The Patriot Post® · Can America Still Be Saved?

By Burt Prelutsky ·

I believe it is essential that the GOP take back control of the Senate in November because it would help limit the damage that Obama can do to this nation in his final two years. But I’m not sure that’s enough. If you doff your rose-colored glasses, it’s awfully hard to see a lot of silver linings.

Once you get past our gallant past and the promise of our divinely-inspired Constitution, what do you see? What I see are a million abortions a year. I see the foolishness of same-sex marriages and I see states tripping over themselves in their rush to legalize brain-deadening drugs. I see the filth and decadence of our popular culture. I see journalists who have rejected objectivity and assumed the role of propagandists for the Left. I see our leaders promoting a racial divide that ignores black violence, black illegitimacy rates and the morphing of black thugs into Muslim terrorists, while accusing the entire white race of bigotry.

Furthermore, I see an education system, once the envy of the world, moving away from instruction in favor of indoctrination, and colleges that continue to offer degrees in such clownish pursuits as Black, Hispanic and Lesbian Studies. I see parents flaunting their vanity by insisting that even the dullest of their offspring squander years and a potful of money getting degrees that neither make them any smarter nor help them earn a post-graduate living.

In the meantime, they move back to their parents’ basements, demonstrate with Occupy Wall Street slackers, and whine about the injustice of capitalism, while thousands of jobs for welders, mechanics and plumbers, go begging.

As if all that isn’t bad enough, we continue to keep our borders porous because those in one party want Hispanic votes and an increased number of union members and those in the other party lust for cheap labor. And for reasons I can’t begin to grasp, neither party wants us to get out of the U.N. and get the U.N. out of the U.S.

To this day, I don’t understand why we ever decide to defend one group of Muslims from another group of Muslims. I understand attacking them whenever they appear to be a risk to America or Israel, but not on behalf of anyone but ourselves. These people are not our friends; they are swamp creatures. What’s more, all they ever do during these conflicts is offer to hold our coat while we do their fighting and dying for them.

I recently saw a cartoon of Obama trying to explain the seating arrangements at an Anti-ISIL gathering to a maître d’: “Just make sure you don’t put any enemy-of-my-enemies next to any friend-of-my-friend’s-enemies-enemy.”

Recently, a man in London at a rare non-Islamic demonstration was seen carrying a sign that read “We would boycott Palestinian goods, but they don’t make anything.” That’s not entirely true. They make trouble and, what’s more, it’s their major export.

These days, we can’t even trust our scientists to tell us the truth. Take global warming, for instance. I am not a climatologist. I don’t spend my time measuring glaciers, taking the ocean’s temperature or interviewing polar bears. My particular strength is sniffing out hypocrisy and bullsh-t.

So when I hear so-called experts defending global warming as “settled science” or “scientific consensus,” I know I’m standing downwind from a stockyard. Science is rarely or ever settled unless we’re referring to things that have been measured and proven, such as the law of gravity or the theory of relativity. As for consensus, science is not proven by taking a vote, especially not when by actual measurement, there has been no discernible warming for the past 17 years!

Therefore, when it comes to siding with one group of experts or another, I ask myself which group is receiving academic honors and government grant? Which side is being hired by universities and being granted tenure? And which side keeps trying to provide facts in spite of facing ridicule and the loss of employment while being labeled “climate-deniers,” likening them to Holocaust-deniers and “Truthers” by the likes of Al Gore, Barack Obama and Harry Reid, who have a vested political and financial interest in promoting the hoax.

Possibly the surest sign that America is in decline is that the country twice elected Barack Hussein Obama to be its commander-in-chief. The chump hasn’t the know-how to be a crossing guard, but we gave him the same two terms we once gave George Washington and Ronald Reagan. As I said just prior to the 2012 election, I thought America could probably survive eight years of Obama, but I wasn’t so sure it could survive an electorate that would grant him a second term.

I keep hearing people tell me that Obama is bright. But how bright can he be when, reminiscent of Bill Clinton’s inability to define “is,” this turkey can’t define “war” or recognize “Islamic terrorism,” which he keeps referring to as “workplace violence” or as criminal activity on a par with knocking over a 7-11.

Both Obama and Kerry seem to think that if we don’t send ground forces into Iraq and Syria, and only rely on planes and bombs, it’s not really a war. However, during WWII, Germany never successfully invaded England. Instead, they relied on the Luftwaffe and their V-2 missiles. I suspect the English believed they were engaged in a war even if there were no Nazi boots on the ground.

A minute after announcing the beheading of an American, Obama ran off to the links. Then, when he was chastised for his insensitivity, he said he should have anticipated “the optics.” That statement not only confirmed once again how unfit he is for the office he holds, but exposes what a group of toadies and incompetents he has surrounded himself with that not one of them – not Valerie Jarrett, Josh Earnest, David Plouffe or even Michelle – advised him to skip golf on that day of national shock and mourning.

Richard Nixon once wrote a memoir called “Six Crises,” in which he detailed half a dozen memorable events in which he played a role, including the Alger Hiss case and his debate with Nikita Khrushchev. George W. Bush wrote a memoir called “Decision Points” in which he related how he came to make a dozen of his most important decisions related to 9/11, the invasion of Iraq and the war on terrorism.

If Barack Obama ever gets around to writing his own presidential memoir, I assume it will deal with the 18 toughest rounds of golf he played during his time in office.