The Patriot Post® · From The Comedy Store

By Argus Hamilton ·

Obama slipped his press detail for the second straight day Wednesday and he went to his favorite burger joint. This restaurant may have the world’s best security now. That’s because the president traded them five Secret Service agents for a full bag of cheese fries.

Al-Qaeda rebels in Iraq captured Tikrit and Mosul after capturing Fallujah and advancing on the capital. Obama turned out to be right when he said we’ve got al-Qaeda on the run. Right now they’re running like the last one to Baghdad is a rotten egg.

Iraqi locals in towns conquered by al-Qaeda rebels say rebel leaders are already taking bribes for favors, hiring relatives, and taking money under the table from contractors. That’s amazing. In only a month they they’ve managed to establish an American-style democracy.

The White House mulled the terrorist threat to Baghdad. Everyone offered their expertise. Kerry suggested collaboration with Iran, the Pentagon pushed Special Forces and the president suggested a few rounds of golf between the Sunnis and Shias, the winner takes Iraq.

The U.S. Navy sent aircraft carriers into the Persian Gulf to monitor al-Qaeda of Iraq’s advance on Baghdad. We could do more. If Obama really wants to get rid of al-Qaeda of Iraq he should declare it a conservative non-profit group and let the IRS take them out.

U.S. Special Forces landed in Libya and captured the leader of the attack on our consulate in Benghazi three years ago. The terrorist was immediately placed on a transport ship back to Washington D.C. Now the president has to work fast to beat the July 1st trading deadline.

A State Department official said Obama was determined to close Guantanamo prison. Reaction split predictably MSNBC called the closing of Guantanamo a human rights victory while Fox News said it shows that under Obama, even terrorists are losing their homes.

Joe Biden was in the stands to cheer the U.S. soccer team in its victory over Ghana in the opening game in the World Cup. Afterwards he got a congratulatory call from the president. Joe made it through the entire game without causing an international incident.

Russia’s team suffered an accidental goal while playing South Korea in the World Cup opener, resulting in a tie. Their anguish was real. A loss by Russia would be a bitter pill for the team to swallow, and Vladimir Putin will be there to make sure they swallow the pill.

The White House added to its edicts of killing coal, opening the border, and altering the ACA by canceling the property rights of the Redskins owner. It’s the only way they can govern. Barack Obama’s approval rating is so low now, the only thing he’s above is the law.

The U.S. Patent Office canceled the trademark of the Washington Redskins owned by Dan Snyder. He’s tired of all the controversy. If someone would just offer Daniel Snyder two billion dollars for the Redskins he could sell them, buy the Cleveland Indians and live happily ever after.

Forbes reported that Charlotte Hornets owner Michael Jordan is worth one billion dollars. Last year it was half a billion. However, he just wrote that growing up he hated white people, and under NBA rules if an owner expresses any racial prejudice it doubles the value of his team.

Pete Rose returned to baseball for one day to manage an independent Atlantic League pro team. There is huge pressure to forgive and reinstate him. NSA advisor Susan Rice told the Sunday talk shows that Pete Rose served in Las Vegas with honor and distinction.

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