The Patriot Post® · From The Comedy Store

By Argus Hamilton ·

Nancy Pelosi put five Democrats on the House committee looking into the Benghazi attack. They want to know where Obama and Hillary were that night during the consulate attack. They already asked Joe Biden where he was between nine and twelve, and he replied the third grade.

John Boehner backed off on immigration reform due to suspicions by Republicans. They don’t trust the president to enforce border control. The only thing stopping illegal aliens from crossing the U.S. border is their fear that Michelle Obama’s lunch rules apply to everybody.

Obama was in New York Thursday and fended off questions about NSA spying, the IRS scandal and Benghazi. Love him or hate him, you have to admit that President Obama really is a new kind of Democrat. He’s embroiled in three scandals and none of them involve sex.

Obama was lectured by Uruguay president Jose Mujica in front of reporters about the need for him to close Guantanamo prison. If Obama really wants to close it he should turn it into a government-financed solar company. The doors will be shut in a month.

San Diego firefighters battled wind-blown wildfires that burned up thousands of acres. The government really stepped up. After two days, Governor Jerry Brown issued an executive order raising the taxes and regulations on state wildfires and they moved to Texas.

Robert E. Lee is profiled in a new biography by Michael Korda that’s selling so fast Costco just ordered another twenty-five thousand copies of the book. Public interest in the Confederate general has been re-born. Six years ago, Obama promised he’d bring hope and change to America but this is NOT how he diagrammed the play on the chalkboard.

The White House vowed to withdraw all U.S. troops from Afghanistan by year’s end. That’s if they agree to leave. If given the choice between surviving Taliban attacks in the Afghan mountains and surviving VA care when they get home, they like their chances in the mountains.

Obama explained he didn’t know about the VA hospital scandal until he heard about it from reporters Monday. That’s pretty much the pattern. Obama doesn’t hold press conferences to make news; he holds press conferences to find out what’s in the news.

Joe Biden received an invitation from a smitten high school girl in Maryland to escort her to her high school prom. The vice president let her down gently, sending her a thank-you note and corsage. More surprising, Bill Clinton followed up with a box of chocolates.

The NAACP hosted a luncheon for the sixtieth anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Brown vs.Topeka Board of Education ruling ending the legal segregation of schools. It was a time when black schools and white schools began each day with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. flag. The entire ritual was a direct slap at our nation’s Hispanic heritage.

The Beverly Hills Hotel was boycotted by Hollywood stars over hotel owner the Sultan of Brunei enacting Sharia law in Brunei. It’s a clash of two civilizations. In Brunei, couples who commit adultery get stoned while in Beverly Hills, couples get stoned and commit adultery.

Provocateur James O'Keefe posed as an Arab oil rep and taped Hollywood stars agreeing to take Arab oil money to make an anti-fracking film. He secretly filmed them meeting at the Beverly Hills Hotel. This clearly violates the gay boycott of the hotel and could end their careers.

The Colorado Department of Public Safety revealed homicides are down sixty-six percent in Colorado since the state legalized pot. It’s not for lack of homicidal rage. It’s just that the number of people you can shoot is pretty much limited to whoever’s within range of your couch.

© Copyright 2014 Argus Hamilton