The Patriot Post® · The Disposable Society

By Burt Prelutsky ·

I’m not sure how long people have been complaining that ours is a disposable society, but it’s been a long time and things are not getting any better.

At least in the beginning, it was usually clocks, razors and small kitchen appliances, they were referring to, pointing out that it was cheaper to replace these things than to repair them. Before we knew it, we were including such pricier items as cars, TV sets, iPhones, printers and computers.

By now, it shouldn’t be too surprising that thanks to the combination of a leftist media and an education system that sees its primary objective to be propagandizing on behalf of those who despise America’s values and traditions, the list has expanded to include husbands, wives, children, the Constitution, our national sovereignty, religious freedom, logic and commonsense.

The thing that makes political campaigns so tedious isn’t just their length or even the mediocre participants, but their predictability. This is particularly true of Democrats. Year after year, they fall back on the same old tiresome talking points. For instance, they argue for stricter gun laws, although the locales that have the most stringent are also the places that have the most murders.

They argue for a higher minimum wage although they know that those receiving it have the least marketable skills and if you raise their wages, those paying their salaries are more likely to fire them than to pay them $30,000-a-year to flip burgers.

They accuse the GOP of being a party that wages war on blacks and Hispanics, while ignoring the fact that they’re the party offering up four white men and a white woman, while the Republican field includes Ben Carson, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, while a fourth contender, Jeb Bush, is married to an Hispanic.

The Democrats are forever insisting they’re the ones looking out for the middle class, although it’s their fiscal policies, their tax plans and their rules and regulations, that have kept wages stagnant for the past seven years, prevented corporations from bringing home their foreign profits and stopped the Keystone pipeline dead in its tracks.

The only members of the middle class that the Democrats care about are government workers because they know they can count on their votes, in exchange for which the Democrats have acceded to all their demands for larger salaries and fatter pensions, the very things that are helping to bankrupt the nation.

I know that a lot of people have attacked Jeb Bush because he appeared to be dismissive of the massacre that took place in Roseburg, Oregon, when he said: “Stuff happens.” He might have been more eloquent, but he was right. In a nation of 320 million people, where crazy people are far more likely to be hit with lightening than to be institutionalized before they go on a murderous rampage, bad stuff is bound to happen on a regular basis.

The fact remains that if Barack Obama were serious about preventing such carnage, he would start talking more about preventive incarceration and less about guns, which are no more lethal than pressure cookers, unless they, too, happen to wind up in the hands of thugs, loons or jihadists.

It would also help if instead of condemning guns on a daily basis, Obama would concentrate on the fact that gun-free zones have been the location of just about every massacre since Nidal Hasan channeled his inner Osama bin Laden down at Fort Hood. These various killing fields have included induction centers, military bases, movie theaters, along with a slew of high school and college campuses.

But, then, if Obama really cared more about eliminating violence and less about social engineering, he wouldn’t be promoting the building of public housing in neighborhoods where poor people couldn’t otherwise afford to live. As a matter of fact, if sanity could ever trump a leftist agenda, there would be no such thing as subsidized public housing for anyone but criminals and the insane, the two groups Obama seems only too happy to see in the streets fending for themselves.

The fact is that every time I see or hear Barack Obama, I am reminded of a line I read a while back: “I wonder if clouds ever look down on us and say, Hey, look – that one is shaped like an idiot.”

In the wake of John Boehner’s resignation, it appeared that Rep. Kevin McCarthy (CA) would replace him. But then McCarthy proved he was cut of the same cloth by saying something so stupid that if you shut your eyes, you would have imagined you were listening to Boehner. He managed in 10 seconds to do what the Democrats had failed to do in a year, which was to make Trey Gowdy’s Benghazi committee appear as if its sole purpose in looking into the facts surrounding the tragic events in Libya was to destroy Hillary Clinton’s presidential aspirations.

It’s common knowledge that the Democrats in Washington are evil and the Republicans are stupid, but must the Republicans insist on constantly pounding the point home? Do we really need to be reminded every hour on the hour?

Speaking of Republicans, in the group photo taken at the CNN debate, Jeb Bush, apparently acting on instructions from his grossly over-paid advisors, went up on his tippy toes. I suppose it was intended to send the subliminal message that he literally stood head and shoulders above his rivals. If so, it failed.

On the other hand, it did lead to the Los Angeles Lakers offering him a contract.