The Patriot Post® · Let the White House Be a Gun-Free Zone!

By Burt Prelutsky ·

The question is whether Barack Obama realizes how silly he sounds when he begins pontificating about guns. I realize he isn’t as smart as his defenders like to pretend, but is it possible that he’s really so stupid that he thinks the cause of violence in America is guns, the inanimate objects that are powerless until someone picks them up and uses or misuses them?

The only relevant question is whether that person is a law-abiding citizen or a thug, a sane person or a loon who bays at the moon.

Some people objected to Obama’s politicizing the issue before the blood had even congealed at Umpqua Community College, while others objected to his regurgitating the same talking points he always delivers on these tragic occasions.

For my part, I thought he should have been addressing the 50 shootings that had taken place that weekend in Chicago. In fact, during the first nine months of 2015, 1,700 shootings had been recorded in the Windy City that should be called the Bloody City, and 349 people had been killed. But, then, Obama will do whatever it takes to avoid talking about black-on-black or black-on-cop crime in America.

Something else he doesn’t care to mention is that the killer asked each of his victims what their religion was and depending on whether they answered “Christian” or something else, he would shoot them in the head or the leg. To the Christian victims, he said, “Good, because you’re going to see God in just about a second.” Fortunately, the killer would get to shake hands with Satan soon afterwards, but if he hadn’t been the only person on campus with a gun, the rendezvous could have taken place even sooner.

And the other thing that Obama would never mention is that Chris Harper-Mercer, the nebbish responsible for killing and maiming all those people in Roseburg, Oregon, had a white father and a black mother, not all that different from Obama, himself. In fact, some of us are still waiting to hear Obama point out that the 26-year-old monster looked like the son he had never had.

But Obama isn’t the only politically correct coward who embarrassed himself in the aftermath of the massacre. For its part, CNN lightened the killer’s complexion in the photos they displayed on TV, lest anyone get the idea that a black person might murder a lot of people all at once and not drag the killings out over an entire weekend, as they are wont to do.

Obama attacks the NRA and gun dealers and owners, but doesn’t say a word about black fathers who desert their women and children, leaving the kids to grow up as urban savages with no loyalty except to their gangs and no regard for human life, including quite often their own.

For my part, I would suggest that everyone with a gun leave the White House unprotected, and let the First Family rely on a phone call to the police, just the way Obama suggests the rest of us deal with criminals. He even has the gall to suggest that those places with the strictest gun laws have the fewest gun deaths, when everyone knows that statistics and commonsense say otherwise. The only thing that the strictest gun laws do is assure criminals that when they start shooting, nobody is likely to shoot back.

But, then, Obama always wants to distract us with such partisan issues rather than deal with uncomfortable realities. For instance, he is still trying to make nice with Russia’s overly ambitious strongman, Vladimir Putin. And then there’s Syria’s Assad, whose days Obama claimed were numbered three years ago, but who remains in power. Even back in 2012, I predicted that Assad’s days would ultimately far out-number Obama’s.

It wasn’t that I was another Nostradamus. But it was obvious that after Obama announced that the discovery of chemical weapons in Syria would constitute a red line calling for military action, and then did nothing when the weapons were found, it was not only apparent to me that our commander-in-chief was a paper tiger, but equally, and more dangerously apparent, to Assad, Putin, the Ayatollah, ISIS, North Korea and China.

In case anyone ever wondered why those on the Left are so protective of Planned Parenthood, one clue is that in 2014, the group donated $676,773 to the campaigns of Democrats and $2,823 to Republicans.

In one of his first foreign policy statements, Donald Trump welcomed Russia into the Middle East. I guess that finally answers the question about how the man who wrote “The Art of the Deal” would deal with the world’s worst demons. It seems he’d build them a golf course.

On the other hand, Benjamin Netanyahu shamed the members of the U.N. by reminding them that they had all sat silently when Iran’s leader promised to annihilate Israel, much as Ethiopia’s Haile Selassie had done when he addressed the League of Nations in 1936 after Mussolini promised to invade his country.

In 79 years, nothing much has changed, except for the name of the corrupt world organization and its location.

Netanyahu stared down the moral cowards for a full 45 seconds. It might as well have been 45 hours. They barely had the courage to look at him, let alone applaud his words.

At least these yellow dogs showed their true feelings, unlike the U.S. Senate, whose members gave him several ovations during his address, but then saw 42 of the miserable scoundrels back Obama and his suicidal nuclear deal.