The Patriot Post® · From The Comedy Store

By Argus Hamilton ·

The White House faced angry bipartisan pressure to fix the quality of medical care at VA hospitals. The quality of care varies by region, by state and city. For example, at the Veterans Hospital in Los Angeles if your x-rays show a broken rib, they fix it with Photoshop.

Obama said he did not know about the VA scandal just as he’d earlier said he didn’t know about the IRS, Benghazi and AP spying scandals. The man is brilliant. Americans are increasingly convinced there is no limit to what President Obama doesn’t know.

Obama made an unannounced trip to Afghanistan to visit U.S. troops there. He was clearly surprised by the VA hospital scandal. When reporters first told him that Americans are concerned about our aging veterans, he promised federal aid to Derek Jeter.

The White House released the CIA station chief’s name on Obama’s flight to Afghanistan. A reporter saw it and tipped off the president. It was the first time the president could say that he learned of a White House scandal from the press with any zeal and credibility.

The National Football League received a letter from fifty U.S. Senators asking for a new name for the Washington Redskins. They want a name for the team that doesn’t provoke and exploit divisions between Americans. So far the best idea is the Maryland Redskins.

Mexico’s government urged Congress to add its ban on NSA domestic spying to include a ban on NSA monitoring phones calls in Mexico. Imagine their exasperation. It’s not enough that the NSA spies on Americans; they feel they have to spy on future Americans, too.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi blamed the VA hospital scandal on George W. Bush for sending the U.S. into Iraq and Afghanistan. It looked confusing. You could see the anger in her eyes, but unfortunately surprise is the only emotion she can register with her face.

Obama spelled out his foreign policy in a speech to the graduating West Point cadets on Wednesday. He began by saying that under the Constitution his power is wisely limited. It’s always a good idea to start your speech with a funny joke to get the crowd on your side.

Obama laid out his Central Asia strategy in a PBS interview. He disclosed that ten thousand U.S. troops will stay garrisoned in Afghanistan. The number would have been a lot less, but at least that many will be needed to protect the CIA station chief.

Google unveiled its new hands-free-driving car on which they spent hundreds of millions of dollars developing. It operates with no working accelerator pedal and no working brake pedal. How can Google make this car when Toyota clearly owns the patent to it?

NBC’s Brian Williams interviewed fugitive NSA leaker Edward Snowden. The fugitive NSA analyst’s popularity rating in America is higher than Barack Obama’s. The difference is, when Ed Snowden leaks information into your ear, he doesn’t tell you it’s raining.

Ukraine candy billionaire Petro Poroshenko was declared winner of the Ukraine presidential election Tuesday. He can count on Europe. France’s President Hollande was the first to call Petro Poroshenko and offer his congratulations and his complete and unconditional surrender.

Hillary Clinton’s new book Hard Choices passed the one million mark in advance sales, two weeks before it’s released. It’s no wonder why it’s selling so well. In the book Hillary recounts her accomplishments as Secretary of State and Americans love a good mystery.

© Copyright 2014 Argus Hamilton