The Patriot Post® · Upsetting the Apple Cart

By Tony Perkins ·

Apple’s old logo was colored by the rainbow – and it looks like their top management still is. Three years after taking the company over for an ailing Steve Jobs, Apple CEO Tim Cook confirmed what many people suspected: he identifies as a homosexual. Cook, the head of the tech world’s colossus, said he made the announcement because his predecessor had urged him to “be himself” as the company’s chief executive.

“While I have never denied my sexuality, I haven’t publicly acknowledged it either, until now,” writes Cook. “So let me be clear: I’m proud to be gay, and I consider being gay among the greatest gifts God has given me.” Of course, the news was greeted with a huge round of media applause, as words of support and encouragement continue to pour in from the corporate world.

For the LGBT community, having the weight of one of the world’s biggest companies at their disposal is being hailed as a watershed moment. “This serves as an opening of the door for other CEOs, senior-level managers, senior-level executives to say I’m ready to bring my authentic self to the office and I know now that it’s not potentially a detriment, it’s an asset to be out and proud in the workplace,” a homosexual activist cheered.

But what about Christian conservatives? Should Cook’s sexuality really matter? Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) was one of the few Republicans to react. It’s a “personal decision,” he told reporters. But when it comes to marriage as a political issue, Senator Cruz made it clear that he’s focusing on the constitutional questions of marriage and “who has the authority” to redefine it. This may surprise liberals, but as far as I’m concerned, Cook’s sexuality is irrelevant. It only becomes an issue when homosexuals make it one – and use their businesses as a platform for radical activism.

When companies get involved in cultural battles, every consumer is forced to take part. And whether people realize it or not, their money could be fueling an agenda they strongly oppose. As conservatives, we aren’t looking for businesses to take our side. We don’t want them to take either side! All we’re asking is for them to focus on their mission of providing quality products and service.

Unlike liberals, we aren’t grabbing pitchforks and demanding Cook’s head like the “tolerant” Left did with Mozilla’s Brandon Eich (who, incidentally, never wore his marriage views on his sleeve – like Cook literally has). We will not be working to force Cook out, because we believe in freedom and the power of dialogue. Tim has every right to express his views – just as Brandon did. But consumers have rights too – including the right to respond.

As Christians, it’s incumbent upon us to be good stewards of the money God’s given us. And there are powerful resources to help us do exactly that – as consumers and as shareholders. Over the past couple of years, several programs and apps have exploded on the scene to help Americans not just voice their values, but shop them. One of those options is 2nd Vote, which evaluates companies on host of issues including life, marriage, the Second Amendment, and the environment. “The premise,” said 2nd Vote’s Executive Director, “is the first vote is at the ballot box, and the second vote is where you spend your money every day. Conservatives will be shocked to see who companies fund,” Chris Walker explained.

Faith-driven Consumer is another great resource that offers business rankings on everything from fast food to airline carriers. And, if you’re an investor, your stock portfolios have the opportunity to make the biggest impact. Shareholders can check their stocks at Steward Funds or The Timothy Plan. If you think it’s impossible to change corporate America, think again. All too often, we get angry at the culture but don’t do anything about it. Being conscious of where your dollars are going is a small thing that can have a big impact. Regardless of political correctness, money talks. And believe me, corporate America is listening.

This is a publication of the Family Research Council. Mr. Perkins is president of FRC.