The Patriot Post® · From The Comedy Store

By Argus Hamilton ·

Susan Rice went on the Sunday talk shows to defend the administration for trading five Taliban leaders for a soldier who went AWOL. This time she covered her tracks. Susan Rice declared that Bergdahl served with honor and distinction, but she didn’t say for which side.

The White House poll numbers showed a loss of confidence in foreign policy. The administration remains defiant. Susan Rice was asked to comment on last weekend’s big anniversary and she declared that O.J. Simpson served NBC Sports with honor and distinction.

The White House made no apologies for agreeing with the Taliban to hand over five Taliban leaders in exchange for Bergdahl. They had good reason for not consulting with Congress about the swap. It’s against U.S. government policy to negotiate with Republicans.

Obama was denounced in France for chewing gum during the French national anthem at the D-Day ceremony. It was embarrassing for them. At the end of the anthem, he popped a bubble and France’s president turned and surrendered to Angela Merkel of Germany.

Hard Choices by Hillary Clinton hit the book stores this week about her time as secretary of state. She found out Tuesday it’s also the title of a porn movie in the Eighties about a lusty professor and the co-eds in his class. This is the last time she asks her husband for a good book title.

Hillary Clinton gave an interview to Diane Sawyer on ABC News to promote her book Hard Choices. Her desire to be president makes perfect sense. If you were married to Bill Clinton, wouldn’t you want to be able to tap his phone, read his e-mail and torture him?

Obama was posing with Connecticut’s women’s NCAA basketball champs when a girl slipped and fell off the riser. The president spun around and caught her in mid-air with catlike quickness. So, if you have Obamacare Platinum, the president saves your life personally.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor lost his GOP primary to Tea Party professor David Brat. He depicted Cantor as deal-maker who worked with President Obama. David Brat has done nothing in terms of government work and that’s exactly what the voters wanted done.

The U.S. was flooded by illegal immigrant children taking advantage of Obama’s executive order enacting the Dream Act. Law professors claim ruling by executive order is unconstitutional, but that’s not true. He just signed an executive order making it constitutional.

Arizona bus stations were overrun with Indian children from Central America this week arriving to benefit from Obama’s Dream Act. It never ends.The AP announced it’ll no longer refer to border crossers as illegal aliens. Instead they will be called Undocumented Democrats.

The Taliban leaders freed by Obama last week vowed to keep fighting against the U.S. They say they don’t want people who aren’t Muslim in Afghanistan and Pakistan. President Obama has tried to accommodate their wishes by only sending in unmanned drones.

Obama slipped away from the White House press corps and went to a nearby Starbucks. It was fun for him. The president doesn’t carry cash so he traded three Taliban prisoners for a Mocha Caffe Frappuccino and they gave him two Somali pirates back in change.

Joe Biden told the National Association of Manufacturers convention that America needs a steady, unrelenting stream of new immigrants. There are a hundred million Americans out of work. On his way home Joe Biden’s train of thought derailed and there were no survivors.

© Copyright 2014 Argus Hamilton