barack Obama was interrupted by a car alarm at a Bel-Air mansion fundraiser while he was denouncing income inequality. It was embarrassing. You’d think if the Democrats really believed in ending income inequality they’d turn off the alarms and let the thieves have the cars.

Obama spent time with U.S. veterans on his trip to California. These guys are heroes. He met one guy who won a medal in Iraq for rescuing his unit and one guy who was decorated in Phoenix for going three weeks without food and water in the VA waiting room.

Monica Lewinsky wrote about her affair with Bill Clinton in this month’s Vanity Fair, ending a decade of silence. It’s hard to believe that Monica just turned forty years old. It seemed like it was just yesterday that she was crawling around on the floor of the Oval Office.

The Chicago Sun Times reported that Bill Clinton is considering issuing a public apology to Monica Lewinsky for the abuse she says that she’s endured since the late Nineties. What an era. Monica served with distinction in the Clinton White House as Under-Secretary of Desk.

The White House unleashed a hashtag offensive on Boko Haram demanding they release the Nigerian school girls. Talk about brinksmanship. The White House warned Boko Haram if they do not respond to our hashtags and release the girls, we will un-friend them on Facebook.

Michael Jordan: the Life is a new biography in which the NBA legend says he saw so much racism in North Carolina he grew up hating white people. He says sports healed him. Jordan was finally able to feel compassion for white people when he saw them trying to play basketball.

Twentieth Century Fox studios released trailers for Dawn of the Planet of the Apes which will opens in theaters in July. It’s total science fiction fantasy. In the movie, the apes take over everything and within a month, the U.S. border is secure and the federal budget is balanced.

Clay Aiken’s Democratic primary opponent for a House seat, Keith Crisco, died suddenly Monday. This followed in the footsteps of Andy Griffith. They demonstrated the best way to make Obamacare work is by doing commercials encouraging people to sign up and then dying.

Judicial Watch found e-mails Tuesday which link the IRS targeting of conservative groups two years ago to requests from officials in Washington D.C. How bad does it look? President Obama got a call from the Nixon Library offering to sublet the top floor if worse comes to worse.

Obama drew heat Monday for refusing to identify the Nigerian radical Islamist group Boko Haram as radical Islamists. He must be extra careful now. One slip of the tongue and President Obama will be forced to sell the Clippers before he and Magic can even buy them.

The FAA confirmed that a US Airways flight nearly collided with a drone near the Tallahassee airport. Many of these drones are made in India and China. They risk getting sucked into the engine of airliners, meaning that even the geese are losing their jobs to Asians.

Congress formed a select committee to probe the Benghazi attack. The White House stopped saying it was caused by an anti-Muslim video, now they think the fire at the U.S. consulate was ignited by global warming. They can’t blame Bush so they’re going after Gore.

Charles Barkley caused a firestorm by calling San Antonio women fat during an NBA pregame show. It’s just a week since the Sterling crisis. This spring, the NBA is showing us that the world is a wonderful place that’s full of people waiting to be offended by something.

© Copyright 2014 Argus Hamilton